We like to keep them a bit of a secret for people to work out. The first four just make things a little tougher for the expert players and the four striped ones give slight bonuses to certain aspects either in how easy it is to cast, the size of fish or how quickly they bite. I have got another update planned. Not immediately, but definitely fun
Anyone have advice on how to catch the two 600+ Swordfish on step 23? I know you use squid at Waves of Doom. But I can only reel it into about 600-550ft before snapping the line. I could never get them any closer. I've tried for almost 30 mins. at a time.
two questions... is there any info on how i can cast much longer than normal ? i only cast 105m instead of 210...... and what does that green little glass next to my rod mean? can i use it ? what is it for?
I won the big fish waves of doom on extreme mode twice and i still dont have the golden charm. any suggestions?
1st. Try casting more smoother, not too fast and strongly. 2nd. The green bottle, you won from the old fisherman for doing his tasks. It makes your line stronger and harder to break. Now my question: How do i get the 4 mullets? im using the lure, casting 120ft, reeling slow and nothing.
I went to breakwater and used ragworm and i would cast around 100 feet and i caught mullets every time.
Zwilnik, will you be adding some species of sharks as well? I know the greenpeace will be up your a$$ if you do, and I agree with shark conservation, but I love sharks so much I want to see them swimming in the aquarium. Lovely game btw!
yes but this is catch and release! lol but sharks would be AWESOME!!! also squid or octopus would be nice.
We decided not to put sharks in specifically because they're so endangered, but we are looking into how some marine research projects are live catching sharks, tagging them with radio transponders and releasing them to monitor their migration. They might form the basis of a future update at some point.
Gentlemen, I give you... I hate to tell you this, but I caught this in under 5 seconds, in extreme mode. There is a very simple trick to it. Reel into 96 feet and keep your finger on the reel until it bites, then only reel in once it stops jiggling.
Wow, thanks for this. I'd spent more time trying to catch these Marlin than on anything else combined so far. I had them caught in no time using your strategy.
Only reel in when the "Fish Strength" isn't shaking. When it is shaking, just put your finger on the reel to hold it.
You can reset the quest (without resetting what fish you've caught) with the Reset Quest button in the game options. To reset everything simply delete and re-install the game. whitecruiser: the 1.3 update adds the Fish Net internet play mode. The story only progresses as you catch the fish or wins the tournaments the OMiTL requests.