Universal Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition (by SQUARE ENIX)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Lurchroboter, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Doppelganger

    Doppelganger Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    I need to know something before diving on that buy button; is this the kind of game that keeps you on rail most of the time or is it really the rpg we're told ? I've read some reviews of the console version saying that while FF13 begins as a on-rail rpg until the second half of the game where it becomes an open-world, FF15 is the opposite because it begins as an open-world and the second half of the game puts you on rails. the thing is, the prologue of the FF15 pocket edition gave me the opposite feeling of an open world. there was absolutely nothing of an open world; so is it something that is far more obvious and actually true in the second chapter ? like do you have the possibility to go back to previous locations ? also, can you later set up camp and cook whenever you want ? I've also read that almost all locations are either gas stations or ruins, with the exception of a large town, how true or false is it ?
  2. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    The pocket edition isn’t open world at all. You only go to the locations that the story takes you. And no, you can’t set up camp and cook whatever you want.

    The free first chapter is a pretty good example of how the game plays throughout, although later chapters are bigger and other gameplay elements are introduced as the story progresses.
  3. ioso

    ioso Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    i hope they will introduce something like a new game+ mode
  4. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    I'm typically not a fan of tap to move/auto battlers, but hoping I'm able to get into this. Could this be considered similar to Crashlands in terms of action? I know this doesn't have the crafting, which I'm not always into either, but did like Crashlands.
  5. ioso

    ioso Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    #145 ioso, Feb 9, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
    yeah it is a bit like crashlands but without crafting and not so much open world. and i think you have a bit more action in ff but its not like hack and slash. you have to move when you fight, its dynamic
  6. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    Thanks for that. Really appreciate. That's the sense I got in the 20 min I have played so far. Prefer hack & slash/joystick where you have more control, but will stick with it and fingers crossed that I get into it.
  7. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Seems the game is far far away from what i was expecting and has almost nothing to do with the console version. I think i’ll skip for now.
  8. Doppelganger

    Doppelganger Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    thanks. I was beginning to suspect that. oh well, still waiting for a FF8/FF10/FF12 port.
  9. lee_ya18

    lee_ya18 Member

    Aug 8, 2014
    I usually prefer traditional turn based JRPGs, so I was a little sceptical about the battle system. Turns out, I couldn’t be more wrong. I really enjoy this game and I don’t mind the action battle at all! Been hooked for hours now, in the middle of chapter 3. There’s no open world but I prefer it this way:D definitely worth the price tag
  10. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I have both and it’s a totally different experience for sure
    If you have the console version you’re not missing anything honestly
    I don’t mind having both but it’s not what I expected in some ways either
    I don’t regret buying it just saying
    If you don’t have the console version then it’s worth it just make sure you play the console version sometime :)
  11. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Prompto reminds me of michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles haha
  12. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    From what I’ve played of FF10, it seems very on-rails as well. In fact, when I began playing FFXVPE I thought of FFX and how you go from one area to another area. I’m not terribly far in, though. Maybe 6 hours or so. But this gives me a similar vibe, battles aside.
  13. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    I decided to pick up my non-corrupted save from my iPhone X and instead play on my iPad Pro iOS 10...something. It still crashed a couple of times, but my save has remained okay. Guess it’s nice having it on another device while they work out their saving/loading issues.

    My biggest question (since we can’t just run around and battle enemies over and over again), can we at least replay chapters and have it add to our experience? I may try it once I’ve beaten Chapter 1 on one of my devices.
  14. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I think you are correct.
    I was wondering myself if people who are having a problem with save files are not going back to the world map, or even better, back to the title screen.
    I have always gone back to the title screen when I close the game and have not had any issues with saves or crashes.
    Oh and I always backup the save to cloud.
    Worth thinking about? #
  15. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    Yeah, have tried all of that. Now my first save file on the cloud and my devices are both corrupted. Anyone know how to delete a save file? Do we just have to start a new game in that slot and can never have it empty again? Hoping to avoid it with my second save though, now that it’s on the cloud AND two devices!
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    For what it’s worth, quitting to the world map has worked fine for me so far.
  17. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    That’s been good for me too. It’s after the game crashes that going back to the saves have been either normal or corrupted. So, if it crashes, I may not be able to load the last save. Only happened a couple times. The rest of the crashes haven’t affected the save though.
  18. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Thanks for that :D I saw some gameplay videos and gameplay videos from the mobile version and read all the comments here in toucharcade so i decided to play just the console version because i also realized exactly what you said
  19. Verse

    Verse Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2017
    will be interesting to hear how long it takes people to finish the game.

    I'm also very curious if there is any cuts in the story at all, or if it's just some of the open world side stuff they've cut. I wouldn't mind just focusing on the good things like main storyline and skip dumb stuff like fishing.
  20. Doppelganger

    Doppelganger Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    well no, FF10 wasn't "on rail" already (FF13 was) but it was the first final fantasy where there wasn't a "freely traveling" world map, which is in itself was a massive letdown on the rpg formula that made the success of the franchise (FF9 is a great example of this era, the pinnacle of this "savoir-faire". you begin on foot, you can then aquire a chocobo which is much faster, and later on a freaking airship to completely avoid random fights and access other continents). FF10 merely allowed you to select from a menu the different places you've previously visited. I remember it was quite a shock to me. but still, even if at some point you had to leave a place and never be able to come back to it, you'd still have the luxury to decide you farmed enough XP with the random battles (which were necessary if you wished to learn early some powerful spells or abilities). I won't say you could do it for hours with no boredom but you could just roam a place for hours and fight enemies randomly. it was a time when final fantasies had a battle system that relied on random battles, that had a true tactic need and relied on which abilities you obtained through the "skill tree"; every item you had in your inventory was important: elixirs, phenix downs, potions, mega potions, multi potions, magic items that replaced MP hungry spells, items that cured/inflicted aiments on both characters and enemies (have you fought undead enemies you could beat with healing items and spells, did you had to cure a character from blindness or had to inflict it to an enemy to reverse the odds in your favor ?) all that in battles with enemies you couldn't actually see on the playfield, because that's the thing with modern rpg, if there's no enemies, you're alone. in previous final fantasies, you'd still have random battles every 30 steps or so.

    I'm loosing myself with nostalgia, but this final fantasy 15 is not what I grew with as a squaresoft fan before they fused with enix. it's bland, it's too simplistic, it's boring, swallow. at this point, even if it's not optimized for newer devices, I'd recommend FF7 and FF9 more than this overhyped ios port that is FF15 pocket edition.

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