Hey guys, Just thought I would post some walkthroughs/playthroughs for the popular iOS game "Fragger," in case anyone needs any help with the levels. The walkthrough is organized by worlds, with links to where you can get the solutions. All solutions are guaranteed three stars (maximum possible in the game.) If you guys have any questions, feel free to post below. I'll be updating this quite often until I get all on the levels beat and the solutions loaded onto this thread. iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/app/id373046496?mt=8 EDIT: All my links to the solutions were removed due to an infraction of the forum rules. Instead, I have created a YouTube playlist with all the solutions. View them below: Fragger Walkthroughs I already have the entire first world beat, just uploading to YouTube. This will be updated very frequently!
Really great help for me because I was stuck in level 20. I hate the strange hole, lol. Make it now anyway. Great thanks. I do think the song in level 18 is wonderful. I'll continue playing this game until I finished all the levels.