Universal Fiz: The Brewery Management Game by Bit by Bit Studios

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Markku

    Markku Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    yes I choose 50 people, ok how do I know if i made my Markup to high? when I up the price it shows how much the profit will be not how high the markup is
  2. Foghorn Irrascible

    Foghorn Irrascible Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Look again. When you set up to sell a beer in a shop you have to set the price. On that panel it shows you how much your beers costs you to produce, how much the markup is (based on the sell price you've set) and the expected profit were you to sell all of them.

    If your beers cost 10 per unit to make, and you set a price of 20 per unit, the markup will read 2.00 as you're selling them at twice the price it cost you to make them.

    But if your competitors are selling beers at a lower markup of their cost price, and theirs are of the same quality as yours, theirs are more likely to sell because the customer perceives them as less greedy than you.

    The problem most players have with this is that in real life the customer shouldn't know what your markup is, and certainly shouldn't make a purchase decision based on that, but that's just the way it is in the game so the only thing to do is use it to make your pricing judgements :)
  3. Markku

    Markku Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    ok im starting to understand it more but let me explain.

    lets say the markup in the research info for the drink is 3, So i brew my beer make 300 units then go to sell, i go up to will say 15 and the markup is now around 3, however the store info shows, LOW 35 , average, 50, high 80, this is just a example. Now I sell it for 15 do to the markup but what I'm confused its whats the point of the LOW, Average, High if i match the low number my markup is triple the research or even more.

    do you get what I am saying??
  4. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Low, average, high shows the amount of money the customers have. So using your example, if the high number is 80, and you set the price of your beer at 100, no-one will be able to afford to buy it even if they think it is good value.
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Uptodate version - still crashes on Banshee tears.
    Anything i can do to avoid it ?
    Have now started a new game
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    #306 soup, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
    new game made it passed the banshee BUT

    Having saved gary, hes now working for me, the ingredients list has gone blank. Its white, with no ingredients, which means i am stuck.
    Cannot brew any beer over its official cap, for the 1 event, or for uprum as i have no modifiers.

    Can i do anything, or should i give up now, and wait for the next bug fix.
    My version is uptodate and as said earlier, already died on me once with the banshee tears.

    Help !
    Killed the app completely and restarted it, seems to have done the trick
  7. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    Hey soup, we're not aware of any crashes with the banshee's tears. Can you elaborate on how the game crashed there? And are you playing with Android or iOS?

    As for the ingredients missing, that's another one we aren't aware of, but it sounds like it's probably a UI, and not a data bug. I suspect if you restart the app, the problem will be fixed.

    Please let me know.

    Edit: Ah, looks like you relaunched and it did fix it. Please do let me know about the Banshee's Tears crash though.
  8. progmanrob

    progmanrob New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    eddy's terrible-ale issue

    Hi. I believe that extra large purity tablets are needed to brew terrib-ale over 1800 quality. Where do I get them? If Z is supposed to sell them, then something seems wrong. I am on year 42 and every time she stops by, the largest tabs she has is large purity tablets? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  9. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    You're correct, they are required. Z sells Extra Large Purity Tablets, but not every time she shows up. Just check for them each time and eventually you'll get what you need. Hope that helps!
  10. christopherrocs

    christopherrocs Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
    What's the point of putting points in craft?
  11. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
  12. rimo2001

    rimo2001 New Member

    May 19, 2014
    Victor and the VSHA Fakery

    So I'm working on my Pride of the City achievements, right? I look at my batches and turns out that one of them is valid for the Victor and the VSHA Beerfest. I complete the event, and a bit later, Eleanor from VSHA shows up! Naturally, when I see the request for 300 Units of Quality 1300 or better, I'm shocked. Even if I pour every single craft point in, I only come up to 240 Units, and that's before Quality! Is this how the event is supposed to be or no?
  13. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    Hey rimo2001,

    Your quantity is currently halved because of the problem with your water main. After you get the water main fixed, you should have no problem completing that VSHA challenge! Just keep working on the Pride of the City Challenges and you'll eventually get some help with the water main.

    Hope that helps.
  14. rimo2001

    rimo2001 New Member

    May 19, 2014
    Water main AND Victor

    I've heard that someone shows up to notify you about your water problem, yet I've had no one of the sort... My batch amounts are fine, I think... I get around 108 Units normally.
  15. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    In that case, you'll need to either increase your employees' Craft Points so you can spend more on Yield, or upgrade your Mash Tun Equipment. To increase your employees' craft points, you'll need to level them up, or just hire employees with higher Craft.

    Also, if you have access to Z's Shop, you can try to use Doppelgänger Constructs in your recipes to increase the Yield.

    Another option is to temporarily hire an employee with a special ability that increases Yield, like Shiki Katagari. You could use her to brew the batch you need, and then replace her with the employee you fired in order to hire her.

    Finally, keep in mind that just because an event is available, doesn't mean it has to be done immediately. The Event in question here is actually available until you complete it, so if you have to take some time to complete it, that's okay.

    Let me know if you need any other help!
  16. rimo2001

    rimo2001 New Member

    May 19, 2014

    Now the H20 Oh No thing has shown up...
    I guess I' ll just keep working on Pride Of The City. So the problem will be fixed if I finish POTC 3 or 4 OR in 4 years, right?
    I'm at the copper brewery with max equip, personally, I'm fine with low batches. My customers seem to tolerate my prices, as long as I give them the style they want.
    Fiz is a truly awesome game, dude.
    Thanks seandanger!
  17. deathishere

    deathishere New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    I've unlocked the event cyrus uprum's clemacy competition, but I can't get a batch above 1800 quality. I'm at 65000 cash, and the only challenge is to achieve a 2000 quality batch. So I'm essentially stuck.
  18. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    Sorry deathishere, just saw this post. What employees are you using? If you have any that are at max level, but aren't at max stats, you should consider firing them in order to hire someone who has higher potential. Even though your newer employees might have lower stats at level 1, at level 10, they will be stronger than your current level 10 employees.

    Let me know if you want some specific help.
  19. seandanger

    seandanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    Game developer
    Portland Oregon, USA
    #319 seandanger, Jul 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
    Version 1.1.1 available

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm happy to say that version 1.1.1 is now available on the App Store. This update adds all our most requested features, including automatic pausing when not brewing, cloud saving game files across devices, and more. Full changelist below!

    - iCloud saving enabled.
    - Game Center enabled.
    - New promo codes (to be released via social media).
    - New Option: Automatically pause when not brewing.
    - New Z's Shop item: Reset main employee stats.
    - New Z's Shop item: Spawn dynamic Event.
    - Added and tweaked some tips and hints to improve clarity.
    - Many various bug fixes.

    Also, Fiz has done well enough that we're in business to make another game, which we're working on now -- but aren't far enough along to announce anything yet. It is a management/tycoon game similar in style to Fiz, but a different theme and with a lot of new mechanics.

    Oh, and here are some promo codes if you haven't downloaded the game previously. Let me know if you use one and I'll remove it.

    (used) MA779MM769Y3
    (used) TLHKWY3KMYNL
    (used) 7YN6YR6EE4AW

  20. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I've had this a long while now, if you like any Kairosoft games buy this game.

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