For people with consoles or handhelds, do you play IOS less/value it less?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by spader623, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    Mobile is for convenience, Console/PC for depth

    These days I play more on iOS devices than console, but that's only because what with having a full time job and wife and kid I don't get as many chances to play console/PC games. For the most part I find gaming on console or PC to be much more enjoyable, due to the generally far superior depth, breadth, graphics, audio, multiplayer support, etc. There are a some great games that work as well or better on an iOS device as on a console, but I find that's more the exception than the rule, at least for the kinds of games I like. Mobile gaming for me is mostly about having access to games on the go, and not something I'd choose if I have other options.
  2. MrArcade

    MrArcade Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    I'm one of those that value iOS games less and it happened this year. I started to think about this some more and the numerous reasons. I stated in another forum topic how I stopped buying iOS games and purchased a Nintendo handheld. Couldn't be happier. In the end, the driving force for me to go back to dedicated gaming systems is because it was difficult for me to focus on playing games on a platform I use for work. Same with PC. As much as Im tempted by the Steam sales, I probably couldnt sit down and focus on playing a game when the same device does internet, email, etc. Also, trying to keep track of the newest iOS games can take away focus from playing your current games. This may not affect you and im not knocking anyone for whichever platform you prefer.
  3. PirateRidingParrot

    PirateRidingParrot Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015

    I'm not talking about buying any game, I'm talking about buying games that you enjoy and that are creative. If we don't support developers who are attempting to be creative and succeed, we will end up with only recycled bad games. Again, I'm not telling you to go and buy any new game you find creative, but to say that you're going to complete your gaming collection and never buy more games because games are recycled is just wrong. There are still many innovative games out there and even great franchises (like dark souls). I would stop buying games if I really needed the money, but why would I limit myself to only a bunch of games? Doesn't make sense.
  4. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    At the start of this year I was all in 100% on mobile by the end of the year I am now the proud owner of an Xbox one something over the course of this year left me stunned maybe it was the disappearing games from makers like Sega add in the Bioshock and MHFU sagas and I'm just not as sure anymore about where this is going. I still prefer mobile to be honest but I'm not 100% all in like I was at the start of 2015. Hoping for a comeback year for mobile in 2016 because I want it to win out!
  5. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    #85 Dankrio, Dec 31, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
    goggles has some great insight. Less is really more, in my opinion. However, you take things too far on some points.

    There' really no point in have a million games when you cannot honestly play 5% of them, unless by "playing" you mean starting the game for half hour and move to the next thing and never go back. Also, huge backlogs tend to make people anxious and stressed. You don't want to play. You feel you have to play. That's what used to happen to me. Now, I try to be mindful and only buy games that I really want and/or going to play soon, like Her Story and Ghost Trick (as soon as Capcom fixed it). If not, I try to enjoy my library, which can already provide fun for the rest of my life.

    People who have that many games are justing fooling themselves, mostly. Unless all they do is play, play and play. Between working, studying, other hobbies and relationships I try to find a gaming window everyday, even if it is just 30 minutes. So I focus only on one game at time. Yesterday I've finished Tales From the Borderlands, which was great, by the way. I'd rather spend a couple hours on a game that is really fun and doesn't feel like a burden, than spend 100 hours doing the same thing over and over again.

    But that is just me, since I prefer story-driven games. Each one to their own. IOS would be perfect for me, if it was not for the system breaking issues mentioned on this thread. Apple really should do a better job and take gaming seriously. But one can only hope. Until then, I take things as they are.

    Ps: sorry for the bad English. I am from Brazil, so not a native speaker.
  6. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    Of course I value iOS games much less than console games . I own both handhelds , psvita and 3ds , and they are also crap, IMO . Home Consoles though are great . If iOS gaming had continued to be like it was in 2011 I would enjoy it a lot . I mean that if we had new games like dead space, shadowgun, the gameloft console game clones e.t.c taking advantage of the new devices , iOS gaming would be amasing . As it is right now , when we have to be excited about crap like the GTA psp game , or the freemium shit I value iOS gaming much less than I did a few years ago . Titles like bioshock breaking with an iOS update or the GC not working makes things even worse .

