Universal Flashout 2 - (by Jujubee)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Sonicx

    Sonicx Active Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    agree. dont see a problem here. played half hour and already could buy the third ship.
  2. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Not a problem - for us the community is very important this is why we are not a developer who ignores the feedback and this is why we made some important changes asap. We always listen to the feedback of players and are glad that now the game is more playable for you. Hope the future updates will further improve your experience with the game. Cheers!
  3. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Dropping the price to one dollar, just one week after release and on the same day as you release a fix to make the game more playable and remove freemium aspects from a premium game, will perhaps not go so well over with early adopters of the game, and perhaps not communities such as TA.

    The fixes are great. But perhaps the price drop could have waited another week, unless it was absolutely essential for profits to do a price drop on this very day.
  4. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Thank you Ayjona, really glad you like the fixes!

    We didn't plan to reduce the price so soon, but as you know the game got initally very bad feedback due to iaps, etc., and we didn't want to look like a greedy developer to which only money matters. We knew that some might feel a little disappointed, but on the other hand we also wanted new players to give the game a try and get some more feedback after the update. It wasn't an easy decision for us, but we decided to take the risk and see if the changes we have made are right.

    This is also why we are very happy that the recent update was a good decision and that you like the changes we've made:). Cheers!
  5. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    I'd like to go against the grain a bit, if I may. It's my opinion that multiplayer racing games like this should always be free, because otherwise it's very hard to find people to play against. (See the latest Sonic game, for example... If even Sega can't get a nice pool of online players going at a "premium" price, what chance does an indie have?)

    Perhaps the more "freemium" feel of 1.0 should have been kept as a way to make money and have the initial download free to attract many more players.

    In fact, (get your torches ready) I think a good way to monetize this as a "free" game would be to put a timer (gasp) on single player where you unlock upgrades, and have multiplayer always available with no timers. This would be a good incentive for people to keep working through single player to earn upgrades, and when the timer locks them out they can just keep playing as long as they want in multiplayer. That would hopefully ensure a large pool of players to race against 24/7 like Asphalt has.

    /2 cents.
  6. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Hi thank you for your opinion and suggestions! You are perfectly right and actually we are indeed thinking on how to populate the Multiplayer Mode and we do have some nice ideas - right now I cannot say more, but will keep you posted, anyway the next update should improve things a little bit (and hopefully more than a bit;)). We also plan to add the Destruction Mode race type to the Multiplayer and we are currently working on some more changes that will improve the experience, so it should get better and better;). Cheers!
  7. Derrythe

    Derrythe Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
    Looking forward to seeing the next update. For the record, the feedback you're hearing seems to be, get rid of the consumables, and put the power ups on the track, as is pretty standard with this kind of racing game.
  8. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    #108 Mike.Jujubee, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Getting rid of all consumables would raise the price of the game, and while there are players eager to pay more for a game, there are also players who prefer to buy a game for less money. It's almost impossible to make everyone happy and there are other factors that need to be considered. Anyway we're not saying no, we just need to think it all through and then decide;).

    We're reading every single post and comment and taking all ideas into consideration. However we are gathering data not only on TouchArcade and there are many players out there, often with different opinions. This is why I cannot give you a definitive answer at this point, but as soon we will be sure what will be included in the next update, we will make sure to post the info also in this topic. Cheers!
  9. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    +1. Exactly what I've been trying to say but it just doesn't seem to be coming across. And I'm sorry if I got nasty about it, but since I haven't heard the dev agree with this, it's gotten me more angry than I perhaps should have gotten.

    But the whole point, is just this: I just want a level playing field where skill truly is the component to winning races. Consumables can be a shortcut for people who are still having trouble winning. But they shouldn't be integral to a game like this.
  10. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    #110 awp69, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Did you not say many, many times in this thread that the consumables weren't there for monetization? You seem to be contradicting yourself. And for the record, I don't care if they're there, but with so few on the tracks and opponents seeming to have a bunch of consumables, it's not balanced.

    All I want is a level playing field where skill is what is required to win races.

    A few quotes:

    Sounds like the game wouldn't have cost more reading that. And, for the record, I would have paid more for the game if it was balanced correctly.
  11. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    No contradiction in here, cuz some players prefer to buy the best ship at the beginning of the game, pack it up with boosts, guns, ammo, upgrades, etc. and complete the Career Mode in 2 hours. Anyway as said previously I'm not here to argue with you. We noted your suggestions and opinions and when we will have the update ready we will post the info what it includes.

    Eot from me, we'll be back when we will have some news:).
  12. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Like I said, I don't mind that they're there. I mind that they really are required to win races. I'll just repeat myself one last time -- all I want is a level playing field with the AI so to do that all you have to do is have the AI have no consumables to start. And let them truly be the shortcuts you have stated they are from the start.
  13. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    I wonder how many dollars of internet service has been used to argue about the monetization of this iPhone game.
  14. Sonicx

    Sonicx Active Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    just to say someting good from time to time:

    like the game. much better then the first one. played now till the third last tournament. bought no iaps. no need. replayed some of the tournaments to geht some money but all still very accaptable.

    hope for more ...like it :)
  15. Yes, lost in all of this madness is the fact that the game does have great graphics, controls, and is very fun. Yes, the balancing should be worked on, but I am hopeful that on the next major update things will improve, and this will be a great game for all to enjoy.

