Universal First Strike: Final Hour (by Blindflug Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    That does make sense though. If they force to put it on the small screens, they'd get tons of complaints about the small GUI, and everyone will ask for a zoom feature or something like that.
  2. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Drat. Oh well. Haha I've been watching it for weeks and didn't even see that
  3. JeremySpillmann

    JeremySpillmann Active Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Game Designer
    Zürich Switzerland
    Exactly, we can't justify to just release it on iPhone without finding a solution by overhauling the whole interface. Readjusting the zoom limits to iphone size just meant the overview was completely gone and the textures get blurry. We'd be (rightfully) slammed by negative reviews in the store that way.

    @JCho133: I'm sorry to disappoint you. You've been following the game all this time without even being able to play it

    @Sanuku: Thank you very much for opening up the thread, and that even at NZ Time! you are awesome!
  4. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Hey, I think I asked before, but have you considered a PC port? I imagine that the game would work pretty well with a mouse. And besides Defcon, not many nuclear warfare strategy games as far as I know
  5. JeremySpillmann

    JeremySpillmann Active Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Game Designer
    Zürich Switzerland
    Yea, we are definitly considering it. As a matter of fact, we used a Windows build for early screencaptures before, so the interace works well with mouse and wheel. I think it looks amazing on the big screen with Anti Aliasing and post processing filters!

    We'd have to add a lot of customization options I suppose, plus Greenlight would probably take us a year to get through. So we are waiting on that decision for now. The interface was designed from ground up for touch displays, that it actually works on PC is more of a byproduct.
  6. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    I demand a refund! Oh, wait...

    Haha but it's alright, it was my own naivity. Haha I probs still would have followed it even if I had known
  7. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    #27 Baracus, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Game Impressions

    First Spin!
    Just quick first impression from me. Late here and going to give a more detailed 'review' tomorrow after getting some better games in!

    My first game took just over 30 mins, continuing the 'tutorial' to its end. I got a pasting!
    I can see how the games will go faster once you know instinctively what to do. Everything happens pretty fast with the very slick menu so you can rattle through the commands.

    Basically each region you own (starting with a few on your chosen continent from Easy, Medium or Hard game with USA, Europe or Korea starting nations related to those difficulties) lets you either build Cruise missiles for defending with, or nukes for attacking with (different types after you research them for longer range).

    Each region has limited slots (missile bays) which can be upgraded through research. Seems sometimes my defence was automatic but 90% of the time I had to fire manually which requires some keen observation of what is coming - easy to get distracted at other side of the globe - and some frantic timing (I missed a few close calls by like 0.5 seconds!).

    Each region can also research tech improvements with 4 branches to work through. These improvements are global for all your regions.

    Or you can expand into adjacent territory if it's neutral or destroyed so you can push to take over other regions/continents or take back your own after it gets hit. Some regions obviously have more population (bigger cities), so not sure if you should focus on taking bigger regions first or that makes no difference. Seems it just makes a juicier target for the enemies!

    You can also Unbuild your missiles to make space in the bays for upgraded or different ordinance.

    Finally you can attack or defend if that region isn't busy doing something else of the above. The attack has 2 options - normal attack seems to take just 1 nuke from the selected region but not sure how you choose which one.

    Doesn't seem to be any resource to wait for other than the timer bars to do the above actions. Expanding and Researching taking the longest, and you cannot attack or defend whilst waiting so go to be careful not to tie up all your regions if you might expect an attack. There are no costs for building things and no finite resources, so you can just build away and recapture territory any time leading to a bit of a tug of war. The more territory you have the more you can do in parallel. I imagine if you own half the world you will have a harder time making everything efficient whilst also keeping an eye on threats and targets. Plenty going on!

    Maybe there is some research that helps in this regard - I need to research that lol

    It's mighty ominous when you get a First Strike against you and all of a sudden see a wave of 20+ nukes coming your way from over the horizon.... it's like "uh oh!! Ain't no way my cruise missiles are taking THAT lot out... GULP!". Really nice graphics and overall experience with the music changing when things go nuclear!

    Can't see a way of turning the music off (or any settings at all actually) so that might become an annoyance after the hundredth game - would be nice to turn BGM off.

