Someone else previously mentioned rebooting their device. You know, the old turn it off and back on again. Hope something works for you.
I bought this on Wednesday and didn't really get to play it until today. I already have this port for my PSP and while it's been a long time since I've last played that, I know I had all the characters. With that being said, I decided to give this one a try and the idea of having this around in my pocket on my iPod Touch 6 is just massively appealing to me. I was 15 when I first played this game and I remember staying up till like 2 am during the summer being completely enamoured with the story, music and characters. Now that there's a way to turn encounter off and to max all stats immediately, I've done so. My goal here is to enjoy the story aspect since I'm very familiar with FF7 gameplay. Yes, sometimes the challenge is lacking, but I'm still having fun completing the puzzles throughout. The buttons aren't bad for me, because they're quite responsive, albeit a little clunky. As of right now I've made it to Cosmo Canyon, but I can't wait to get back to Nibelheim and recruit Vincent. That was always fun to do. I'm just glad this game is out right now. Nostalgia overload.
One of the S buttons should toggle that. It's a name dispay window which nests there. Back on the PSX it was the Select button that toggles it. On the downside, it is the same toggle that turns the map markers (the indicators for exit paths) on and off.
Awesome! Yeah, I haven't had any problems with my Jb 5s, but I really only use iCleaner and iFile. I have noticed a scene or two that were faster, but it didn't last long. Playing pretty smoothly overall.
It bugs me why they decided to leave the encounter button on the bottom of the screen. I definitely think it should be in the menu somewhere. If you notice, because they put the encounter button on the bottom, there's a black bar that takes away space, making the game window slightly smaller. It's not a huge difference but a very noticeable one. I'd rather have it fill as much as possible. I can't imagine who pitched that idea and made everyone agree with it to shove it permanently on the bottom of the screen.
OK that's it I give up on this game... It's too hard core for mobile! Every time I refer to faqs there's at least one freaking thing or item I didn't do or take... Screw this game!!! I better off playing cr3
No offense, but for someone with Rinoa as their name that sounds pretty pathetic. As for your first playthrough i suggest playing it at your own pace, missing stuff or not. Just enjoy the flow of the game at which you are playing it. Consulting a walkthrough while playing for sake of not missing anything is pretty sad considering it's the experience reliving the classic is the point of playing this port.
Yeah, there are plenty of potions and ethers to be had out there. Plus you can always grind more to buy what you want. But, hey, I'm a little OCD so I guess I can understand. Thankfully, I'm not too OCD. There's no way I have enough time to obtain every card in CR3 and level them all up to max. That's how I see all the stuff that may be missed in FFVII. Plus, it's reason to play it again and again!
It's full screen on my Air 2 and exactly how I remember it looking and sounding back when I was a 17 year old playing the game on the first PlayStation. Coupled with a MFi controller, it's a fantastic port of a fantastic title.
I'm playing on the same specs & device but not fast forward. Try a reboot and see if that fixes it? Seems glitchy.
I love the "encounters off" button because I don't abuse it. I only turn it off when going back to an area to make sure I took everything. I turn it back on after 10-15 seconds. It's extremely convenient and I hope they leave it like that
Thank you very much. I really appreciate you getting back to me. Now do I buy or do I clear my backlog first. decisions decisions !
You gotta love how Eli spends about 28 minutes cursing the option of turning encounters off in that stream ("Why would anyone do that?! That's such a dumb option to have in this port! Wtf were SquareEnix thinking . . ."), makes a mistake where he has to backtrack during a timed event and decides hey maybe I should turn encounters off hahahah! Talk about contradicting yourself LOL This is exactly what that option is for. Nobody has time to spend hours making multiple backtrack runs through certain plot points of the game like we used to, and why even deal with that anyway? If you feel like grinding just turn it back on. So far I am enjoying the port aside from all the virtual button nonsense on screen. I don't mind the controls so much as do we even need all these buttons? I see myself not even utilizing them all. Aside from that I can't complain - I am not that much of a jrpg fan (I like tactical or action rpgs more), however FF7 was always one game that made me not care due to how awesome the story and music were. Yes you eventually have all your traditional roles of fighter, warrior, mage, healer but the setting of a rebel group fighting against a large corporation for the greater good of humanity hits that sci-fi edge I love so much. Now that SquareEnix has finally released FF7, if they decide to port Brave Fencer Musashi next I might have a heart attack from the shock! Updates needed: During FMVs the game doesn't register itself and will shutoff due to your phone going into auto sleep An option to remove buttons not used An option to have UI disappear unless moving or during battles Needs save states
oMG i love brave fencer musashi Is it released by squaresoft? I totally forgot that's a long time ago Do you know if they have any digital version of that on what platform?i broke my disc years ago
It was definitely made by Squaresoft and I don't think there have been any other ports of the game besides Sony releasing it digitally on PSNetwork awhile ago. I bring this up though because if you consider Squaresoft releases on iOS sequentially FF7 came out in '97 and Brave Fencer came out in '98 so mayyybe they might port it to iOS??? I'm wishing big though, it had such a small following I doubt they would. Here's a screencap of FF7 on my iPhone 6+ with button opacity at 20%, button config style C. For me I think that's the sweet spot - all of the button overlays rest in the side bars for the most part, and the opacity is feint enough to not be a distraction but you're also able to see a button if you need to.