Universal follow.trail (by Gregory Pykacz)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by rajieru, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. 19civciV

    19civciV Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Level Designer, Social Media Marketing & Managemen
    Nantes, France
    You are the best !!!
    Can't wait to see your screenshots :)
  2. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Here are pics 1-8 of 16.

    Attached Files:

  3. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Here are pics 9-16 of 16.

    Attached Files:

  4. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    Check your private messages! :p

    This is valid feedback. One of the games that inspired follow.trail was Desert Golfing, where this is handled the say way. I know it's different kind of game but to be honest I didn't even thought about replaying old levels because there i so many of them. There is a way to pull if off but it's really tricky because all levels are procedurally generated. Plus not sure how I would squeeze that on UI. That is something that I'm definitely thinking about but as I said before it really depends on how game will do but I'm hoping that I'll be able to implement all of yours requests cause it's important to me! :eek:

    Thank you!
  5. 19civciV

    19civciV Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Level Designer, Social Media Marketing & Managemen
    Nantes, France
    #45 19civciV, Aug 13, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017

    Thanks again Chris ! It was so simple... My walktrough was so complicated lol

    Now I'm stuck on lvl 5.1 ! :)
  6. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    Super happy to see your progress and the cooperation here! Hopefully it won't take too long until you beat that level ;)
  7. Qvothe1331

    Qvothe1331 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    Woot! Just beat 3.9! Thank you God for that 'back button'. I mean thank you Dev for that 'back button'.

    This is so excellent. Such a great game. Beautifully minimal: Simple design, simple controls, simple mechanics, simple rules. love the keyboard click sfx.

    I like how the game allows you to work around the board to figure out little strategies. And how there isn't an absolute only one path to beat the level. I think what I'm trying to say is that the game isn't counting your moves, and it doesn't punish you for finding a solution with more than the minimum amount of steps. And I like that a lot. Doesn't give you a chance to feel unsatisfied with success, because you were only awarded 1 or 2 stars. No stars. Forget the three star achievement system. Glad it's not here.

    Reminds me a small bit of Hitman Go. It's not at all like that game, and I'm not gonna try to explain why I think that cause I'm not sure I could explain. But it is far less restrictive in movement than H Go.

    So far, failure in a level doesn't feel like a brick wall halting all progress. I've come across some heavy difficulties for my not so smart mind to overcome, but they're not so daunting that I wanna put the game away and forget about it.

    This has already been addressed by other commenters, but if I had a criticism about the game, it might be the inability to access and repeat beaten levels. I doubt I'd be going back to play old levels. However, I can see handing my phone off to a friend or relative to let them give it a try, but from the beginning. Or taking a run at previous levels to help someone who's stuck, or possibly searching for alternate paths?

    There's nothing I dislike about this game, and it's really fun. Any time I have at least a few minutes, I'll pull out my phone and play. It's really a clever idea for a puzzle game and I'm surprised it hasn't been done to death in the App Store. Great job Dev! And thank you. We appreciate your hard work.
  8. Dazzlemi

    Dazzlemi Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    Loving the game (just started). I see others listing the level. I don't see any level on the screen. What am I missing?
  9. Beth

    Beth Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 29, 2014
    Professional do-nothing'er
    Eastern usa
    Can we just take a minute to appreciate the size of this
    2.5 MB
    I Purchased as soon as I noticed, I was already inpressed with the way the developer handled the promo codes (originality at its finest )
    For me these little details, really elevate & separate a developer from the rear.....I'm happy to show some love/support, and encourage others to do the same ...:)
  10. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    #50 Chq, Aug 16, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
    Best puzzler (tetris, hm!?) i ever played, but levelsection is the biggest missing point. Should be added.
  11. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    Thank you for your feedback! My goal with the puzzles was to make them feel rewarding so that there will be no need to fake that feeling with any "GREAT JOB! 3 STARS!" system. I loved the pure feeling of achievement in games like Dark Souls so I tried to capture it in my game as well. I decided to not hold players hand and respect them by giving challenging but fair levels. I knew people would stuck but I also knew that when they I'll finally beat that level they will have that feeling. I hope I succeed with my goal :eek:

    Also Undo Button was not in the first version :p But the game was way too frustrating without it especially when you miss-swiped. So I decided to add it. It worked out really nicely with the Sun tile. I like how it promotes experimentation by giving the players some room to breath and letting them to try different things.

