Fish Labs Betrayal Megathread

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by adamlax, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Does anyone know if Everspace is coming to mobile?
  2. dunhila

    dunhila Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    I think RockFish said the game will not be on mobile.The only platform they were focusing on was PC.
  3. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    Erased after 3 hours of boring, repetitive gameplay. Disappointing experience for me :(
  4. lucrezio87

    lucrezio87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2010

    I feel lost.. GoF it's dead #
  5. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    This franchise all went downhill the day some bright spark decided to turn it from a AAA premium paid game.
  6. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    To be fair, listening to people who want to argue that you game shouldn't be free to play and many of the other hilariously bad suggestions from the previous thread is a real good way to have your game totally bomb on the App Store. I wouldn't bother posting here if I were him either, you guys are just looking for a witch to burn at this point. I almost wonder if we should start a third thread for people who want to discuss actually playing the game?
  7. luckycharmz75

    luckycharmz75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Most of the complaints from this and the Beta thread, were about the lack of a true sequel, not F2P.
  8. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    OK, but complaining that this game isn't a true sequel isn't going to make one magically appear. They've been working on GoF3 for years now. I just don't understand the mental disconnect that's making you guys go, "OK well this game obviously isn't for me for a myriad of reasons, but I'm just going to endlessly complain until they just delete this game and start over with whatever weird things I personally feel a true GoF sequel should have."

    It's like going into a place that sells hot dogs and just repeatedly shouting you want a hamburger, even after the person who works there has calmly explained that now they sell hot dogs several times and you're still standing there yelling about hamburgers. More games get released on the App Store in a weekly basis than anyone could even realistically play. Focus on something you like instead.
  9. luckycharmz75

    luckycharmz75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    That's a perfectly articulated, and reasonable opinion. Others feel different. I couldn't care less, personally. The developers made a decision, that I don't like. So they won't get my money. Pretty simple. Others seem to want the company to know why it failed, when/if it does. That is also a reasonable opinion. I was just pointing out that the argument against the game is not really about F2P business model.
  10. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Why not leave it at that then, instead of railroading a second thread with posts that have absolutely nothing to do with this game? These forum exists to discuss playing iOS games, not make sure you get your two cents in to blast a future "I told ya' so" at a developer. If someone comes across this thread because they searched for GoF 3 on Google and want to discuss ship load outs, missions, or... actually playing the game, why would they bother posting in this shit heap?
  11. luckycharmz75

    luckycharmz75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    That's a valid point. Again, I'm not arguing for or against the game. It's not something I'll spend money on.
    I'm not arguing for or against the future "I toda so" crowd. I was just pointing out that the complaints aren't about F2P.

    This game had an extremely passionate fan base. They feel betrayed. That's why this thread will be a cluster-fork no matter what. Just like the Beta thread.
  12. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    It's on Xbox one also. It's also a rogue like and not exploration trading and free flight etc. Like GOF2. It's actually closer to GOF3 than 2.
  13. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    We could try a third time and just merge the old two together as the "Fish Labs Betrayal Megathread?"
  14. luckycharmz75

    luckycharmz75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    I just spit coffee all over my desk. Thanks, I needed the laugh. That is a GREAT thread name. I surely wouldn't wanna be a moderator on TA right now.
  15. Gunther4C

    Gunther4C Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    I went back to the old thread to find my original review as I'll post below, honestly they could've fixed some thing so rant about here but I doubt it, I haven't touched the game since 1 week after it soft launched so A LONG TIME. I downloaded the official version today and deleted it after 2hrs. It's pretty much the same as I rant about. This game is trash. (I can't wait to see all the sheep rant about my review again ;) haha). Also, EVERSPACE is on Consoles now! Check it out it's pretty much a GOF:3 this game isn't a sequel, it went from Infinkty Blade 3 worthy to a CoC games that they called Infinity Blade 4: Warmongers or something.


    This comment is coming from someone who paid $10 for GOF2 when it came out and logged 120+ hours and bought all DLC for the game and played multiple files and beat the game many times. I consider myself a long time and dedicated fan.


    @Tobi, be sure to see my last comment above any of my edits.

    WARNING, the post below may be considered very rude and extremely rantish. I'm in rage mode and about to let it all out. All comments below are based off of my opinions and my impressions. I don't mean to offend anyone. I just had to get it all out. I needed to vent and steam. I use a rude vocabulary and go full on beast rage mode. I'm well aware I'm about to go "over the top" haha. Brace yourselves. This reviews an intense one and will probably be perceived as offensive. You've been warned...

