Forum reputation?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by ibelongintheforums, Apr 11, 2009.

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  1. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    That's the point. Get over it. EDNI is banned and Klondike is to. (klondy is cool). Don't you see, your fighting a losing battle. Every day more people join and every day the old TA slips away. Some time you have to realize that it's not coming back. And better sooner then later.
  2. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Klondike is still here. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't spew **** out of your mouth. I understand that, and I have adapted. Away from the Games section, where the problems originates. I stay in the Lounge. And communicate through email and PM.
  3. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    I know Klondike is still here. That's why when I refered to him I said IS cool.
  4. BulletDev

    BulletDev Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    produce applications under "Bullet Development"
    Vancouver, BC
    Can't agree more. The smaller forums or sub forums feel like what the whole place felt like before things got crazy.

    Actually, last year, nobody every posted in any forum besides games...
  5. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Yep. I know, we didn't have anything in here, Lounge, Jailbreak, or Apps for a long time. I mean, we had SOMETHING, but nothing worth anything.
  6. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    #46 Kamazar, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
    I'm not even gonna read the rest of the posts, forget about what you said before, I LOVE YOU, IBITF!

    Edit: Ah, well, read the rest of the posts, the fight's getting ugly. There seems to be a distinctive pattern here.

    Pre-Christmas Conservatists vs. Post-Christmas Liberalists

    Such a happy family :/

    I really don't know what to say to you guys. Arn needs exposure and traffic if he wants to make this effort and contribution worthwhile. This is obviously gonna bring new members to the forum. I mean, that's how we all got here. We found TA. If you want a close knit of people, I don't know what to tell you. The internet really isn't the place for that. We're here, the best we can do is talk and avoid arguing, stop living the past. Get a group of friends and go out for a drink instead of angering yourself over something as petty as this. Really, man, life's too short.
  7. spmwinkel

    spmwinkel Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    TA is just like a society!

    People think about the good old days, while 'society' degenerates. And yet we get more new members to join, and more new devs that post on here.

    And while some of the new members are posting a lot (to the point of it getting spammy), I believe that that's just a minority. Most of the new members can get to 100+ posts without ever being really noticed by the "Pre-Christmas" members. And that's what happens in a larger society, people can co-exist without having to notice each other, if they don't share the same (game)interests.

    EDNG couldn't have 'saved' the forums. Yes, maybe he could have scared a few new members away. But I think that would have been the members who just joined and asked for game recommendations, they don't know that that will get them flamed. I don't think EDNG would have been able to keep the Pocket God topics to <10 pages a week.
    And even if he WOULD have been able to do that, it's not how I'd like to see the forums 'managed'. If TA would have effectively been 'ruled' by a bully instead of the mods, not a lot of people would want to hang out here I think. (I know I was starting to take the side of the new members. I guess I'm a Pre-Christmas liberalist? :p)
  8. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    ah, the constant debate.

    I have little to say. Change occurs. Nothing stays constant. I think the iPhone gaming discussion here is still the best around.

    I don't know what EDNG has to do with anything. He was simply someone who couldn't not break the rules. Just like anyone who breaks rules intentionally, there's no place for them here. It's no accident that those people don't feel welcome here -- they aren't welcome here.

    The site will continue to evolve over time, and there's nothing you or I can do to stop that.

  9. pante

    pante Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    i don't give a damn about EDNG.

    and as Arn pointed out "I think the iPhone gaming discussion here is still the best around.".

    true, true.
  10. indyraider4

    indyraider4 Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    I am sorry I missed the pre-christmas TA, and I really hope I am not a worthless spammer who is running TA into the ground with loads of crap because of my inability to use the search button, like others are. I see so much immaturity here, and I wish, even if you are only 12, you would at least act like you are a college grad, and be smart. I don't know what I would do without TA. before TA, i would check each game section in the morning and see the new updates, and my news resource was pocketgamer. I am so glad I found TA!
  11. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    I don't either.

    Some people like Candy and IBITF have 1000+ posts and do nothing but spam.
  12. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    I agree..... I have hardly any room to talk though.....

    I hope TA dosent
    crash and burn in the near future
    I love TA......I'll miss it if it's not here...
  13. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    You joined in December. Candy joined in what? March? February?

    I think that arn would make a fresh forums if that happened. Leave this one to die, and make a new one about iPhone gaming.
  14. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Candy has what about 2000
    Me 1300 and
    I've been here longer and I
    Check in as often as I
    I have nothing agaisnt post counts....
    like I said I have hardly any room to
  15. ajd90

    ajd90 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, UK
    #55 ajd90, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
    I agree completely! I use TA everyday and there are plenty of people who have a real passion for iPhone gaming and give great reviews and recommendations.

    In terms of newbie flamings, I remember when I first joined, my first post was 'space ninja vs. snail mail', klondike and a couple of others got in on the act and, well, do I need to say anymore ;) The upshot of that is, I now always use the search function :D But folks such as spmwinkel, IBITF, coconut bowling etc, were really sound and welcomed me into the forums which I appreciated :) There are loads of really cool people on here but I have little time for members who have a bad attitude or tear into new members about spamming, when their posts flaming the new member is spam. I'm not mentioning any names, but a few are senior members. I think TA is an amazing resource with some great people and it would really suck if the community feel of TA was lost.


    EDIT: this is slightly off topic but what did EDNG do? In my 'space ninja vs. snail mail' thread, he didn't give me a flaming, which is surprising now, given his reputation :confused:
  16. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    See brewster and rocketman?
    Instead of flaming members tell them kindly. People will come back and thank you. And it sure feels a whole lot better then flaming. EDNG isn't a nice person. Maybe to his tools but not anyone else. Brewster and rocketman how many friends do you have?
    Why not more?
    Be nice and accept change. Have you been mentioned for being nice?
    Because your mean. Your legend might still remain with the good ole boys but no one will like u if you flame.
    Honestly, brewster you don't have to try to be EDNG. Be brewstermax. Whoever he is needs to realize that he can never step out of his shadow.
    And ajd, glad I could welcome welcome you.
    P.S. EDNG was banned for reasons we don't know and according to yuthe are confidential. He was mean spirited and I guess maybe the day u posted he was on drugs maybe. ;)
  17. coconutbowling

    coconutbowling Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Thank you ajd90. I didn't even realize I was being nice, and now I'm thanked for it. That really just made my day. Thank you.
  18. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    That's rubbish and you know it. Mean as ever I can see.
  19. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    wth are you talking about ME for? It's the quality of the posts. I am an active member and Arn has made it clear to me that I am valued member of this community.
  20. DaveMc99

    DaveMc99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seattle, WA USA
    Just ignore him.. his idea of a valued member is EDNG.. it is not Arn's view or the view of most members here.

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