[FREE] Android equations puzzle game : Numbers Dropping

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Thorgrim Media, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Thorgrim Media

    Thorgrim Media New Member

    Apr 13, 2014

    Entertaining new equation/math-puzzle.

    Forget about games like angry birds, flapping bird and subway surfer - this is about using your brain for once! :)

    First you select between the 4 levels of difficulty, first-timer, beginner, skilled or genius and then the hazzle begins.

    And endless of ever changing equations gets presented to you and you have to solve them as quickly as possible before you run out of numbers.

    If you're fast enough you'll break the bank and have your whole board filled up with fresh numbers again.

    Slowly the equations gets more and more difficult and the speed that the numbers drops with increases as well.

    During the development of this game we found out that you can increase your equation skills and speed by quite a lot by playing this game.

    Because we have 4 different levels, this game can be played by people in all ages.

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