Universal Final Fantasy VII coming to IOS!!!!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Seiza616, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Primoz doesnt like turn-based combat in general which would make his comment a bit moot. And yeah, he posts like that usually, trolling or not. :D
  2. nkx

    nkx Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    I hope they can at least update the characters design to look less blocky. Is this going to be a direct port of the ps1 game or pc
  3. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    We are getting a port. If you want anything that looks different, wait for the remake.
  4. Seiza616

    Seiza616 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    #44 Seiza616, Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
    I can definitely appreciate this honest and professional assessment of the game. In fact, there is a lot here that I never considered before in terms of flaws. Nonetheless, these flaws never seemed like a big deal and were barely noticeable among the many things the game does well in my opinion.

    I still believe a person will be hard pressed to find a game on IOS that actually surpasses it. What are the things (besides nostalgia) that make this game so endearing for people?

    Lastly, I have read the IOS version is a port of the PC release which can be found on steam. For those with knowledge of this version what should we come to expect in comparison to the PS1 version most of us know? Which version is best? I have read the graphics were "slightly" enhanced for the PC version?
  5. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    I'm not the first, nor will I be the last to say that you don't know how to express your opinion without sounding like you have your head up yer arse.
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Golden f'ing chocobos? Screw that. $99.99 I'll just get me self a Knights of the Round. Scratch that, I want 3 of them so everyone in my party can have them.


    Wasn't there a materia duping glitch in the original version? Gawd I love the sound of equipping and unequipping materia. So much content!
  7. jgeirge

    jgeirge Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Head up a snowman's arse#! Jk, not my place to being up FROZEN. Regardless of graphics or character models, I'm excited the game is coming!! The first FF game I've ever played & beaten
  8. Elsa

    Elsa Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    Shaun, good post. I wish I could take 40~ hours of time to play that game so I could discuss with you. Unfortunately that's not possible at the time, so I can't level with you there. Most I can do is answer your questions.

    I played FF1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and then X-something-2(?). I put in a couple dozen (estimate: 60) hours into the whole franchise and even that was eons ago. I don't remember enjoying a single moment of playing that though.

    As much as I'm against generalizing things, I must admit that it probably is a Western vs Asian thing. I just don't see the appeal in the style. Not only in terms of visuals, but also themes and writing.

    Sadly, this extends out of the RPG genre, even out of games to all forms of media for me. Weird. Must be some kind of growing up flaw, not being fed with anime, Nintendo games and Yu-Gi-Oh cards (even my neighbours and friends were suckers for this though, so that's weird). Seems like a was born with a defective gene. I did try to throw myself into both games (FF is an example) and anime several times - and... nothing - still couldn't get myself into liking it.

    Which RPGs I prefer? Hm... That's a tough one. But if I had to pick, it'd be something along the lines of The Elder Scrolls, Mount & Blade or Fallout.

    And what's your thoughts on WRPGs? Could you compare FF7 with let's say, Daggerfall? I really can't see anyone picking FF7, unless they dislike the style of Daggerfall. But if people were to rate those titles objectively (even though they're very different) I couldn't take a person picking FF seriously.

    That's not really true. I dislike button mashing (God of War style) combat in RPGs even more than turn-based combat.

    Turn-based combat is immersion breaking and dull... It's not as strategic as people think either, as everything depends on what you have in your inventory or what abilities you have.

    > oh, I'm low on health. I'll use a health potion
    > oh, I'm low on health. I'll use a healing spell

    You know, the combat boils down to a simple formula. Granted, the above healing examples apply to realtime combat as well, but at least they aren't as immersion-breaking, game-stopping there.

    With that being said, I played through countless turn-based games in my life (hell, that's all we had in terms of mobile RPGs before you kids came with fancy iPhones and androids) and had no problem with that combat style, it is however, far from perfect. I don't like my combat to be determined by random generated rolls or my inventory contents, because that's not strategy. Strategy is in positioning (think chess) and skill in hitting enemies (think COD). The latter is an impossible standard for turn-based games, so I pretty much stopped trying all together with those types of games.

    I know... It's pretty weird that people who read my posts get a feeling that I'm giving off aggressive vibes, when in fact my posts should be read in a completely calm maner. I'm never deliberately trying to sound like a jerk, but I am always simply direct.

    Any pointers on how to fit my writing to that tone? I've actually been actively looking into why people think that way (like you do, for example) and best I could come up with is because English is my third language. Not much of an excuse, I know, but it might be that I'm using more direct and blunt words without any padding? I don't know... It's just a theory.

    What tone do you imagine me in when reading my posts?
  9. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    I'm ultra-omega-busy today, so I can't give a proper reply to your response, Elsa, but I'll try to write something tomorrow about the appeal of JRPGs vs the appeal of WRPGs. Short answer is that I consider them distinct genres that share certain elements.
  10. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    There probably wont be a decent discussion here considering most of Primoz's standards are all based on his taste. I respect his tastes and decision as to which is good or bad, but that means he may not be able to weigh good and bad between JRPGs and WRPGs. But that also suggests he knows his WRPGs.

    60 hours on the entire FF franchise is pretty small. That could well be just one title for anyone who likes the genre... For anyone who likes the genre.

    Saying JRPGs arent strategic enough only proves MC's point of how Primoz posts as well. :p
  11. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    Pokemon is enough proof to show that they are strategic. It's the only JRPG I can completely play.
  12. tinkie277

    tinkie277 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Street Cleaner
    Scunthorpe, United Kingdom
    I am extremely excited for this title. I am intrigued on how they will convert the controls for it... I am also curious on how the pricing will work... Whether they will charge for the game entirely or per disk. I have briefly read some other comments and for me this is the nucleus of RPG's. This will be one of the biggest titles to hit iOS.
    For me, I am hoping they don't mess with any of the battle gameplay or the FMV sequences.. It made the game for me.

    There isn't really much more I would want after this and Oddworld:Munches Oddysee.
  13. lainsxp

    lainsxp Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
    i pray to god that ff7 will be on the "ios games launch tomorrow" list #
  14. ImJPaul

    ImJPaul Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    It won't. But keep up the wishful thinking!
  15. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 30, 2011
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    I really like how SE handled Dragon Quest VIII and made it a much easier game to digest on mobiles (in my opinion). So, I am hoping they can bring the entire experience in one premium app. However, like all of the other main Final Fantasy titles, I do hope they keep this one in landscape. Dragon Quest is perfect for portrait, but Final Fantasy needs the extra real-estate. I'll be busy for years with all of the Final Fantasy titles, Dragon Quest titles, and Chaos Rings series... and now I can tack on another year thanks to this release. Well, whenever it's ready. Now, after this, I just hope SE will stop saying they can't do something or won't for years to come, and then turn around and do it. Reminds me of how Jobs said Apple would never make a phone.
  16. lainsxp

    lainsxp Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
    Do we really have to wait till ios 9?
    because the max filesize is already set to 4 gb of games. and i heared that the pc version only has 3 gb installed.. so why should they wait for ios9 with its new filesize system ?
  17. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    Dude don't give them any ideas lol
  18. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 30, 2011
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    Seriously! I'm hoping it'll still work on iOS 7. They'll want the largest possible group to be able to buy and play this one.
  19. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I think whatever version they put it on it'll sell, and most fans would even update to iOS9 to be able to play FF7 on their phones/tablets.
  20. tinkie277

    tinkie277 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Street Cleaner
    Scunthorpe, United Kingdom
    I agree, it's just one of those games that would sell systems.... Luckily I will be upgradable on my iPad and iPhone. Just need to wait...

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