iPhone Forbidden Island

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    LOL, I am just the opposite! I hate keeping track of a million little game pieces (I don't even like the physical version of Monopoly) and I know absolutely nobody who plays these games. Finally, with my iPad, I can play games that I've never been able to play before due to the effort involved, and i can do it while sitting on the couch with my family, with a total stranger via online play, or solo in bed while my wife snoozes next to me.
  2. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I wish there were a free demo to try. Any plans for that?
  3. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
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    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    I know it's not cheap by app store standards, but if you like iOS board games, I really can't recommend this enough. It's a lot of fun, and I have no qualms at all about buying it.
  4. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I guess if I'm just going to jump headfirst into, I'd rather pay $15 (or less) for the real version. I suppose that's backward. :)
  5. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    Not backward necessarily. I can understand wanting the physical version. I enjoy this so much, I may get the physical version myself. I must admit though, that I may choose the app more often since you don't have to mess with the setup and breakdown.
  6. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Game Impressions

    I finally grabbed it and have to agree it is a very polished tranlation of the physical board game.

    I think it can best be summed up as Elder Sign/Ghost Stories light. Its a cooperative game with no AI, just you (one person playing all 2-4 characters or having different local players each take on a different character) vs. the environment. Can you claim all 4 treasures and fly off before the island sinks away? The game's 6 possible characters all have unique handy abilities which the players will be tasked with utilizing as efficiently as possible to reach their goal. Play consists of the characters running around shoring up (un-flooding) important island tiles so that all treasures can be claimed before pieces of the island drop off entirely (if a section that is already flooded is re-flooded, it disappears). To claim a treasure your character needs to present 4 cards matching that treasure while standing on one of that treasure's special tiles on the island. If a character dies (standing on a tile that sinks and unable to jump to an adjacent safe spot), all locations of an unclaimed treasure sink away, or your exit spot (the only space you can snag the helicopter off the island) sinks, the game is over.

    Just like Elder Sign and Ghost Stories, you are free to determine how many characters you bring on the search but realize more is not always better. More bodies means it might be easier to shore up flooded sections, and there will be more useful specialties to call upon but it comes with the disadvantage of really dividing up those treasure cards (to claim a treasure one character must have 4 of the right type while on the right space) and actually causing more flooding (there is a flood phase during each charcter's turn).

    The game has 4 difficulties (I think) and as far as I can tell this just determines the rate of flooding (Novice starts with a mild trickle whereas Legendary starts you in the midst of an island busting tsunami). Even if you choose Novice, the flooding will get worse and worse over time and, if not efficent in your treasure hunting, can get as bad as one would see in the Legendary difficulty.

    My only whine is while it has a really comprehensive set of achievements that do chronicle a lot of interesting milestones like once you've won 5 Legendary games, I'd really like to see some sort of win/loss stats per difficulty level and number of character configurations (so about 12 different stats to track if my math is right).

  7. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    LG, for a person like me who loves ElderS and GhostS ... this is a must grab too?
  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Hmm. It is really well done but I think overall a lot simpler (not necessarily easier, just much more streamlined). According to folk on BGG, as this game was designed by the same guy behind Pandemic (never played but sounds like something in the Ghost Stories level of complexity), this was his attempt at a more family friendly pickup and play co-operative game.

    The UI is slick, the character unique abilities interesting and straight forward, and I love the whole crumbling island aspect (you never know what will fall next...well actually in some cases you might by how the discard pile at points is simply turned over, unshuffled, and put back on the top of the Flood deck).

    My one whine, besides no real highscore or win/loss tracking, is that I can see the Treasure Card management getting a bit tedious. After taking your character's 3 actions you draw 2 Treasure Cards. 90% of these Treasure Cards are just that, cards indicating 1 of the game's 4 treasures. You can only have 5 cards in your hand and need 4 matching ones to claim a treasure. What this means then is a big part of the game is bringing characters together into a single tile to swap cards until 1 or more have a complete set of one of the yet unclaimed treasures. I could see this Treasure Card swapping as something kind of fun if playing with real people around a table...but there is just something kind of silly about doing this when you control the two parties involved. While Ghost Stories and Elder Sign had some basic levels of teamwork, I don't recall either of them really requiring such frequent exchanges.

    Like Ghost Stories, moving from one spot to another in as efficient manner as possible is crucial and with the island constantly crumbling, you'll never know what kind of path you'll need to take to get to some point on the other side of the island (this tactical aspect is mostly missing in Elder Sign as you could instantly move to any spot in a single turn).

