It's mentioned in the app description. I think it's pretty awesome that Squeenix opted for those "cheats" and had they been behind a paywall like Eli suggested in the front-page article, I can't imagine there would have been anything but backlash. Can you picture it? "IAPS IN MY FINAL FANTASY VII?!?!?!??!!?!"
Yep,ICLOUD it's there,for a so long game it's the first thing that I look. Off Topic: Capcom need to do something with MHFU and add ICLOUD!
The "in-game cheats" are a feature holdover from the PC version, as described in the game's Steam page: Character Booster – Find yourself stuck on a difficult section or lacking the funds to buy that vital Phoenix Down? With the Character Booster you can increase your HP, MP and Gil levels to their maximum, all with the simple click of a button, leaving you to enjoy your adventure.
Yeah, I was on iOS 7.0.6 for the longest time because I loved being Jailbroken and not having the games I paid for break. But, once I read that this morning, I went and found the necessary files to jump up to iOS 8.4. It's taken a few hoops to jump through, but I'm putting the finishing touches on it. BUT, with the bigger iOS size, I'm going to have to delete quite a few games to get FFVII to fit.
Awful. Im one of those impatient people that will push the win button if its staring me in the face. I like it when a game forces me to power through and find a way to succeed. With this if I get frustrated ill just max out and be done with it. Its easy to say "just dont do that" but I cant! Plus the controls are the same as an emulator for a jailbroken ipad i played this on a year ago. Great to see this available tho.
Bummer there isn't any GC achievement Possible they will add it through update? Because i remember that 4-6 have it and they're older games
You mean iOS8 is bigger than iOS7 in sheer size ??? By how much ? (I will be probsbly doing the same in about 2-3 hours when my son goes to sleep)
Not sure exactly, but I'm sure I lost at least a gig or a little more of actual space. Maybe I can dig around in Cydia and delete some of those unnecessary languages I'll never use. But, good news is that I'm up and running on iOS 8.4 and ready for the game's release here in the States!
I hope someone will post a gameplay video. I want to see the UI controls and the battle speed. But I'll probably still end up buying this anyways.
Last question for you, when you update the only thing going away is cydia and its installed tweaks right ? Will my data (for example ROMS for my emus or GBA4iOS) be deleted as well ?
The UI controls actually look like the ones in the emulators. LOL. As for the battle speed, dont worry about that. There has always been a Battle Speed slider in the options to make the active time (if you choose that, else you can choose full turn-based) manageable if you dont like the pacing.
What the fudge???? The game isnt fast forwarded on Eli's stream? It's fast forwarded on my iPad Air iOS 8.3 no jailbreak. Does anyone know which device Eli's playing this on? Seems like an optimization issue.