    The game left me wanting more. I craved want GOF2 left behind, so much in fact I had to wash my saltiness out with this great game. and wandering how they could've possibly put this out and felt okay with this kind of a direction, I would've felt like an absolute piece of crap for releasing a sequel like this after so many years. This game went from full on RPG, Open World, Soace Trading game to a full on FarmVille/Angry Birds 5-10min quick fix. We'll see if updates can't save this game. As of now. I've deleted and re-installed GOF2 HD. After putting in 4-6 hour of gameplay aside from the stupid model (basically energy system) of ship repairs. This game holds you back so hard. Well sure, I can switch ships and wait 2 freaking hours (OR MORE). But I don't want to, I want to play with the ship I've put all my time and currency into, my baby. Not my neglected ship I kicked under the curb.This game will be the bullet that ends what's known as fish labs. This game was obviously a cash grab with fermium models and IAP's...and there's no one way it's going to be successful in its current state which in my opinion will be the downfall of Fishlabs. This game is built around all the things they can do to make as much money as possible. This game, needs, updates....and fast. It's rolling down a long hill and about to hit the bottom if it doesn't get help.

    I'd give this game 2/10. I'll save my money, was really going to purchase something meaningful to support the developers. Not cash packages (basically gems) and fast forward speed-up elements to the game. I need to see a comment from a Dev and see how they could defend themselves and this garbage they put out Without using "the markets changed" comment. I know, I get that. But there are other full-premium successfully games that are full paid (some have IAP and some don't) that ARE SUCCESFULL! I feel like this game was the ugly step-child that they hide every time there golden child comes up (GOF2). I was really expecting a step forward. Not 2,4, or more realistic 20 steps back. You couldn't make a lets play series of this game like you could with GOF2

    Everything that could've gone wrong with this game did, everything you hoped wouldn't happen to this game happened. I almost dare say that I hope this game fails so the devs can see the kind of mistakes they made and to shove this crap in our faces? Like I'm truly offended? I know, I know, it's a game. But I've spent hundreds of hours across there GOF games and DLC's. And to be presented this? I don't even know what to say. They should've never made the game and made another DLC for GOF2 HD. This is the most mediocre disappoint in mobile history as a comeback game based upon its successors ever.

    They basically made Skyrim (GOF2) and then for it successor (GOF3) turned Skyrim into game where you have to have health (stamina) to missions that runs out after awhile making it so you can't play any missions for awhile. And if you die ((destroyed ship) you have to play another character and forced to wait hours later. Oh, want to upgrade your sword? (A ships cannon) well the forge has to heat so you have to wait. But don't stop there! Buy this special potion (gem sort of currency) and this will heat up the forge quicker to make your weapon (skip craft timer thing). Oh hey! You leveled up! You have to wait a few hours before you can apply it though (upgraded weapons and ships). The only way to progress in anything is to constantly grind and grind and grind and grind. And every time you die or complete a random action a guard tries to sell you a shield for $1.99 Oh, and by the can't leave whiterun (manticore hub) we'll just teleport you to the missions zones. But wait, there's more! You now need Internet to play!... I feel this is a good example and good way to look at the core gameplay to see what kind of disappointment I'm talking about. Turning a legendary game into a piece of crap shame. At least jt is for me at its current state.

    -Tutorial (the tutorial takes FOREVE! And jt locks you out of things u till you finish it. I'm not a baby. You can't even skip it and it holds your hand all the way through, and again. WHY IS IT SO FREAKING LONG?????)
    -Saves (no cloud gaming, not cross play, no game sync, no Facebook to GC login, 1 device and 1 file, a shame. When it's there it doesn't even work)
    -Controls (WTF Happened? There so jarring and jerking and not smooth at all, settings don't even help)
    -Repairs (Really? An energy system? Are you that desperate?)
    -Stamina (yeah, there's basically 2 energy systems....'nough said)
    -Gameplay (Specifically loss of open world, now only controlled levels, no open free roam environments, no trading, no exploring)
    -IAP/Ads (shoved in your face like an animal shelter commercial)
    -Notifications (this freaking game sends 2-3 notifications AT A FREAK TIME every few hours, it's overkill and if wake up with 6 notifications from them, it's annoying !)
    -Grinding (this is what killed me in the end, the games truly Grindy. It becomes a bore after awhile and I didn't care to play anymore)
    -Currency (wow, 3 currencies? Again...WTF???)
    -Mission Design (no storyline, no legit campaign, and all missions FEEL the same in the end, fly here kill him. Done, WTF HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR GAME? The storyline feels thrown together to call it a sequel? This is more of an FPS than an RPG)
    -HUB (Really? The game is designed around a central hub they can't even go anywhere else to explore?
    -World (the world is dead empty and all the same, totally flipped from what it used to be)
    -Items (I've played a lot, and quite some time. Are there like 10 ships, 10 Weapons, 10 Equipment...WHAT HAPPENED TO DIVERSITY??)
    -Endgame (I mean is there really anything to strive for after awhile? Without even beating the game it'd get so boring why would you even care to finish it)
    -Replayability(Why the heck would I want to come back? If I deleted and reinstalled I wouldn't want to do it again...hell no...)
    -Online Requirement (Wh-- What were you thinking? Maybe allow some things to do while offline?)
    And the biggest con yet... WHERE THE HELL IS THE TRADING SYSTEM?????????

