You say that but the graphics leap game to game, peaking( in my opinion) around FF9 The graphics of certain games on IOS are exceptional... It'd be technically possible, but the file size would probably be colossal ... Transferring to touch screen would probably be where the issue lies...
Ok, so in FFV for snes once you got the frost rod you could "break" it and use it to cast blizzaga once by selecting it from the items list if it was not equipped. I can't seem to do this in this version? Any thoughts?
Only one thought, since you are soliciting for them. What are you talking about? Final Fantasy V was ported many times since it was first released on the Super Famicom. Adding in the Playstation releases, the GBA release, was there a PSP release and now the iOS release, it is inevitable that it would have changed. Good news if you want to play the original SNES FFV. Go play the original FFV? Or was your comment on changes in ports of games, in which case I find the character portraits distracting and too realistic...
So, I'm not tat far in this,mbut I think you actually needed to "use" the one you had equip to do it.
I for one am very happy that the game isn't in awful 3D. I really can't stand the fact nearly everyone HAS to have a game be in 3D. Most of the time it looks pretty awful.
No, ha!, and while I haven't a clue what "breaking" was supposed to be on SFC, your post is actively de-helpful. Wanna say I saw the method for one of the games, but it may've been FFIII. On GBA, you can only use weapons to cast spells if they are equipped. You can access your equipped weapons/shields in-battle (in GBA, by tapping Up at the top of the Items submenu), and swap them out that way (either select an item and bring the cursor to an equipment slot or vice versa). To cast the spell, select the equipped item, select it again, then select/confirm your target. As for WHERE your equipment's shown mid-battle, I don't outright know. If it's like before, you'll go to Items first.
[Most of the] People here are not concerned about it not being 3D. They are complaining about the poorly-drawn 2D graphics Squeenix used for this specific remake. By the way, it's funny how even "FF: All the Bravest" managed to get a better art style than this game. |:
Read in the App Store that the area music starts back over after battles. Could others confirm? This was the case in FFIVA and it drove me nutty whenever I noticed.
I love this game and am looking forward to the release of the greatest FF of all time(thats 6 by the way!In my opinion). Have just redownloaded Dimensions,never bought the chapters set but am tempted to buy the whole lot to save cash,is it worth it bearing in mind I've enjoyed all ios ports and remakes so far?
Really hoping someone can help me out. The game won't seem to let me buy magic. I started out with only one white Mage and one black Mage and had no problem buying THEM magic. I decided at Carwen to give everybody some basic magic skills, but after getting everybody to atleast level 2 black and white, the magic shop remains greyed out preventing me from buying them. Everyone jumps suggesting that they are applicable, but to no avail. This is the first time I've ever played FIVE and I'm still figuring out the job system. Is there something I'm not getting?
Im 40 hrs into dimensions and liking it. I prolly got 10 hrs to go ide say. Prolly longest ff on appstore. My fav one is ff4 so far. Dimensions is good but im sick of mountains and forest settings. I got it on sale but not sure ide pay the almost 30 for it imo. Ff6 is my fav of all time i cant wait for that. N cant wait to start ff5 since ive never played.
If you already purchased the spells once you don't have to buy them again for each individual character. You only ever have to buy spells once in FFV.
Oh, right on! It never occurred to me to just try to use magic with my other characters. Thanks a lot.
I will see you one FF VI as greatest Final Fantasy of all time and raise you one FF VII as the greatest. What could beat the melodrama of Spoiler Aerith's death and the TPK ending? With regards to FF V, if you have the space, get it.
I was until Christmas, a FF virgin. For any affidavit, I'm not a fan of JRPGS yet I have enjoyed the FFIII port (constant random battles and menu UI aside); I've only played a couple of hours of FFIV due to Mass Effect [completed] on Xbox360. How does FFV differ from FFIII and FFIV? From this thread, FFV retains the job and skill system from FFIII and ABS (active battle system - which I dislike) from FFIV? What about narration and character development? Music? Also, has gameplay improved from constant random battles, dungeons and Big Boss battles? I still have zero time at the moment for gaming (for different reasons), so plenty of time ahead to decide whether I eventually pick-up FFV - especially as I need to finish FFIII (was almost at the end) and then have to go through FFIV. Cheers!
How does blue magic work? If an enemy uses a spell or ability on a character with blue magic then they learn whatever was used on them?