    So while there are maybe 3 special action cards you can draw from the Treasure Card pile, most of your actions are generic things any character can do (move, shore up a tile, claim a treasure, etc.) but based on your character you might be able to do a little differently (the Explorer is the only character that can move diagonally and the Engineer can shore up 2 tiles in a single action, etc.).

    So if you'd like a slick streamlined/quicker playing take on cooperative play, here you go.
  9. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Mmmm ... The idea of a game where basically the core is bringing character s together for card swapping is kind of silly for me. It sounds like the game is somewhat too straightforward for my taste.
    I guess I will spend my time instead trying to understand how to play Tigris as next BG.
  10. Hi FPE,

    We've had a ton of positive feedback on Forbidden Island from adult gamers. Board Game Geek put up a video review if you're interested: http://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/6140/ios-review-forbidden-island

    If you'd like to get a more concrete feel for how the game works, you can download a PDF of the original rulebook here: http://gamewright.com/gamewright/pdfs/Rules/ForbiddenIslandTM-RULES.pdf

    The rules in our iPad version of the game are identical. Of course, the in-game rulebook for our iPad version doesn't involve any of the board set up aspects from the original.

    - Sean
  11. Felonious Tub

    Felonious Tub Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2010
    I just picked this up yesterday and have o far only played though the tutorial and a couple of games, but so far, I've got to say its the best iOS adaption of a board game I've seen.
    This should really be an example of how to make a real board game into an iOS version.
    Aside from that, the game itself is awesome. After only a couple of games, I've learnt that although it sounds fairly simple in concept and after a few turns, it did seem that one, but once you start to get into a game, the strategy really starts building up.
    What at one stage, felt like rather simple decisions without many consequences, turn into some rather large strategical issues when it gets down to the end game.
    Another thing I really like about it, is the cooperative aspect of this game, there really doesn't seem to be any rewards for outdoing your other players. It's kind of a refreshing feel to just have to compete with the game and not the other players. It gives you that extra feeling of teamwork when things come together.
  12. GridWit

    GridWit New Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Awesome work! Great adaptation of a great game!

    A quick report of a minor bug. You can click on the flood pile to see a golden outline of which tiles are in it. This list is reset when you shuffle the flood pile due to a "Waters Rise!" card. However, it is not reset when you shuffle the flood pile due to running out of flood cards.
  13. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I keep wanting to buy this, but the real game isn't much more expensive... but then I balk at paying that much since the iOS version is $5. LOL. One of these days I'm just going to buy it, in one form or the other. I like Ghost Stories, but it's pretty brutal. Still I bought the iOS version and then the real version. I'm sure Forbidden Island would be a good choice too. Just have to decide which to buy first.
  14. Great catch, GridWit! The bug will be fixed in our next update.

    Thanks for the positive feedback!

    - Sean
  15. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    #35 ColeDaddy, Apr 9, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2012
    My family and I were on the lookout for new card or board games to play on our Sunday Game night. I saw the board version of this game at a price point a little higher than double the iOS version. However, after reading the rave reviews about the iOS port/conversion, I decided to buy it. My son and I are playing the table top format and enjoying it terribly. My only request would be to speed up the animation a bit, especially, the shuffling, etc. Looking forward to having my wife join to see how it plays with three people.
  16. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I finally decided to buy this just now. I haven't played it yet, but am looking forward to checking it out. One of the reasons I wanted it is we are going on a train ride this summer and from past experience I know that playing a board game, a real one, on a train is tricky. :) Plus I hear this game is great, and my kids and I like co-op games. I'll post impressions once I get a chance to try it.
  17. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    Good call! We played this over the Easter weekend and had a blast. Also, its cool to see another tech-geeky dad on this forum. I'm sure there are many others, I just haven't seen too many divulge this info.
  18. It's great to see this thread resurrected and to hear that you're enjoying Forbidden Island!

    One of our developers is actually a tech-geek dad, but it'll be a while yet before his little ones will be old enough to play Forbidden Island. :)

    - Sean
  19. Fimb

    Fimb Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2010
    Hello all,
    Do we know anything about an iphone version? Any pocket version planned?
  20. Hi Fimb,

    Right now, we don't have any plans to develop an iPhone version. There's little value in an iPhone version without online multiplayer support because of the small screen.

    We aren't currently developing online multiplayer support, but we do have other updates to the game coming soon. Once those are completed, we'll start investigating online multiplayer.

    - Sean

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