Wooooot! Just got C Cook for my QB... Funny have never heard of him and he is gold at 1.4 mill and my Dree Bree's is copper and gets destroyed by Cook, heh... Love throwing a tight spiral and fast finally. I can now hit my WRs in stride!
I always see a gold Drew Brees being sold to me in the draft shop. I've seen him reappear like 3-4 times -_-
I just got a Gold WR from league win, woot! Also.. The very first league I played had a gold pack as a prize but the last 16 prizes have all been the advanced pack(advanced is a nice prize), was the gold pack a mistake or is their certain req to get the gold pack as a prize, again?
Finally got a few gold O line... One guy is a monster... Silver tight end, Gold WR... I'm dying for a gold RB... My def needs a gold LB and one gold Def Line and I'm straight... Just entered first round of play offs!
Hi MMarzola. My game wont let me enter the league mode anymore. Everytime I click on the league button it crashes the game. I think it may have to do with the favtvthat it says i have like 4million+ trophies! Haha. Any ideas?
This makes me sad. Please send an email to [email protected] Make sure to include your GameCenter (or Google Play) with a description of what is happening. We will get this fixed!
Question... While playing league vs other players... I had today two games that were "waiting on others to accept" and this stayed like that for a few hours. Since I was the challenger I played the first half.. And I scored 14 and 21 in each game, but came back as loses with one game both teams score was 0-0 and I lost and other score was 0-14 and I lost but I was not shut out... I had 14pts... Is this somebody hacking the game or possible bug?
Good news / Bad news - this is a bug, but it has been fixed in the update we are submitting hopefully today! Thanks for reporting the issue you are seeing, it helps a lot!
I can't wait for the update... I'm 0-10 in a league were I haven't played a game... And I've lost a majority by a score of 0-0 hahaha
I need a RB so bad.... Copper level 7 Mark Ingram... For a basic player he isn't bad... But I need some more Offense bad...