I'm here! Like you said, it's scarily addictive. Basically all I've played this week. Lots of practice definitely helps. Now where's Andy? I was looking forward to him dashing all my hopes and dreams! Ah, there's a Tool fan in the house! Right on man! And again @cloudpuff - great job on the list, it's looking like a part-time job!
+1 Glad you guys had fun out there. It was good hearing back from you! While you were away we've been having fun in here Well guys, Flop Rocket was sooo close to taking Game of the Week, but another game that will remain nameless managed to push ahead by a hair. And can I just say, I'M SERIOUSLY BUMMED OUT!!! It's a true winner in my eyes any day of the week! Thanks to everyone who voted! Lord have mercy on us all!
Damn that figures. Anything I vote for tends to fail. I should have abstained for the good of the dev's and the group Thanks also to everybody that added me on their friend list. Nice to see fellow floppers corpses littering the bottom of the cave... Though there are a few of you that I may never see in the foreseeable future. I blame it on my inability to stay calm. #
Well I've just maxed out my Duck Cannon and it feels like I'm slicing through those space ducks like a hot knife through sheniganed butter # Anotherkellydown, I'm hot on your tail fella! It does take a lot of practice but boy am I having fun doing it, this never begins to feel like a grind unlike most games of this nature #
Can't believe this didn't get GOTW. For new peeps hitting the thread, just copy and paste the lovely list that was made. Do everyone a favor and send us the request. Maybe piggy-back the effort already put in, is all
It took a little while for me to get "sold" on this game, but it's definitely more than the sum of its parts. The "cross-app" achievements and perks is nothing short of genius - you rarely see that on consoles, let alone tablets/phones. It got me to "Butter Up" not only this game, but all the other ones as well. Some of them I didn't expect to be much more than an indirect donation for Samuel, but Towelfight 2 actually became fun somewhere amidst my search for the ten telelporters (still hate the shooting controls) and I'm even up to 29 Juice in Roid Rampage. ---------- My biggest issue with Flop Rocket is resisting the urge to just fly left and blow up three times in a row every time I get a tedious / resource-ineffective mission like "Kill 3 Caveworms for 6 Juice" compared to "Fly 1,000 Meters for 16 Juice". I don't want to rack up 10,000 deaths, but I hate flying with lousy missions. Reached around the 2,000 Meter mark now - does a higher thrust make you more fuel efficient? I don't see how I could ever last to 5,000 if those ability gauges max out at eight dots each. I'm sure part of the problem is my default "flying angle" is too safe and not fuel efficient enough. I'm PeridotWeapon in the game - I've added a number of players from the list already. Add me if you're looking for a "mid-distance" player so we can try and motivate each other to actually get into space one of these days.
I do exactly the same, but I guess it's not that bad. There really isn't any other quest that's that bad. btw I just added alot of you guys from the list, hope that's fine with you - you can add me too if you want. BScotchID: Danito Also, what other games by BScotch do you like? Haven't tried Towelfight and the controls on QR (the stick) feel weird to me.
Just to let you know, Danito, i added you before i deleted this game, but i guess doing that might cancel all friends ? Sorry, but i reached the space and i had lots of fun with this gem (had my vote too) but now i'm done with it. I'm not a hoarder of games on my device, because my music library is too big and always growing. To buy only a 32 GB device won't happen again I see you all in Crashlands again!
I love Towelfight and QR. I think QR is more polished and the controls are superior, but both are outstanding. I think you'll eventually get used to the controls in QR and really enjoy it. --Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Butterscotch--
I haven't quite gotten comfortable with the controls in Towel Fight 2. Seems like a circular v-stick would be better than the + shaped one. Probably just takes time to get used to. Samulaan (BSID - Massulan) is rocking endless mode ATM! So I just spent an an hour or so more on TF2 and it's really starting to grow on me. A lot like Flop Rocket did. And I'm getting more comfortable with the controls too.
Yeah I first gave up on QR a while ago but now that I know how to use the inky dodge move to get across tough spots I don't fall off nearly as much. Still don't love the stick but I'm approaching more like FR... Beating the controls is part of the game. Same deal with TF... gonna butter that too just as an overall package deal to the BBros. Can't think of anybody that deserves it more right now. Please anybody go ahead and add me as a friend... I guarantee it'll make your scores just plain look better # It's simply Mason... thx
Well I finally made it into space with 198 heroes valiantly giving their lives to the cause, jeez the last 300 metres were as hard as nails, I made it by the skin of my teeth with a lowly escape pod # Now onto the endless mode! Full kudos to BS for such a fun and challenging game, QR and TF2 will definitely be purchased in the very near future #
I did exactly the same thing last night, Deckard74! I was having a great run, then my wife interrupted me + I lost 3 armour trying to pause... ended up last 400 meters in the escape pod, but I was so close I was determined not to blow it... I killed about 450 interns, but I sent their families a box of chocolates. (just one box to split between the 450 families, I don't want them to get used to good treatment, they'll start to expect it) Definitely have to revisit Towelfight + Quadropus - love the humor + artwork in all of the BS games.
I use the low juice missions to load up on all the options and make a big run. I think AnotherKelleyDown was the one who alerted me to the fact that you can buy juice... on any decent run (around 2500 meters or so) you can usually make enough $$ to pay for a full option fill up. I have armor (extra lives) maxed, fuel maxed as the most important, then maybe duck cannon, boom boom and black holes are the next good ones to get. I don't have anything else maxed. You definitely need to be aggressive to get to each fuel station... look for "clean" areas and peddle to the metal, watch out for the brown and pink ducks (I just avoid those 2 completely), stay high on the worms and gun it (or stop and wait if there are obstacles). I also use the force field as a mini black hole - I gun it as hard as I can and try not to hit anything. A bit of a gamble if you start bouncing off stuff toward the cool off, and you might miss a fuel station and get in trouble... but it's fun to do
Let's have a lot the competition: Destroy you're rocket at the very start and see how far you can get in a pod! I got to 1034 metres, which is probably nothing compared to those who've reached space
Just made it space by a happy coincidence! I was aiming to beat someone's highscore- around 3,500m! I 'only' lost 155 guys on the way. Oops. Mind blown when I saw the ending lol. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. FYI when they said endless mode has more ducks they weren't kidding.
Nice job! And tell me about it, those ducks are ridiculous! It would be nice if the cannon would take out those pink ones a little easier. Even at full upgrade they take so many hits that I end up skipping them. Problem is the auto-aim keeps shooting behind me and I end up smashing into another one in front me. Kinda wish the cannon would aim forward once you went past a duck... I double and triple checked your name in that post but still ended up misspelling it. Went back and changed it. I've been purposely trying to stay a good number of successful launches ahead of you!