Since the Amoebattles thread was closed down, I figured this thread is where we can post updates to For those of you unfamiliar with it, is a website that allows you to download (free) sponsored apps to earn credits. The credits allow you to redeem for otherwise paid-for apps. I am no way affiliated with But I think it's a great service to allow gamers like myself to save a few bucks here and there.
I still doubt about the legality of this "thing"'s too wonderful to have great games for free to be legal at 100%
It seems legit. I believe what's happening here behind the scenes is they're buying gift codes from the App Store for $x, developers are paying them $y to have people download the featured games and advertisers are paying them $z for you to watch trailers. When you've earned enough credits that $y+$z exceeds $x by whatever profit margins they're looking for is, you get the gift code. Keep in mind, when you're not buying something, you're the product being bought and that definitely seems to be true here.
I now have the points for Pages and ALL APPLE APPS are gone form the site, people in the other thread said they have disappeared for a couple days before but it's been more then a couple days. Hopefully they come back soon
It's legal, and I've seen similar services run for various MMO's. 1. Companies pay FreeMyApps to receive a certain downloads/impressions of their apps from genuine users (and not spam/bots) at a 30sec minimum (TV commercial length). 2. Users download said free apps with the incentive of earning points to get free games. 3. Profit. A lot of downloads reward around 80 points, compared to the average $1 reward costs 260 points. With simple math, as long as companies are willing to pay more than around $0.31 for an impression, then profits. It's totally legal. The big question, is whether Apple accepts it or not.
Not so much. The pc realm has had a few sites where if you "sign up" for things, you can obtain software in its library that is otherwise sold. Now when were talking $30 software here, you usually had to throw like $10 at a service to try it for a month, or in my case I just apped for a credit card. In the iOS case however when apps cost 1-3 bucks, a lot more lower cost advertising/trial methods can be utilized. In the case of this site is appears that they have gotten together with two sets of game companies, one set wants their games to be downloaded and tried out in a more aggressive trial style manner (The video I saw simply opened it up just to get the credits, but the fact that it is on your system now means you may actually check it out). When you have been registered as trying out said app, that company is paying freemyapps a certain amount of money. In the second column, they have a bunch of paid versions of apps, but only a select bunch and some of them are quite old, so these are apps that the game makers have elected to take what ever that (probably cheaper) fee was from the trial company as payment. You will note that the purchases are done through promo codes in the actual itunes store so once you have the game, it is yours, and you are downloading it from a legit source.
I got Grand Theft Auto III, Clear Vision and am saving for Infinity Blade II. Legit it is! Also I've found cool apps through this and kept them. Everyone wins!
I'm new to FMA. Has Infinity Blade II come and gone before? It's gone and I just now got enough credits for it... I look forward to utilizing the service until Apple shuts it down!
Yes. It's back. But when I tried to download FMA said: "Sorry, Pages is not currently available. Please select another gift." Will try later
New to FMA, thanks to touch arcade! Was saving up for iMovies - and should have enough once mobli is credited. Dissapointed to find its disappeared - hope those who wanted Pages were able to download it now that it's come back. Is this the beginning of the end? Do you think that their business model wasn't sustainable so they are going to let redeemable gift apps slowly dwindle without renewing, so there's not much of a choice? I dont know much about these things, just wondering out loud. That sucks; for People like me Congrats to everyone that's already cashed out with what they wanted!
I know the site is legal I just feel once Apple catches wind of this site they are going to force their apps be removed, I seriously doubt they want their apps being given out for free under any circumstance
New sponsor app +80 credits. Strange showed up only on my iPhone 3G and iPad orig. (NOT on iPhone 4 and iPad 3rd gen.) Still not being able to download Pages. Same error message as I posted before.
Nice! I've missed quite a few sponsor apps and if I only got 260 apps I guess I could be close to that.