forum idea: separate subforum for promo code threads?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by costanza, Jan 11, 2009.


Should Promo codes have their own forum section

  1. YES- Allocate a new forum section

  2. NO- Keep promo threads in the game section

  1. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Don't tell them about it. Make it a secret URL, and don't tell anybody. And don't allow them to PM that specific URL. It wouldn't be too hard. I like my idea though..
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  2. spmwinkel

    spmwinkel Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    I like the idea as well, I do. :)

    But you won't be able to hide it. I think you can make forums that can only be seen by people in a specific group (so PM-ing or e-mailing the link wouldn't work), but still you need only one person to spread the word that promo codes can be gotten if you're a senior member, and it won't be a secret anymore.

    Also, all developers would have to keep it a secret, and they would have to be made a member of the senior group. Or they would have to be given a special "developer" status (another new group not based on post count) who have access to the subforum. Which may be possible, it just needs to be considered. :)
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  3. VirtualAlex

    VirtualAlex Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    This is a good idea, at the core, promo code give-aways don't belong in the Game Discussion forum anyway annoying or not. It isn't the place for them. It's also fair to assume that this "code spamming" will only become a larger problem as the community grows.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  4. evanmav

    evanmav Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2008
    i dont think making a promo codes sub forum would be good. it seems like a lot of people would just stay there and wait until a dev posts a code and wouldnt even go into any other forums. promo codes are getting out of hand and it sucks. i want to talk about games and the app store not OMFGZZZZ I HAZ SPORZ PROMMMO CODE PMZ IF U WANTSSS SOME.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  5. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Make a user specific one. It can't be hard, or have it password protected. Banning if you are caught sharing or anything. It is hard to do, but it should be workable.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  6. field5

    field5 Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    So I guess no NFL code contest next week :(
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  7. Mhans13

    Mhans13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    ok i can see y people would want promo codes in a different forum but make it only accesible to some members? yeah i think its annoying as much as the next person but im also all for getting lucky and being the first person to stumble upon a free promo code. if u want a different forum thats one thing but making restrictions or banning them is just stupid.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  8. Zwilnik

    Zwilnik Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to see posts that look worryingly like spam. Stuff like "email me for promo codes" with lists of games that somehow this person has got codes for.

    Sounds like promo codes could be the next set of bait for phishing attempts on iPhone users.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  9. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Yes. Most likely, but it confuses me that people would be so desperate for a maximum of $10. It is very strange. I like promo codes as much as the next person, but still.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  10. Exactly. If someones reason for being here is to wait around for codes and they don't bother visiting other sections, then they are not welcome in the other sections anyway imo. Let them wait in that section like vulchures and leave the rest of us alone.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  11. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    Well, something has to happen as 6, count them, six. Threads are on the first game page about promo codes. Trouble, asking for them, I have some, etc. On the first page.
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  12. rootbeersoup

    rootbeersoup Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    New Orleans, LA
    No, people would be unaware that such a forum exists.

    The real problem would be new devs who wouldn't know about the forum
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  13. RedStaR

    RedStaR Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    well either way it happens, people need to chill out.

    I just reemed for making a ("misleading" according to touch arcade) thread in which I told people if they wanted codes to a few apps I had to e-mail me.
    I didn't know that they were expired, and i didn't know who to find out prior without redeeming them and I mentioned that in my post saying I had them I even told the date I recieved them without knowing the 30-day expiration date. However Brewster Max told me a simple way to check which didn't dawn on me. Again I apologize if you recieved one that was expired.
    The only reason I posted in that forum is because thats where I saw the rest, when I rememberd I still had some. so I'm sorry if people are getting fed up with a junior member (because T.A. is the one keeping rank not me) posting game codes in the games section.

    I sincerley apologize if what I thought to be and act of kindness was somthing you felt to be counter productive and time consuming. I will say that I did feel slighted when you questioned where I got the codes but understand why you asked and more importantly understand why the thread was at it's end. Which brings me to my next point.. With all do respect, I beleive that you have a knack for monitering, so maybe T.A. should have you be the post moniter/director/and or filter.
    Good fortune to you
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  14. games42

    games42 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    #34 games42, Jan 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
    I just wanted a fair poll
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  15. rootbeersoup

    rootbeersoup Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    New Orleans, LA
    Average age of people FOR promo codes: 13
    Average age of people annoyed by them: Old enough to have a job and buy their own apps

    Who the hell are you? Wastedyuthe became a mod so now he lost all right to voice his not-so-far-off opinion?
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  16. games42

    games42 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    #36 games42, Jan 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
    I just thought a poll would give us all a good idea as to what we all want
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  17. Zetaspawn

    Zetaspawn Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    Wrong. Post it in the rules post. And if they are unable to understAnd that's what we have mode for. To inform people and move the threads. It's common knowledge for the average poster to check the rules for that individual forum. I don't think we should underestimate peoples education
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  18. RedStaR

    RedStaR Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I wouldn't say they would ban you.......probably just erase your post, apparentlty thats a warning.

    Theres a lot of threads in the games section that could be closed but it ain't gonna happen.

    they need to post a review........I get it theres a new LCD game
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  19. games42

    games42 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Sorry apologies

    sorry wastedyuthe I didn't mean to offend you but I thought my poll would give a good and fair idea as to what everyone wants
    50HellsofPain likes this.
  20. #40 wastedyuthe, Jan 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
    Ok. I closed that thread because IT WAS IN THE WRONG SECTION. You are discussing the forum layout so that type of discussion belongs in THIS section, not Games. Anyone who knows me knows I am a fair person, which is how I became a mod. To prove it, I won't ban you as you seem to think I will. Just follow the rules. That's all I ask.

    (edit) just read your apology above. Thank you.
    50HellsofPain likes this.

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