Candy Land level 9 is super hard! Can't seem to get anywhere near the hole for 11 flaps (superstar)... Help, anyone?
Thanks!! Was stuck on that one for the longest time but now, thanks to your video, I got that sweet sweet superstar!
Woohoo! Big update on the way (according to the news section in Flappy Golf). I'm so pumped, Flappy Golf is probably the single-player game I've enjoyed most this year and the multiplayer game I've put the most time into (on iOS anyway).
I am surprised at how much I enjoy this game. I've played all the Stickman Golf series (including the very first one, before it got Super); this was a brilliant way to use the courses. I actually like this a lot better than the actual golf games.
Yeah, I haven't checked the news section yet. There might be some stuff on the Noodlecake website as well:
Front page article says new stuff is coming soon! Such a fun game. One of the few that I've been able to get friends hooked on, too.
Flappy Golf Update #2 Yep the news is true. We have another content update coming for Flappy Golf very soon (we hope). We are just putting the final touches on some of the new things today and are hoping to submit to Apple early next week.
Are you guys going to add some rewards for winning multiplayer? Maybe a bux system, or even an xp reward, so you can level up. Now there is no point in winning, and no way to see if the other player is experienced or not. Looking forward to the update, and how will you unlock the new balls? Maybe there will be a new bux system?
Awesome! Can't wait for it. You won't believe (you probably already know by now) how popular this game is, wherever I go. The 20 new courses will be from ssg1 right? Didn't ssg1 only have 16 courses? Does that mean 4 new ones are coming? Hurry up apple and approve this update