Universal Flappy Golf 2 (By Noodlecake Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    It's not me enlightening you, that is straight from the developer.

    Don't label it? It's not an option. It appears automatically in the App Store for every game that has IAP.

    Split the game into two versions? Well, that tactic has been discussed ad nauseam for years now, so if you'd like to read more about it Google is your friend. But I'm sure you knew these things already, since this isn't rocket surgery?

    Here's the bottom line: You are some person on the internet. You have absolutely no way to know what sort of time, money, effort, or side effects would go into adding any sort of IAP into the game. The fact that you're not only demanding it but acting like you are entitled to it and they are some sort of shady developer for not offering you the option makes you look like an ass.

    Feel free to request an ad-removal IAP. Heck, I'd also like an ad-removal option. But the poor attitude in your remarks won't be tolerated against developers or against other members. If you are not capable of that then this isn't the place for you.

    Now that we've fully gone off the rails, I'm going to move all the ad discussion to its own thread.
  2. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Well I'm hoping they make that call. I've got money to give them.
  3. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Jesus, I was going to move all the ad discussion to another thread so we could focus on talking about the game itself, but that's almost every post in this thread. What a shame.
  4. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    It's obviously a pertinent issue then.

    And no, the developer did not state that the game was for schoolers. He stated that 99.5% of revenue came from ads.
  5. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
  6. Ryan_Noodle

    Ryan_Noodle Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Jan 29, 2013
    Biz guy at Noodlecake Studios
    :eek: Oh man this is ridiculous. How about that election though? Trump versus Hillary. Crazy amirite?.........

    In all seriousness the games success has been tied almost directly to school kids playing multiplayer. That has been covered a lot by Touch Arcade in the past but apologies if you missed it.

    If ads arent for you that is fine. We might add the iap, might not. Reality is we are going to wait a few days and see how the reviews on the store shake out now that it is featured heavily. Just know the decision wasnt made without any forethought. We knew it would be controversial. Didnt expect this though....
  7. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    While I'd like an ad remover, it's the sad state of iOS gaming that ads make a lot more money. So I understand where Noodlecake is coming from.

    I can't stand ads so I just won't play the game. It's that simple. If you don't like ads there are thousands of other games to play without them.
  8. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    I've played it for 10 minutes and deleted, because of ads. IMO it's already dumb enough without them, so I won't come back to it.
  9. retrogamOR

    retrogamOR Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2013
    Enjoying this.

    One issue i have,is that you have to press the icons on screen to flap left or right.

    In the first game you only to tap the left or right of the screen.Might not be too much of an issue on the IPhone,but on the Ipad it's a bit awkward & i've missed pressed on many occasions.

    Would it be possible to make the controls like the first game?
  10. Breinstein

    Breinstein Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    The Netherlands
    Pff I really do not understand the outrage about not being able to remove the ads .. There clearly is a huge target group that wants it all for free ..and even an iap label scares them away. So Noodle Cake did their research on how to maximize profit ( which they need to make , to make premium titles that are very often less profitable) and the biggest market for this game is scholars so ads were the optimum choice(excluding a no ads option because of the label).

    If you still want to play , just play in flight mode and you will see no ads .

    Btw : what is rocket surgery? I know about rocket science but rocket surgery must be a new trade?
  11. jonwilf

    jonwilf Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    Ignoring the ad issue (which I just. Ant bring myself to care about)...how do you get 'superstar' ratings? I've done early levels in lower-than-gold numbers, but still not got superstar.
  12. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Most likely, what with the way this game and funding model has been designed, you get Superstar ratings by clicking on the ads.

  13. mj132

    mj132 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    United Kingdom
    I've been enjoying playing this despite the ads I too would pay to remove them, but seeing as that not possible right, I'm just enjoying as it is. Ads are a bit annoying but that is how it's going on the App Store.

    But don't get me wrong I love premium games as well
  14. retrogamOR

    retrogamOR Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2013
    Not sure on this.

    But i think you have to unlock all levels first.
  15. InkyTheGhost

    InkyTheGhost Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    Scroll past the levels, it says when you get 261 stars, superstars are unlocked. Pretty sure that's how it was in the first one.
    Just wanted to say, the game is fantastic. I also hate ads, and I also would pay to disable them. But after reading Ryan's 100% reasonable response to the 100% unreasonable whining, I no longer want noodlecake to put in the iap. What is it about target audience that you entitled jerks don't understand? Does no one remember what happened with the first flappy golf?!
    I seriously hope Ryan and co. are able to wait this out and see if this catches on with the kids again. Because if it does, and there is no iap, it would help them grow as a company.
    We want that. Don't we?
  16. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Yes it's a fantastic business model to disenfranchise a section of your loyal prior customers. Customers who bought Noodlecake games and unlocked Noodlecake ads with their very own hard earned cash. Yeah screw them.
  17. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    #58 Eli, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    In this case, the "loyal prior customer" is all the teenagers talking about the game on Twitter and Snapchat who downloaded the original Flappy Golf millions of times, not the curmudgeons who have dug in so unbelievably hard on this whole "NO IAP? NO WAY!" thing.

    This whole thing reminds me of all the people who only got increasingly more angry with each new iPod release because how could Apple be SO STUPID as to not add FLAC support??? Don't they know that the iPod will be a total failure without FLAC??? I mean, never mind the fact that the vast overwhelming majority of people buying iPods didn't know or care what FLAC was.

    Ryan has consistently offered incredibly reasonable explanations for why Flappy Golf 2 is the way it is. I wish I could figure out why some of you guys are trying so hard to spin this into "ARGH! ANTI-CONSUMER! �������� NOODLECAKE!" instead of being like, "Alright, cool, well hopefully the next game you guys release is something that interests me more! Good luck with this one!"

    The opposite approach here really just reeks of entitlement.
  18. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    How do i get gold on beach land hole 3?
  19. HeinzKetup

    HeinzKetup Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2016
    I don't mean to sound like a total entitled jerk, but why would IAP turn away people from buying the game? I've never been turned off my a game with IAP, as long as when I actually play the system in place is fair.
    On that note, I'm in love with Flappy Golf 2. I think the ads are fair for the most part; I really don't have a problem with fullscreen ads. Unfortunately, I didn't play much of SSG3 or the original Flappy Golf, so a lot of the criticisms of the game so far don't apply to my own experience. It's even better with friends too; me and some buddies at school are really enjoying it.

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