A big congrats to Butterscotch! FLOP ROCKET cracked the mark of 500.000 Appstore downloads, and that count rises every hour by hundreds more. Now everybody just needs to Butter Up.
4th successful space launch. Got the last two back-to-back without an escape pod! Woohoo! I agree that the endless mode needs its own leaderboard. Still not able to add JCho133 even though I haven't reached the max # of friends. I have 29 right now. Anyway, here's my stats.
My Butterscoth id is Parvi2al. Please add me guys. I'm late to the party but loving this and I want see exactly how terrible I am compared to other TA'ers.
Hahaha, I love these guys, but I think I'm done. I've spent 3 days trying to butter up. My latest issue is the "2.99 BUY" button is not doing anything. I've tried several times to get a Bscotch ID.....nothing is working.
Hey guys my BS id is Parvi2al. I added everyone who listed their id in the thread so please accept if you can. So lonely....# Edit. Just reinstalled Towelfight and Qudrupus Rampage so I can revisit. Missed Roid Rampage somehow but I'll be booting that up shortly to give it a try.
Does anyone else find the crashed friends on the bottom distracting? I think the problem is the arrow looks so much like the fueling station arrow.
@rbates - I thought the markers somewhat resembled the fuel station, but since it shows the name, that's how I can keep track. And yeah, that black hole in ur screenshot is totally a troll Lol
So, I guess I'm not understanding something about buttering up. I buttered up and started adding friends ect. Everyone was already buttered up anyway. I have 1 person who isn't and when I go to butter them up, it shows that I'd have to pay $2.99 again. Is this a glitch?
chief78: buttering up means unlocking premium content for 2,99€. If someone from your friend's not buttered up yet, you can buy the premium content for him/her instead. That's why you're asked to pay the price again. It's the same as sending a gift to someone on the App Store.
BScotchID: metalcasket I've already added all you lovely folks (though only Hamuga seems to love me right now ), but if I've missed anyone, go ahead and send me a request. I love back. Also, how cool is the implementation of this BScotchID thing? It's SUPER cool. Yes, THAT cool.
Alright, made it to the 5K mark. Still enjoy taking the old flopper for a spin though what I think would benefit this game for longevity would be; A hardcore flop mode, this could be in the purest form eg. who can take his rocket the furthest with no refuelling and with no armor whatsoever or any variant u can think off. Speed run ; eg. fastest to 1k mark, or any other variant... Eitherway, awesome game.
Flop Rocket was successfully nominated for Touch Arcade Forum Members' Game of the Week. If this was your favorite game this week you can vote by clicking here.
Friends I just added like 15 people just scrolling through the forum. I just downloaded this. I hope all of you will join me in Crashlands when it hits
I love this game, but sometimes my boosters fail to register and boom down I go. I take off and am tapping and my rocket just falls. I'm on 8.1.2 iP6. ?????
I'm just about to butter up (that sounds wrong lol) but just wanted to check if the purchase is restorable? It's currently saying I gave 600 coins in butter bank to claim, what are these for? My friend ID is cloudpuff if anyone wants to add, tomorrow I'll go through the thread and put all the user names into one single post if people think that will help? I like how the mission changes if you fail three times. Stops that frustration of being stuck at one point.