    It is sad when a 2011 title for example, shadowgun, is still the best looking third person shooter on iOS .
  7. mid83

    mid83 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2014
    I own a PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Vita and 3DS. I also used to play PC games a lot but my PC is getting outdated.

    For me most of my time is iOS with some PS4 and Xbox One sprinkled in. Part of it is that I don't like playing on a console when my girlfriend is at home. I'd rather watch a TV show or movie we both can enjoy. In addition, I'm exhausted on workdays (I work 12 hour shifts) and I hate starting up a console game unless I have a good hour or two to play. iOS allows me to play despite these issues. A few minutes here and there at home or breaks at work tend to add up.

    Also, I'm finding myself drifting more to other entertainment like TV shows and reading. Often times I'll spend a night off at home watching several episodes of a show on HBO or Netflix or reading. Sometimes it makes me sad but I just don't have that same passion for console gaming that I used to. iOS helps fill that void without being a huge time commitment.
  8. Aleye

    Aleye New Member

    Dec 30, 2015
    I have a very different reasoning for my switch from console games to mobile games. Simplicity. Which is something console games have lost all together. Like they say more is less, but in today's console games that isn't the case. The console games are over saturated with things no one cares for and just become distractions within the game itself. Mobile gaming with its limitations still has the cleanliness and simplicity. The UIs are simple and easy to spot and identify things. Controls are becoming more intuitive while the HUD remains clean. This Is is huge for me because like most gamers I have ADD lol it's hard for me to focus on multiple things. I never thought that a hard core COD fan would honestly want to give up his Xbox One that he just bought just to play and stream VainGlory. The only things mobile games could work on a bit more is bringing more life to the games we are playing as far as the stories they tell and to enhance the capabilities of communities within games themselves. A Discord integration with mobile games would be awesome. Not sure if anyone understands what I mean in this post but I hope someone does lol
  9. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    Aleye, I do, even if I don't care for multiplayer games. Lol

    But I agree that simplicity is a must. Not only on the games itselves but also that on mobily you just pick up the game and play.
  10. PirateRidingParrot

    PirateRidingParrot Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015

    I think most people here will understand you. imo simplicity is the strength of mobile games. I honestly have no idea why some companies keep releasing triple A mimics with "modern" graphics. They're obviously doomed to fail. If I would want to play a triple A game I will use my PC / PS4. I have no reason to play any FPS game on my iPhone while I can play another one on PC, since it will be better when it comes to any aspect (controls, graphics, screen size, stability, gameplay...). On top of that most people play games on their mobile devices when they have a very limited amount of time to spare. There's no reason to launch a triple A game if you're going to play it for 5 minutes, the time will be over until you even do something in the game.

    On the other hand, simple games fit mobile devices way more. It can't really handle good graphics like other consoles do, but it can surely run simple games, in terms of graphics and gameplay. The game "Downwell" in my opinion is one of the best games that I've ever seen because it uses the advantages of a mobile device rather than its weaknesses. It's easy to launch and play very fast, there is no limit to how much you can play it, it's simple (so I don't have to go through 100 tutorial missions which I really don't want to when I don't have the time) but not easy at all, it has great retro style graphics instead of mediocre modern style graphics, the controls are simple and comfortable despite the screen size, and it's random enough to keep you interested after each time you restart it.

    I just think that games which emphasize story / graphics are way more risky and fit mobile devices way less than a game like Downwell. No one will be able to do much in CoD when they are at a Cafe (and they'll probably not enjoy much too), but they do have the time to progress a little through Downwell.
  11. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    I disagree. I would love playing more triple A games on mobile. In fact, I would rather play it on mobile than PC/Console.

    Also, people have to keep in mind that Ipad and Iphone gaming can be two different experiences.

    You are right that some genres work better outside mobile, however the experience even on those genres can be pretty good if the controls are really optimized for the touchscreen. And we've seen cool things already on that aspect on FPS.

