Universal Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition (by SQUARE ENIX)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Lurchroboter, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Sounds like you didn't know what a Pocket Edition is? Sure it would be nice to have everything in FF15 but it doesn't make it terrible because it can't - that's an extremely tall order for a current gen RPG to put on mobile. I don't think it's bland at all, especially when it's almost exactly a copy of FF15 story wise with just side stuff removed. I disagree that it's overhyped. It deserves the hype. It could be better by adding more free roam / side quests but saying that doesn't mean it's not good. And I'm an old school RPG player and have played the original FFs when they came out.
  2. Nikos

    Nikos Active Member

    Jun 16, 2010
    Anybody having issues loading their save? I got to the quest entitled The Errand Prince and was unable to load my save. It would get stuck on the loading screen. I tried everything before deciding to start over.

    Started over and made it back to the quest I was on, The Errand Prince. I decided to do a side quest before proceeding. The game ended up crashing, and now I can’t load the new save anymore.

    I’m playing on iPhone X. If I still had another iOS device, I’d try loading it to see what happens. I'm seriously considering picking up an iPad tomorrow to see if it works, to at least progress a bit and hopefully load it up on my iPhone again.

    It’s a shame because I’m actually really enjoying the game.

    EDIT: Looks like others are having the same issue. Hopefully we see a patch soon.
  3. ItouchBrett

    ItouchBrett Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Why do they randomly speak German? Any other one experiencing that
  4. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I hope they fix the save system soon
    I’m at a part that takes some time to finish and twice I’ve had to close it out and both times had to start that particular quest completely over
    For a new game as good as this is there is no reason to have a terrible save system
    FFI mobile saves better than this sheesh
    Until they fix that part I just can’t get into it right now maybe when I have lots of time to dedicate to it or something
  5. tekchic

    tekchic Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    Software Developer
    Phoenix, AZ
    Yep! Thought it was because my original model 12.9" iPad Pro couldn't handle it or something, so I went back to my iPhone X, and I'm seeing the same permanent loading screen. My save file is on The Errand Prince as well. Shoot, I can't even get out of chapter 1! Wondering if I should try and start the game over or just wait out this mess. Been looking forward to this weekend for months, guess I'll go play something else for awhile. :/
  6. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    I have the same problem. I start the game three times and went leave the game (save correctly Local and iCloud) and try to load my save data my game keep forever on “Loading” screen. :(
    I’m so sad guys.
  7. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    #167 Dailon80, Feb 10, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
    Haven’t had the load problems but I’m on 6s plus I think it’s an issue newer phones are having
    They have some fixes to address one way or another the save system itself sucks
    Should be a quick save option for one for when you have to close out and come back
    Also this game was delayed a couple months did they not test it on newer devices sheesh
    My guess is some fixes are coming very soon though
    Also it’s like if you don’t finish a whole chapter in one play then you will be repeating side quests and losing progress
    It’s okay if you beat a whole chapter in one play but that takes away from the fun I want to explore it all and drag it out
  8. spyker3292

    spyker3292 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Same loading issue here. Same quest as everyone too... :(
  9. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    #169 Son of Anarchy, Feb 10, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
    I'm having a wild guess that all the people having problems and issues with the game are on iOS 11?

    I'm on iOS 10 and luckily everything runs and works perfectly. Haven't had an issue in 6 hrs of playtime yet, besides the characters breaking out and freestyling in different languages every now and then.

    There are plenty of areas that you can leave and then return to find enemies have repopulated again. Normally it's only once though and the respawned enemy is a bit stronger than normal. So a little bit of grinding is there, you just have to look for it.
  10. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    Anyone knows if FF DII supports iPhone X full screen? I think I will buy that game and play it until Square Enix launch a patch for this one. :\
  11. KineticBlur

    KineticBlur Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    Anyone else wishing this had an option to disable "tap to move" and instead go with a dpad / button scheme? It's annoying having to move my finger all over the screen, especially when playing on an iPhone.
  12. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    5 mins into the game! I swear this is the BEST ever final fantasy graphics ever to release for non console. The game looks Super crisp on iphone X full screen to satisfy X users.
    What I extremely love about this game is this was made for modern gameplay. I like the fact there's a guide arrow to show you what to do next or where to go and the map is really nice.
    I would have uninstall the game if they went back to the old formula where you need to discover everything by yourself.

    Battle. Ok this is where I feel it's weird as I am not used to playing FF this way. I am more accustomed to ATB type of battles but I think it's ok as it fast paced fit for modern gameplay.

    I'll give this game 9/10.
  13. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Yes I wish it wasn’t tap to move as well it means constantly going in the wrong direction or places you aren’t meaning because you can drag or tap
    But I highly doubt it will be changed
    The tap controls is why I don’t care for Crashlands I wonder if crashlands ever fixed that? If not I still can’t enjoy it haha oh well this is still okay but not much more than okay without some fixes to the save system
  14. robotrigger

    robotrigger Active Member

    Feb 4, 2014
    Scraps of mystery

    Does anyone know how to get the last scrap of mystery on the altissia bridge? It seems to be where I’m not allowed to go
  15. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    What chapter is that in?
  16. robotrigger

    robotrigger Active Member

    Feb 4, 2014
  17. worldofjimmy

    worldofjimmy Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Replaying a chapter

    Does anyone know what happens when you replay a chapter?

    Say I finished chapter 4 and I decide to replay the chapter again. Will I lose all the exp, ap, and items that I gained from the first time I went through the chapter? Or, will I keep everything, and simply gain more items, exp, ap, and etc?

  18. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Has this still been workin for you?
  19. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Yep. Now in Chapter 2, smooth sailing. As someone else pointed out, this method won’t help you if the game crashes. But I haven’t had a single crash so far, so I’m feel good enough about it to keep playing.

    Just in case, I’m also saving to iCloud at the world map — that way I’ll can go back to an uncorrupted file.
  20. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I saw a previous post where they have an iPad Pro first gen (like me) and had the game crash (unlike me). I agree with you that perhaps it is an iOS 11 problem as I have iOS 10.

    And where can you redo areas? I am only in chapter two but I haven't seen any areas yet that are available to redo once completed, unless I missed something?

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