Universal Fishing Break (by Roofdog Games)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by yome, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Harsh?! Hardly! Don't see how that was the case! The game is alright, but ruined by the ads, double currencies, the timers, and social network crap! Simple as that! Was in the second area when I had my fill and decided I can't be bothered with that and dumped it. That's the way it goes...... #
  2. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Eh, Bigrand, to be fair, the ads are only if you want to double your money, and timers are nonexistent practically if you play a bit smart or at most 10 mins to get some bait, and no need whatsoever for that "social crap".

    This is freemium done right.
  3. Wafflesandbeer

    Jan 28, 2016
    I have to agree that the early game is too slow and $500 for the first bait option is too much. I can barely make that amount back spending the 10 bait because it is near impossible to avoid all the small fish.
  4. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    .......you're entitled to your opinion...........:rolleyes:
  5. Patthegymnast

    Patthegymnast Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    More codes plz!!

    I really like to play looks fun!! But PLEASE can the developer post more codes!!:mad:
  6. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    The game is already out
  7. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    Sorry, my mistake. It's only in soft launch right now.
  8. Patthegymnast

    Patthegymnast Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Not in the us

    Its okay!! But can i have a promo code?
  9. talf

    talf Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 2, 2012
    Game Programmer
    Welcome to the forum! :)

    Are you using the swipe gesture to avoid small fishes? It helps sometimes.
  10. Wafflesandbeer

    Jan 28, 2016
    Yes but most of the time the small fish make a beeline right for the hook which I cant avoid. It would help if you could swipe to see down the lake to see what group of fish is there before you cast.

    I'm getting better at avoiding the small fish but it still seems like too slow a process overall. I dont even want to think how slow it would be if I hadnt put all my points into pole strength.
  11. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    The TA article yesterday said it was coming out today but it did not. Any updates on the Global release?
  12. anarei

    anarei Active Member

    Sep 15, 2014
    Hey Wafflesandbeer, I have been playing the game for a few days and found out that we've been missing the point (or "purpose") of all the small fish... they aren't there to just grab the bait and frustrate us, they can actually be used as bait themselves for the larger and rarer fish!!!.

    In the third map zone, I started hearing some weird "chomping" sound every once in a while and saw some fish floating upside down like they were dead. As I played, I tried to find out what was happening and I saw it: the larger fish are attacking the small fish when there is a lot of activity (movement, jumping, and splashing) at the surface of the water.

    After I saw this, I started toying with the bigger/rarer fish with the annoying little fish on my line. For example, instead of just reeling in the little fish and getting frustrated, I kept him on the line, and started reeling him in to "jump" him in and out of the water to make big splashes, and to keep him on the surface of the lake when he "shakes" to splash and makes small waves. As I kept doing this, I saw that the larger fish would focus on my bait-fish and actually eat him, causing me to get the big fish on my line :)

    This works with both normal fish and the special fish, and replaces the bait and little fish with the big fish. You only get credit for the big fish when you reel it in, but this has totally opened up the game for me to new strategy and TONS more fun. I've actually been in the top tier in some tournaments and collecting lots of cool fish this way :)
  13. anarei

    anarei Active Member

    Sep 15, 2014
    Suggestions and feedback from a fan

    @yome, I've been playing the game quite a bit and really enjoying it :) It's another great game and I hope it's a huge success for you! I have a few thoughts and suggestions that I thought I'd share:

    1. This game is a ton of fun to play, but it REALLY drains the battery on my device. I'm playing on an iPad Air 2 (without watching ads) and with no other open apps, and it's immediately apparent how fast the battery runs out when playing, especially if I play for longer periods of time at once (like 30 - 60 minutes). I'm not a professional developer, but I believe the main culprit is the constant checking and updating of scoreboards through Facebook as we play. I'm using a Wi-Fi only device, no cellular data/connection. I've been trying to think of a better way to update the leaderboards and tournaments, and I think checking less frequently, or only when leaving a zone, would be an option that doesn't affect gameplay (or user results) and help sustain the battery life for all players. I can explain further if you'd like my suggestions, just let me know ;)

    2. The artwork for each fish and map zone is gorgeous, great job! I also really like the different characters, hats, and boats. Are there any thoughts about giving the characters unique traits or abilities, or maybe the hat or boat does something in the different zones? For example, +5 attack, or +cast distance in Zone 2, or "more special fish at night" in Asian River? Or perhaps certain combinations of character, hat, and boat together could unlock a bonus?

    3. The tournaments are very fun so far, even with just a small number of participants. Are there plans for additional types of tournaments? Instead of just "biggest fish of type X," maybe you could do "smallest fish of type Y," or "most type Z fish caught in a set timeframe."

