iPhone forma.8, from italian indie developer

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Skyrise, May 23, 2012.

  1. Michael_One

    Michael_One Active Member

    May 5, 2012
    Co-founder of Pixile Studios
    Vancouver, Canada
    Looks and sounds amazing!

    Wow, love the art style and the ambiance you've created with the music and animation! Can't wait to try it!
  2. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Any news on this game? Release date info?
  3. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member


    We are working on the game full time, since it's a lot bigger than we anticipated, and since we are only two, it's difficult to give a precise release date info, but it'll be out in 2013 for sure. ;)

    We'll release more info, a new trailers and more media in may and at E3 in june. ;)

    Meanwhile... a couple of new screenshots!



    Thanks for following the game!
  4. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Cool, thanks for the reply
    I stumbled across your game yesterday and saw that the last post here was three months ago. Wasn't sure if this game was still being developed or whatnot.

    But more info at E3 and releasing this year, great

    And you're still releasing on iPhone/iPod as well?
  5. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member

    Yep, iPhone and iPod too. ;)
  6. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Somehow missed this. As well as the obvious Another World inspiration I'm sensing some PixelJunk Shooter and even a bit of N vibe from the visuals. Looks like a day one buy for me.
  7. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member

    Thanx! :)

    Yeah, we are great fans of PixelJunk, it was one of the source of inspiration for the graphic design. ;)
  8. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I dont know how i missed this before, but you are guaranteed another buyer here. :)
  9. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member


    Happy you're liking the game!

    This teaser is from a very early stage, things are a lot different (and better!) now.
    We'll share some news hopefully soon!
  10. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member

    We are still alive, only updating a lot less, but we have more news coming really, really, really soon... #:cool:

    Meanwhile, we are working on forma.8 full time, adding features and polishing. Latest addition is a really cool pseudo-symulations for fluid. It's mainly cosmetic, but we also implemented some gameplay mechanics with it.

    Here are a couple of 'shots!



    Meanwhile, we are also working on the new update for Futuridium EP, adding support for iCade and Apple official supported controller.
  11. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    It seems very nice!!!!
    I'm looking forward to it.
    It reminds me the Another World theme but I would like the combat to be with more action, with lasers, etc but then again it's something different.
  12. Skyrise

    Skyrise Well-Known Member


    There's actually A LOT of action involved in combats, we've just not showed it. ;)
  13. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
  14. Wow, game looks nicer now, let us know when you get an approx release date!
  15. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Been following for a while, great to see it's still developing
    Is this also releasing on PC?
  16. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    I've been scanning the Upcoming threads for something that would pique my interest and I think I finally found it. A little Metroid, a little Perfect Cell (which was obviously inspired by Metroid), maybe a bit of Limbo thrown in. A concern for me after watching the video is that the foreground looks to be hard to discern from the background in the caves, but I'm sure this is less of a concern while actually playing the game.

    Release date?
  17. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Ironic. Just noticed that TA did a little blurb about this game. It sounds like it is progressing along nicely.
  18. Capronissimo71

    Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    Waiting for the release date guys! Hope it will be soon!

    P.S. Un saluto dalla mia città, Milano! ;)
  19. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
  20. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

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