    -graphics (this includes environment, stations, ships, overall quality)
    -sounds (not much to say, it sounds good)
    Yeah, that's it. At least for me a die hard fan
    No really, I'm dead serious. That's all that's good and all I enjoyed.

    I hope this game gets roasted like COD Infinite Warfare did so they can fix there game. I honestly could talk forever, but I need to breathe and relax, I'm so pissed right now. I'll update my comment tomorrow, I'm only half way through my rant. Yes, I'm fully prepared to be roasted by anyone and everyone. Sorry, this is a FREAKING DIE HARD fan here that just can't handle this.

    Go play GOF2 with DLC, Stellar Wandere, FTL, Stat Commander, or anything else really.....

    This post below is written the same time as the above review, it sounds like it was edited in later but it's not. I'll write edit when I edit later.

    Fish labs, if you made it this far. I love you guys, I love GOF1 and GOF2. I'm glad you stuck around for another game. Even after the whole lay off employee thing. I know, I was pretty rude and harsh in the "review" above. I'm just so passionate about GOF2 I just freaked out. I still support whatever you do, just not this game, not now. Good luck to ya guys. I had to get it all out and I may have been so mad I may have reported false info. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or too naive to see how I'm being ignorantly stupid. Oh, and about wanting to get this game roasted? I do, because I want you to do Somethjng Abuout jt and fix it. Im prepared to be roasted. Haha, again, I just had to get all my thoughts out. I'm sure I went over the top, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from. Hope to see a lot of changes!
  16. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    #36 sticktron, Dec 8, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    Heads up to people reading this thread for the first time: all the negative reviews were removed by the mods.

    This thread now gives you the impression that everyone enjoys the game, whereas the truth is far from that :/

    Shitposting isn't good, but GoF 3 is part of a franchise, which means discussion about how this game has drastically changed from previous entries in the franchise is relevant information IMO. If kept civil, negative reviews shouldn't be censored out.
  17. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Agreed. Kind of ridiculous to remove any civil comments that are negative. Why have a forum at all if only positive comments are allowed? People who don't know the true nature of a game will be sadly disappointed when a game everyone supposedly "raves" about is not even close to what they expected.

    I don't think telling people how this game is not like the original games at all is unfair. It's just the truth and opinions about that.
  18. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Nothing is being censored. All the off topic posts are readily available with a link in the first thread. They're just not helpful. That this game isn't like the previous games was established months ago when the game soft launched, and everyone has aired their grievances to the devs who are VERY aware of that feedback.

    The main topic is for the game that released, not the game everyone wishes it was. Imagine someone googling for help about the game and coming across that thread, and then having to wade through multi-hundred word rants about how upset someone is that this or that isn't like the old games. It ruins the discussion.

    If you want to talk about those things, do it here.
  19. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    The point is it's NOT off-topic to try this game and be disappointed by its shortcomings. People haven't necessarily read the soft-launch thread, or kept up with news about this game.

    They come to the main thread to find out people's impressions of the game. Civil discussion about how a sequel is drastically different (in a decidedly negative way) than its predecessors IS on-topic.

    Imagine if Super Mario Run had been named Super Mario Bros. 4. Would poor reviews because it's not what you'd think it would based on the name be "off-topic" or relevant?

    I think you're being too heavy-handed here. If DeepFish had gone with a different name this wouldn't be an issue, but they chose to leverage people's familiarity and experience with the previous GoF games to increase profit while delivering a by-comparison sub-standard gameplay experience. That IMO is worthy of discussion and critique.
  20. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    And you are free to discuss and critique it to your heart's content in this thread.

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