playing the pc version right now. prefer this to the ios version because it's easier to play, control-wise. great stuff. works under WINE too
But the turn-based games, at least, should have choices. I can't stand swipe controls. Different tastes. It's easy to implement several control schemes in a roguelike. Harder in arcade games like this one.
Hey man.. sorry I've been silent on the FMN update front.. There's some bad stuff going on here at the moment - Someone close to me had a sudden medical disaster about 6 weeks ago, and it's on-going.. they're now severely disabled, and it's too early to know how much better they'll get, or how long it'll take (there IS hope that they'll recover somewhat, thankfully!)... Everything else has been on hold. I've barely been online since it happened.. just starting to get back into things now. Been doing a little bit of coding here and there, just tinkering with new stuff... it feels like a million years since I last worked on FMN.. I don't know when I'll get something done. Sorry about that. I hope things will settle down and I can get back at it properly... I foresee never having as much spare time as I used to. (and hmm, I feel selfish saying that - things are much worse for the person concerned than they are for me, obviously ) Sorry for the rather heavy post.. I'm not posting this looking for sympathy etc - such is life! Bad things happen to plenty of people all the time. In comparison with most of the world my family and I are very lucky. Just thought I'd explain what's going on with nyarlu labs. Massive thanks to all of you guys for all the F-M-N love! <3 It always blows me away. Give big hugs to the people you love ok? (cheesy or what? seriously.) BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. brandon
So sorry to hear that man, all the best for you and for your close friend. ps. And props to the Bill & Ted love.
I was debating buying this game - and seeing this crisis, I have decided to support you by getting it today. Only two bucks, but if others get the game too, a little extra funds may be helpful to you. Take care.
Yes, best wishes to you as you go through tough times. Also wanted to see, has this app been pulled from the App Store? I was going to redownload it and it doesn't show up in searches and even gives a "request cannot be completed" error when clicking a direct link. App store does seem like it's been having issues this week.
Yep, tried both with and without the hyphens. Just tried on my PC as well with the link in the OP and it says it's "not currently available in the US store". Agghh... It's kind of stupid but my 8 GB iPod Touch is contantly full and if I delete something and a new game won't download even though it seems to be just a few MB off, I tend to delete this and redownload it since it isn't something where I need to worry about game saves. Well, it bit me hard this time. I hope I can get it back soon. It's one of my favorite games!
Thanks guys.. Argh, sorry about that.. my fault - my iOS dev license just expired. I can't renew it until thursday, so FMN will be unavailable until then. D'oh. I'll let you know when it's back up..
Ok, it's back up on the app store! Sorry about the delay. Here are the last 4 promo codes I have left, if anyone doesn't have it and been waiting to check it out 6L9EA69FLRPA 73FN7LHW9JT7 WXLY7PKKXFNR XMYWN4TRH374 Thanks dudes!
Awesome! Sorry about all the personal things going on for you, but I've been waiting for this to return to the store (actually checked again earlier tonight). I juggle apps just to get things to download on my device, but always wanted to have this on there and was upset when I deleted it then couldn't redownload. I love this game and hope things are going better for you.
Thanks for the codes! I took XMYWN4TRH374. Will be sure to get you an iTunes review tonight. And I hope everything is going much better with your friend and you. Best of luck!