    I believe Ipad(or iphones) could bring a experience as cool as skyrim or fallout, for intance, if it was economically viable. However, right now it isn't. Who knows some year from now on it changes...
  12. PirateRidingParrot

    PirateRidingParrot Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015
    #92 PirateRidingParrot, Dec 31, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015

    The thing is, I'm pretty sure that you're the minority. Reading this thread gives me the impression that most people play iOS games when they have about 10 minutes to spare, and if they could they would have played on a console, but they never have the time.You could try to bring Fallout or Skyrim to iPads but it will still be more fun to play on PC. I can't see why anyone would prefer to play it on an iPad unless they really want to lay on bed at the moment. These are not the kind of games you play in 10 minute breaks. You can't make a triple A port to mobile devices and expect better or even similar controls / graphics / performance / whatever, there WILL be a downgrade.

    It's not "economically viable" because it won't work as well as consoles version works. You can't outrace modern consoles with mobile devices, they aren't strong enough to be able to compete with other consoles in performace. So, instead of trying to completely copy the consoles and by that releasing a mediocre game that doesn't feel right on mobile devices, developers can make use of what they have. Yes the iPhone and iPad can't have modern realistic graphics or even older ones like fallout NV or Skyrim, but they can have very beautiful and polished retro styled graphics or 8 bit looking games. While consoles are basically competing "who has the bigger ****" (bigger open world, better graphics, more hours of gameplay,more weapons etc), mobile game developers can keep it simple. People like having access to their games on their device. People like launching the game and being able to immediately play. No one wants to go through tutorials, loading screens, and big dialogs when all they have is a 10 minute break before they go back to work.

    I'm not against mobile devices as full gaming consoles. I think it's important we have all types of games and opinions in our community to keep the variety. However, this type of games doesn't fit the iPad as well as other games today. That's why we see more endless runners, arcade and turn based games being released. They don't need good graphics. They don't need near perfect controls. They don't need depth and performance. These are the type of games that can relate to most gamers on mobile devices - they're fun, (kind of) simple, and you can play them for 10 minutes and enjoy. A Fallout game isn't going to be played too much on mobile devices after the first week, just because people can't spare the time to invest in such a game. That's also why the biggest hits are always the simple games: Candy crush, Flappy bird, Temple run, Jetpack Joyride,Fruit ninja, angry birds...

    Also, I'm not really sure what's going on, you said in your last comment that you're not against simplicity but you told me that you are now, so... What :confused: lol
  13. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    Yeah....NO . AAA games on devices like iPad Air 2 would look amasing, not ps4/xbox1 amasing, but amasing nonetheless and with the fantastic screens that modern high end devices have the image quality would be off the charts . If a game looking like dead space was made for iPad 2 ,and even that game didn't have a big budget or anything , how would a new dead space look having iPad Air 1 as the base device in mind ?

    It's a shame how fast the mobile hardware is advancing without any games to take advantage of it .
  14. PirateRidingParrot

    PirateRidingParrot Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015

    Ok. Let's just ignore the fact that your iPads aren't actually THAT strong, and that your battery can't handle too much triple A games. Let's say it's possible to play a triple A from 3-4 years ago on iPads, without losing too much battery and have the same performance as a PC / other consoles. My bet is that it will not be so successful. Just read this thread. I'm pretty sure about 80% of the people here said they play on their mobile device more than other consoles just because they don't have enough time to invest in games like Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 (a.k.a triple A). Making those big triple A titles like skyrim or Fallout NV isn't efficient. People don't have the time to play those games. It won't be better on iPad (obviously playing it on your pc will be more fun) and if I play a game on my iphone it's because I'm not near my consoles or because I don't have time for the bigger games. And according to this thread, most people are like that too.