    I had a crash after the first intro and thought it would do same again but skipping the intro worked - made me worried tho!

    Overall really nice potential here and I can't wait to learn it a bit more. Does make me wish for Defcon on iPad tho - this is quite a different beast!

    tl;dr - nice fast paced RTS, nice interface, some WOW moments of epicness, not too complex but could have some hidden depths when trying to min/max your strat!
  8. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Question to the Devs. I assumed there would be online multiplayer but seems not? Is it planned? It's ideal for it as a competitive playground with short RT games IMO!
  9. CoreyB

    CoreyB Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Aircraft Mechanic
    Chicago, IL
    Not much to add to the great review already posted. Two things I would like to see...some type of save system. Large games can take awhile and it's really depressing loosing all that hard work to real life issues. The other would be the ability to pause the game while giving orders. While it might be against the spirit of the game, once you have a large empire it gets tough building up your stockpiles in one continent while defending another. The game has been a lot of fun so far, hopefully my reflexes improve so my second suggestion becomes a non issue.
  10. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    I'll wait for a save system to be implemented as well as the option to remove background soundtrack before buying. Bummer...I was REALLY looking forward to buying this game once it came out.
  11. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Damn! Was looking forward to playing this on my iPhone :(
  12. B30

    B30 Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Planet Earth
    #32 B30, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Die Schweizer können nicht nur hervorragende Schokolade produzieren – looks really cool, downloading now.

    @Dev: Please implement a save option, otherwise it's not possible to play this title in short bursts.
  13. pbb76

    pbb76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    Definitely interested in this, but I watched the video and the ticking clock constantly in the background, whilst a good idea for the feel of the game, really got on my nerves and once I noticed it was there, I couldnt get it out of my head.

    Sounds like there isnt an option to turn it off/down. Any plans to add that in please?
  14. ansin11

    ansin11 New Member

    Nov 20, 2013
    It's so awesome *__* love it
  15. ansin11

    ansin11 New Member

    Nov 20, 2013
    Yap, a save option (like in Plague inc. For example) would be awesome. Also id love some unlockable superpower which doesn't exist in the real world, for example some island (maybe called Utopia / Atlantis or so), because maybe some players don't want to play one of the real superpowers (maybe they don't like any of them, you know). Just saying. :)
  16. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    If you strip away the graphics and missiles, this feels awfully similar to Plague, Inc. I've played one game through as the US and it was fun but got pretty tedious late game as I was trying to figure out where the enemy still had countries. Apparently you need to completely obliterate them in order to get the last enemy to surrender so that's a little annoying - once you have done a lot of damage to an area it becomes very dark and its hard to see what's going on in that area. There needs to be better visual cues as to who owns a region, even a faint colored outline would be good.
  17. Zakalwe42

    Zakalwe42 Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Just thought I'd let the dev know that it won't open on my iPad 1 - probably too graphically intensive, but was it intended to? In any case, I'm hoping to upgrade to a later iPad soon (bit of an overdue move, lol) so it isn't a major issue if not.
  18. JeremySpillmann

    JeremySpillmann Active Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Game Designer
    Zürich Switzerland
    @Zakalwe42: iPad 1?.... oh no, it was supposed to be requirement iOS 6.0, not 5.0. the iPad1 can't handle it memory wise. Now we need to find a way to reduce the memory usage for the people who bought it for the iPad 1. Thanks you for writing us!

    @Baracus: We'd love to do it, not necessarily online but rather bluetooth with several ipads. But we haven't even done the proper tests if the bluetooth connection could handle the data volumes

    @CoreyB @B30: I'm starting to notice, that players tend to havem uc longer playing sessions than anticipated. A normal play vs 3 or 4 took around 6-12 minutes for the def team, but that probably because we were quite fast input wise by the end. A save option might be a good idea

    @ansin11 well, thank you!
  19. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    Not really, before Plague inc, there was a pc game called Defcon. This game is clearly inspired by it and it shows.

    I really love it by the way, the design is beautiful and it's quite strategic!
  20. Zakalwe42

    Zakalwe42 Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Sounds like a typo in the app description :) No problem, happy to help - especially since some money goes to nuclear disarmament, that was a good idea on your part.

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