    Thanks! That dark row on the bottom indicates what level you are on. So if you have there something like [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][4][4] the level number is 44. I hope that helps ;)

    Thank you! That is the magic of using native Objective-C instead of Unity ;)

    I think I figured out a nice way to add level selection. Will be tricky to implement but this is the most requested feature so I won't ignore it! The good thing is that I should be able to pull it off on my 8 year old macbook :p The only problem is the free time I need to do this cause I'm the only one working on the game. You have no idea how motivational are your comments here so hopefully things will work out fine :)

    I wonder who is the leader here and levels you are on? :rolleyes:

    Thank you all again! :eek:
  12. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    I stuck at 4.1 since one day. No problem. I like games in which i hang for days (badland, for example).
  13. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    I have to say that I'm pretty impressed. When I was testing the game by using my friends most of them usually stuck somewhere in between 25-35. I was expecting that more people will have problems but looks like lots of you are just powering through levels nicely which feels great! At the end of a day I want you to have fun and not be frustrated. Well maybe a little bit, but then strait back to fun! :p

    Any one else wanna share the level they "stuck on" ;)
  14. Qvothe1331

    Qvothe1331 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    #54 Qvothe1331, Aug 17, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
    I'm stuck on 4.1, though I feel like I've been really close. So far I think it was 3.9 that was the toughest for me. Got stuck for about 36 hrs or so, but that sensation of feeling really close to a solution kept me going. And that happens often which seems strange to me for a game like this. Kind of like trying to recall something at the tip of your tongue. You wanna keep thinking about it cause it's so close.
    Pretty amazing seeing all this intention packed into a board of domino squares, like the exhilaration of overcoming a challenge (yes, much like Dark Souls!)
    Also, pretty neat-0 hearing the Dev is a Dark Souls fan. Hope you give Nioh a shot if you haven't already.
    Ok back to 4.1! Huh, I guess I could just take away the decimal and call it level 41.

    Edit: ... Correction: beat 4.1 within 5 minutes of my comment! Now on 4.2
  15. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    Haha Dark Souls/Bloodborne and Spelunky basically ruined all other games for me cause the are so good :( I heard lots of good things about Nioh but it's not on the top of my "need to play" list at the moment. And I still need to finish Dark Souls 3 :p

    It's nice to see your progress and I'm happy you are enjoying my game! Also I always intended to call levels as whole numbers. It makes more sense later when you are at lets say level 1234 ;)

    Is there anyone here close to level 70-80? Would be nice to hear what you are thinking about later levels :confused:

    Thank you all for playing! :eek:
  16. Qvothe1331

    Qvothe1331 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    I loved Slave Knight Gael. Now I look for any any opportunity to reference him in my usernames #.

    ...My goodness that's a lot of levels. That's good to hear. I'm all for paying a premium price for good games with lots of content. I can't stand (and don't play)games like Monument Valley. Enjoying and finishing a game in a single 2-3 hr sitting is not at all a good time to me. K I'm gonna stop referencing other games now. Sry

    Just hit lvl. 46!
  17. 19civciV

    19civciV Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Level Designer, Social Media Marketing & Managemen
    Nantes, France
    How can you be stuck for days on Badland ? :p

    I keep searching the solution for lvl.5.9.
    How many levels are ingame in total ? ? :)

    Great new for the level selection !
    It will add more replayability for sure.
  18. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    #58 Chq, Aug 17, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
    You have much time civciV, isn't it? ##

    I am at 4.6 actually, because of too less time. #

    When programming the "level select menu", it would be nice, to see the levels while choosing them. ☝️##
  19. Bumpygames

    Bumpygames Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2016

    they managed to squeeze the game under 2MB
    impressive and good work
  20. rajieru

    rajieru Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    I don't wanna spoil things but I would not worry about running out of levels :p
    Also nice to see your progress, congrats! :)

    Creating a UI that will allow to select level is already a challenge cause, there is just way to many levels :p To show all of them would be even harder. But who knows maybe I'll get a genius idea or something. :p

    Thank you! Game will get bigger once I add the proper iPad support but not much. Also level selection feature may increase the size a lot. Not sure yet so we will see how it goes :confused:

    Thanks for you thoughts!

    Also it would be nice if you could rate the game here in this topic (the stars at the top). Maybe that would help other people with finding the game?

    Thank you! :eek:

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