    Now, Why would you invest tons of money into a triple A game for an audience that will probably not use them? I mean have you seen the best hits in the last years? Temple run, Jetpack Joyride, Flappy Bird, Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Clash of Clans... Non of these games is a triple A game. No super high budgets, no modern "realistic" graphics. Just a bunch of simple games that are meant to be played in short bursts. People don't want to play their console games on iPad, because it won't be as comfortable. People want fast time killers. Games that they can play whenever they have a few minutes to spare. Companies won't throw money into big triple A ports / new titles for mobile devices, because the profit isn't worth the investment. Sure the loyal fans of these games will buy them and some people who use mobile devices as their main gaming console will probably get them too, but other than that you won't see people with jobs and families playing Skyrim for 3 hours each day. They can't. Mobile gaming gives those people a way to game even with all the struggle of life. No triple A game can do that.
  15. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    I've never implied that I am the majority here. I was just disputing your statement that noone would. Also, things change. We have no idea how the next generation with are being raised with tablets will behave on the future or even if consoles will stay relevant with things like streaming. I hope that in the future we can play games on multiple devices, even on tv.

    Of course mobile don't have the raw power of a ps4 or xbox one, however the devices are already able to provide great games and things tend to get even better from now on. Who would imagine some years ago that we could play things like San Andreas on a phone? Imagine a big budget game developed for mobile. That could be awesome. However, as I said before it is not economic viable, not because it would not work, but because freemium is where the money is at now.

    Who said I am agains simplicity? I can enjoy Fallout and Temple run both. There's not wrong with that. And you can play a "complex" and "deep" game 15 minutes at a time if you wish to.
  16. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    I fully agree with you,the fact that GTA SA has appeared to be successful greatly surprised me.
  17. PirateRidingParrot

    PirateRidingParrot Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015

    I thought you were against the whole idea of simple games and that you prefer big triple A titles. Sorry for misunderstanding.

    The more I keep thinking about a high budgeted game for mobile devices the more I think it's a bad idea. I just hate having games that attempt to be big on mobile. And I'm not talking big like Baldur's gate, I'm talking big like triple A titles. It's already possible to create those big games on mobile devices (Baldur's gate, for example), with big worlds, a good dialog, nice gameplay mechanics and an interesting story. I think those old looking games are way better on mobile, and those "modern" games are way better on consoles. You can't make a triple A game on iPad and expect the same experience on. It doesn't work. Every single game that attempts to look realistic ends up looking awkward and ugly. I appreciate graphics like in Downwell and Rust Bucket way more than any FPS with a big budget that thinks it looks good. On top of all that, a triple A game will swallow your battery. Current mobile devices can't handle such things.

    And if we're talking about the next years and not now, then this disscussion is irrelevant. Of course something might change in the next years. I'm talking about now, creating a triple A game today for mobile devices may be one of the worst ideas a developer can have.
  18. kyoukusanagi

    kyoukusanagi Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    #98 kyoukusanagi, Jan 1, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
    when im in my room, PC
    when i feel like having short term fun, console
    when im outside, but still in comfort (train, planes, hotels, etc) ios with gamepad
    when im on que, in public, just bored, ios

    but mostly, i do more comic reading than gaming when im outside

    even with gamepad, there's one thing that mobile games cant do. and that is immersion. incredibly stories (yes there are telltale games, but those are like watching a movie compared to the feeling of actually being in the game), and the crazy fast paced gaming that console/ pc can provide. and i dont think that will change anytime soon.

    yes, even with tv output. there are of course, some rare example. like pc ports. final fantasies, monster hunter and all that. but you can never, ever forget that you're playing on that tiny screen.

    no matter how good ios is right now, it will never replace my pc/console anytime soon.
  19. Dahak

    Dahak Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2010
    Library circulation rep
    Beaufort, SC
    For a long time, I had iOS devices at the same time as various consoles, and used iOS more for gaming. I didn't lose interest in iOS gaming until I got an Nvidia Shield Portable early last year, though. I still use an iPad for web surfing, and to play the occasional Tin Man Games gamebook (for which the Shield isn't ideal), but it's definitely no longer a gaming focused device for me. I have a PS4 for more complex games, but also use it primarily via remote play on the Shield.
  20. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    I am not talking about loooooong WRPGs , I am talking about games similar to the ones that were being released a few years back. Why can't I have a proper single player 3rd person shooter with graphics like afterpulse , for example ? There is a ton of simple games on iOS, a few more console type games , new ones taking advantage of newer devices not ancient ones like KOTOR or the old GTA games , wouldn't hurt .

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