    Peace Out,
    The Connector
  16. FBI Light Rock

    FBI Light Rock Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Been a long time since I've returned to TA and I'm still constantly searching for new good games to play.

    Surprised to find a sequel to Flashout 3D. Wasn't expecting the series to continue. Perhaps I lost interest in the previous game's pretty wonky controls and seemingly lack of speed feel? Like what several others have been saying, I too, feel that Repulze nailed the formula totally right. Its combat mechanics really clicked with me. The balance between weapons and boosts felt excellent. However, there are slight issues with Repulze, the A.I. being a tad too difficult, which calls for a need for different A.I. difficulties. Also, just one more Phase 4 of combat would be awesome to balance pure racing and combat racing. But it seems that pixelbite has disappeared?

    But I'm not here to talk about Repulze. Let's talk about Flashout 2, shall we? ;) First, I would like to start off by saying that I have not played this game yet, so my opinions may be off. But I've read through reviews, their associated comments, and of course, here. :) All in a day.

    I support the dev's decision to make consumable boosts (weapons and boosts wise). There's no harm in it as long as many others said, the gameplay itself is balanced (which is obviously something I will not comment on since I've not played it). I also agree with the devs' reasoning of strategizing. That being said, I would probably agree with more power-ups on the track, as that makes for a more exciting action-packed race, not just purely for the sake of balancing consumables and gameplay. I like action-packed races, which is why I loved WipEout, not some Real Racing crap.

    I'm not sure whether the frustrating wait of respawning is still there. I have to admit from the previous experience with its predecessor, I don't really like that because it puts you too far back. I wish you would simply respawn and go go go immediately, since you would already need to restart the throttle; a sufficient enough penalty.

    I'm intrigued by the new modes. Especially enticed by the Destruction mode. (which sparked my interest once again in Flashout) Anyone played it yet? I loved that mode on my WipEout Pulse.

    AppSpy commented that Flashout 2 felt like boosts, jumps, power-ups, etc were simply "bleeding into each other without logical flow". Don't know what they meant by that and not sure whether you guys feel the same? Also, they said that it "stick too close to the WipEout formula". Personally I don't really mind this since besides, there is NO decent WipEout clone on mobile app stores. (Discount Repulze, it deviates off the formula in a good way) The WipEout series aren't going to continue anyway, since Sony shut down Studio Liverpool, so someone needs to go the job of doing a good port of WipEout to mobile platforms.

    I trust Jujubee. I've been following them since the times of Flashout 3D. I know a good dev when I observe one. They listen to your feedback, they make good and balanced games. Well, Flashout 2 may not be balanced yet, but let's give the devs a chance to amend it. It's a cruel world out there that seems to prophesize that failure is never an option. But I believe that failure is the road to success. Some devs never learn. If anyone knows, Disney with Tiny Death Star is one overly done case, with the game getting worse as updates goes. I'm leaving my $0.99 with Jujubee, and will officially pick up this game when I get my iPad Mini Retina, as I'm now still with my sucky iPod 4G. I strongly believe that by the time I get it (It won't be very fast, probably a few more months down), I would be able to envision a great WipEout clone. Here's to the devs and their future increasing success with Flashout 2. :D

    P.S. Devs, what are the best devices to play Flashout 2? :)
  17. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Hello FBI Light Rock,

    Thank you for your great post - we hope you'll enjoy the game when you'll get your new device. The game plays great on all new devices, so the iPad mini Retina would be perfect. In general on devices with the A7 chip you get the best quality and all the effects + 60fps.

    As for the Destruction Mode it is a bit similar to a Deathmatch, your goal is to destroy as many enemies as possible and you get ammo at the beginning of each race (no need to buy it;)) and the ammo is added to your inventory on each lap. It's my favorite mode personally;).

    The respawning on the other hand changed in version 1.2 and now the ship respawns automatically a second after you get destroyed and you get a small boost when you respawn, so no it should be better then before;).

  18. FBI Light Rock

    FBI Light Rock Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Wow, that sounds great! Looks like I'm gonna have some mayhem from the start. Can't wait to try it! Was one of my favorite modes in WipEout as well! The respawning sounds fair now, but I guess I'll have to give it a run to see if the penalty is balanced.

    By the way, as with all other racing games, there's always a free play option, isn't there? As a competent racer in many of these action-packed races, this option is always the most crucial to me. Free play races must have a HIGH degree of customization. As with this game, I could currently think of quite a few:
    - Number of racers on track (Definitely!)
    - Modes: Destruction, Combat Race, Pure Race (No power-ups but money present), Elimination, Time Trial (Can have a medal system, but don't make that mandatory for unlocking stuff),
    - A.I. Difficulty (I presume you have this option)
    - Weapons available (E.g. Whether there are mines on field, rockets, machine gun) May be complicated to programme, so I'll leave this option up to the devs.
    - Free Boosts at start, applies to both yourself and A.I. (Must not be consumable) Possible to make this locked from the start and must be unlocked through coins spent, which unlocks this for free play permanently.
    - Engine Class? (Something like WipEout where you choose Venom, Flash, Rapier, Phantom or Zen) Good for catering from beginners to god-like experts. :)
  19. Mike.Jujubee

    Mike.Jujubee Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Very cool ideas and something to think about - some of them are already there, some will be added in the future updates, we also plan to add similar options to the Multiplayer Mode:). Cheers!
  20. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Tempted to get this, does look very good, must admit i still havent finished the first one yet !

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