    4. I've only experienced one crash so far, it was as soon as I reeled in a fish and the "result" window was popping up. It was in the first or second zone, and I haven't been able to recreate it so far. If I do find any steps to recreate, I'll let you know.

    Thanks again, and nice work on a very fun game :D
  14. Wafflesandbeer

    Jan 28, 2016
    I did find this out too, thanks.

    I've sort of made it past the beginners hump and now have pretty much no problem at this point making cash. I still think that first area where bait costs 500 is too strict for new players. It may turn off a lot of new people since you're so reliant on waiting for museum money to trickle in to continue fishing.

    Once you make it past that hump you can easily make more coins per 10 bait than they cost meaning no waiting for coins to roll in.
  15. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Hey everyone, I've been enjoying this game a ton since its been in soft launch and came to share some feedback.

    1. I think it's freemium done totally right. Energy systems are a total red flag for me, and this game has no energy system, just a bit of a hump at the start with the bait costs. It's definitely meant to be played to get your upgrades incrementally, while spending most of your coins on bait.

    2. The ads & museum coins are done SO RIGHT! My strategy so far has been to get the first two stars at each area before progressing, which has given me lots to spend on bait and gives me more gold when I'm away. That leaves me to come back, watch an ad and get a few upgrades.

    3. The mooching system. As was pointed out already, you can catch the pesky quick biting fish and they will become bait for the bigger & special fish. I have a few questions though, can all fish be used as bait successfully?
    Do all special fish require fish as bait?
    Any fish or certain fish only?

    I only ask because I've seen it work all different ways so far, I've caught a great white shark with basic bait, a basic fish, and a different fish than what it was already chasing. I haven't caught special fish without using a fish yet, so I don't know if it's possible to catch them with basic bait. I'm sure you can, I just haven't gotten that lucky.

    This is one of 3 games lately that have done F2P with no energy and better ads than just between rounds, and it makes me want to support the developers WAY more than any other games with those classic F2P pitfalls.

    Hope someone finds this useful/can contribute, here's my friend code and happy fishing!

  16. mandmcandy

    mandmcandy New Member

    Mar 21, 2015
    enjoying the game
    friend code is xdwv7669
  17. Wafflesandbeer

    Jan 28, 2016
    Please add a confirmation screen to premium bait purchases. Just lost 50 premium bucks to the high end bait.
  18. anarei

    anarei Active Member

    Sep 15, 2014
    A few bugs I have found:

    1. If two quests are in the same map, only one icon appears when looking at the zones to choose where you want to fish. The second will display after you complete the first quest, but it can be confusing since you do not see all of the quest icons on the map.

    Only one quest shows when you are fishing, too, even though two are active there.

    2. If a dead fish gets under the boat/player (at the front of the boat), the boat and fish will keep bouncing up and down until the fish is pushed out or de-spawns. This happened for me with the Red September boat, not sure about others based on size.

    3. If anything takes focus from the game, even for just a second or two, the "while you were away" message appears. I think there should be a short time limit before this pops up... maybe fifteen or twenty seconds? For example, getting a text message or iMessage, or a reminder, or even swiping down to see the Notifications window will cause the "while you were away" message to appear. This will pop up when you are fishing, reeling in a catch, or looking at anything else in-game.

    I have a few more things to post but I need to get screenshots from my tablet after it's done recharging :)
  19. anarei

    anarei Active Member

    Sep 15, 2014
    I don't have answers to every question, but I can tell you that the size alone of the "bait fish" is not what determines if you will be able to catch something else with it. I have used larger-sized normal fish to catch smaller special fish; I have also used higher-defense normal fish to catch lower-defense special fish... I believe the system uses the "star rating" or "rarity" of a fish to determine if it can/will eat a fish on the line.

    Having said that, I do not think that all fish will eat the normal bait. I think you have to use the more advanced bait, epic bait, or "little fish" to catch the rarer fish in the zones.

    I haven't taken data on this yet, but I think fish are only "hungry" at certain times of the day. I can be fishing in a zone for a long time and not catch the fish I want (for completing a quest, or getting a new record, etc); however, if it gets to a certain time on the clock in the zone, I can pull three or four of them in, when in the last ten minutes I couldn't get one. For example, some fish are only hungry in the morning after 600AM, or at night after midnight... it seems like that is happening on some maps to me.
  20. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    That's all very helpful and makes sense! I haven't used any of the premium bait yet, I've been saving it for when I go special fish hunting. The hungry at certain times is an interesting observation, I never noticed that before! I'll definitely keep it noted now.

    I'm still really enjoying this game though and find it to be really fair and don't really see a pay wall, unless only certain special fish could be caught by premium bait. I've accidentally hooked some by trying to bait a regular fish though (they're in the 200's so the line snaps instantly lol) so that aligns with what you wrote earlier. Maybe the premium bait ignores all non special fish?

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