I used to think that it took rocket science to come up with a great idea. Wow, costanza, are you a rocket scientist?? . @rootbeersoup, I agree completely. @RedStaR, yes it was, and maybe a poll on this one would be more appropriate.
lol ok group hug no hard feelings....I guess I'm off to a bad start here so let's start fresh...anyways a poll here wouldn't really work since everyone in this thread is against the promos but wtvr and sorry again. I'm really a nice person.
what I don't understand is how promo threads consiting of joke and football score contest are still up in the games section!!!!!!!!! and these aren't like junior members starting these threads either, but i guess that's why its acceptible. fair my a$$!!!
Yes, lets start fresh (hand-shake). The poll here should work fine. Everyone has a chance of visiting this section of the forum, wether they are for or against. I will even edit my last post on the closed thread to say people can vote on this one. Thanks again for the apology.
@Wastedyouth: I understand that a clutter of any repetitve post is annoying, but it's not as if a lot has come out in the last few days to talk about....even the homepage has had the same LCD game up since yesterday morning. Not to mention that threads filter themselves...so if a collective group wanted to stop the thread from blossoming in that forum he could just not post a comment saying "how he hates that people make these threads or to many" you kind of made your own monster there. I measn if i don't like a thread thats at the bottom...I wouldn't post a pointless comment "how many more codes threads do we need" cause that would put it at the top Second- this is a question, as it stands now there is no deticated forum for codes right? so where would someone new start a GAME code thread.....prbably the GAMES section. not trying to be a dick....i'm asking seriousley
I voted to create a new section for promo codes. While I personally find the promo code threads and posts annoying, I would not like to see them banned from Touch Arcade. I'm sure they serve a good purpose for app developers and some users. So a seperate promo code section would be a good idea.
1) Agreed. Trouble is they still stay at the top till the codes have gone anyway. Before all this promo-code stuff, this place was a great forum for game discussion, and that's all we wanted. Then it changed to what it is now. 2) Agreed. At the moment, the Game section is the only place for it. But that's why we are discussing the issue here.
You are so right... I used to love coming here and talking about games. Current games, future games, etc. I wasn't even bothered by the X vs Y threads. But all this promo code crap has been a total turn off and I've been visiting TA very sparingly since this has all happened.
Yes I thought about moving it to the Lounge, but the wallpapers started off being (and are mostly) of apps/games. So the app section is kind of appropriate. Back on topic please.
Ok people. I have had to remove quite a few posts on here now, because some are getting a little heated. Let's keep this calm and discuss like the grown ups we are. I want this thread to stay open so we can see how the poll progresses. Thank you.
well like i predicted, this poll didn't start off on the right foot....it's like judging a deer in a lions den
Hey all, I'm on this forum nearly every day while I'm at work, just cruising. Right now, when I jump on the forum, I have to wade past the promo threads before I get to any game news or discussion. Its just annoying. I don't think they should be banned though! I think they are great advertising for the smaller developers! I just believe they should have their own forum. While there are plenty of arguments for them having their own forum, there aren't any I can think of to keep them in with the regular gaming forum. If they have their own, then they can still be accessed by all who want them, and can be easily ignored by those who don't.... so whats question then in making a decision?