Flight Sims

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by blakespot, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    X-Plane for the iPhone got me back into flight simulation. I was/am a big FS nut from early on. Flight Simulator II on the Apple II back in '84, etc. Good times.

    I recently purchased X-Plane 9 for Mac as well as MS Flight Simulator X for Win (since X-Plane 9 came out for the iPhone). Put a little "evolution" vid together.



    BATTLE BORN Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    I want to try X-Plane but I'll probably wait a bit longer for it to go on sale
  3. mek

    mek Well-Known Member

    i agree, i was going to buy it initially..but it seems like every app, within weeks of being released have a sale to boost its numbers.....i only buy games on sale now, basically there are so many developers now, and thousands in que, ..

    all it takes is just to be patient, and I have tons of apps and school work and work work to keep me busy...its hard..but worth it

    developers may hate me, but i'm also a developer...it just drives competition, so that the developers have to make an unbelievable app the first time, and not a beta testing one upon release to get me to spend my money...that is why i am taking my time with my apps, loading them with features upon features

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