So where u guys now? I just had the most difficult fight to date against demons gate!!! That's the final boss at ancient temple.. He's seriously packing some power!!!
thats some going dude, i've not messed with the settings too much and have only turned auto encounters off a couple of times so far, less than 5 mins total. Love the battle system too much!! have picked up FF9 again on psn, man the difference in visuals is astounding, wish they'd brought it to pc also, would love an enhanced version of 9 on my phone too!
Wrapping up side quests with tiny bronco and making my way to the temple of ancients. What levels are you?
Yeah, me too. But even if they can't bring us a proper upgrade, I hope SE will still at least release an official rom/port onto mobiles. FFIX was my first FF I ever played on my own and has my favorite art style. And I'd happily play an official port from them.
Nice I'm around the same levels so I hope I should be fine. My party is cloud Vincent and CID at the moment.
Just escaped Midgar. I'm following the Absolute Steve guide so going a bit slow. So has anyone figured out how to get to the title screen without restarting the app? I play between devices so upload to iCloud often.
No crashes for me... BTW guys are u still hanging on? I just had the longest fmv since start.. Lost cloud then an awesome godzilla movie like fmv attacking junon... I am now in that airship... I am so satisfied with my progress!
Anyone else having issues with iCloud? I can't get the damn thing to download my save to another device.
I did the way I fixed was delete the app off the place I wanted to copy. Then click upload and download once installed should fix
I just beat this part this morning they want you to combo the buttons it's not hard. Look at a walkthrough if still having trouble beat it on first try
Damn! Finally got the highwind and the slowing downs are unbearable! and I'm on both iPad mini retina (5s processor) and the iPhone 6! No menu tricks since it is the world map in angle view and the menu button leads inside the highwind. I have to land, menu, go back in, to get a very few more frames every time!
I passed it. For example, unlike what you probably did with a controller, use 2 fingers to press head and feet at the same time. And so on.
They are terrible! Just got the Highwind and it is crazy slow flying around. Only tried on my iPad Air but since it seems to have the same problems as my iPhone 6 I assume that will be the same. Hope this is fixed....