Check out what I got.. Took me like 10 tries! Cloud was level 17 I think with fire elemental link on bracelets. I am starting to enjoy this game.. It's always a few more mins and never ends
Just bought it. It's actually a pretty decent port so far. I set the button opacity right down to 15% and I hardly notice it's there now. Couple of questions 1. Is the music based on the original PC version or the PSX version? I know this port is based on PC but the steam version updated with the PSX soundtrack a while ago. 2. How do I exit to the main menu to save to iCloud? Thanks
I had the PC version back in the day and I'm pretty sure the soundtrack to this version is from the PS1. It's been a long time so I don't remember the specifics very clearly but the PC Version used some weird sort of proprietary midi codec. I haven't beat this version yet, but if there are vocals during the final battle, then you can confirm the sound is from the PS1 version.
Got beta early for my first time ever. Level average is around 15. I used every strategy I had. Beat him in the nick of time. Getting beta this early on is impossible unless you 1) Grind like crazy and get your limit skills upgraded, 2) utilize a bunch of weird strategies and underhanded moves while knowing exactly how the Zolom will react. Though I do recommend if it's your first playthrough to not keep staring at the online guides, it really ruins the experience. It's my 3rd or 4th run with this game and I'm kinda checking stuff on and off now and it's not so much fun knowing where everything is. So Rinoa I hope you're not doing that because I saw you raging early on about missing Ethers or something.. You should enjoy the game instead of going crazy trying to get every little thing. I feel like getting beta early on is just unnecessary unless you've played the game a lot and want everything.
It's been my experience over the years, going at the same RPGs with different approaches, that a lot of crazy grinding at some point more often than not reduces overall play time in the long run. So, if you overlevel to get Beta and then go about the game normally after that, you'd likely be ahead--say six hours down the road--than you would have been if you just avoided the serpent entirely.
iPhone 5c 5 users the game slows down extremely in the world map heading to Kalm once in town speeds up again. Really sucks but they did recommend 5s and up. Just wanted to highlight for people who were on the fence using iPhone 5 and 5c
The music is indeed the PSX version of the soundtrack. FF8 will certainly come, as it has a handy PC port that should make the technological jump similarly to FF7's. Dragon Quest 7 was part of their big DQ announcement a couple of years back, so we'll see that, too, though an English release is questionable. Everything else on your list is very unlikely as source code and assets from the period have been lost.
Weird so I just used iCloud save to my iPad Air and it still feels slow when walking in the world map. Is anyone else experiencing this!????? It's slower when zoomed in versus up top view. Maybe it's just the graphics
I really am bummed there aren't save states, but the save points in game are generously spread around. When I only have short periods to play I'll usually just grind to gain a level or two near a save point. And on the plus side, when I've exited the app and left it running in the background, it hasn't quit yet. So, coming back to it is another option for me. But I hear ya. Better saving could've made the experience so much more enjoyable.
I am following the faqs very closely because I am gonna play this game 1 time thru and I don't want to do it again ever! If I am 20 years younger I probably won't mind spending 100 hours or more 3-4 times. I have so many games left behind because of this.. I have stopped cr3 which I have ventured until chapter 3-3.. But it's OK you can pick up cr3 anytime without feeling lost not this game.. This is my 2nd time playing ff7 played it when it was on pc never finished it. I hope now with mobility I can!
Anyone else experience this? Sorry guys just trying to understand if I can do anything in the options to speed this up.
Hmm did u turn on auto save? It kinda slow the game when u return your view to world map.. But not when walking.. However I am using iPad air 2. Anyway the auto save is useless
Yes auto save is on. Turned it off but my character does not run on the world map it's like slow walking. Does your character run when zoomed in? Maybe FF7 requires latest phone pads to run the game perfectly. Anyways thanks again for your help. When I'm in a battle in town the speed is fine it's just on the world map I get a real slow down when my character moves.
You can't "run" on the world map. Just as in previous FF games, running only works in dungeons/towns.