Universal Flabby Santa - coming soon

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by markh0dgs0n, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. markh0dgs0n

    markh0dgs0n Member

    Nov 21, 2015
    York, UK
    Hi, Flabby Santa is my first game - and it's just been approved. :D

    Teaser art:

    Avoid clouds and robins to deliver presents and collect Christmas magic.
    24 levels culminating in a series of randomly generated levels and an endless run.

    This is a physics based casual game written in Swift and SpriteKit, using all sorts of particle emitters and dynamic lighting.

    Some screenshots:



    More info available at flabbysanta.com

    It has been a great learning experience. I hope some people will enjoy it.

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