Great graphics, outstanding presentation, fantastic music, and people complaining about retina and price. It's exactly like a CAVE release!
Just want to say to those who play this. An advice, don't use only the auto-save, remember to manually save the game aswell. If you lose in a battle the auto-save will only load you to the moment before you lose
This game instantly makes this the best release week of 2011 so far. Tons of other pretty damn good looking casual games to go along with this as well.
I agree here. I've been waiting for this for a looonnnnggggg timmmeeee. Even though I have it on the PSP, I don't carry that shit around with me anymore. My iPod is always with me... and FFT on the iPod is a no brainer. I could seriously play this game over and over and not get bored after beating it. Plus I never did get around to u nlocking Cloud on the PSP version, so I will have to do that in the iPod one.
Did anyone read that? the details said get a better experience on iphone 4. Huh? Does it means my experience is going to be less enjoyable on my 3GS? As in crashes or...? On another note, I saw the video and I think the touch control looked great, but the translation looked odd. Looks like they didnt bring back the psx translation version. Oh well.
My first exposure to Square Enix was back when they were just Square with the Final Fantasy Legend series they made for the original Game Boy - that's more than 20 years ago, yikes! I have no clear idea just how many game cartridges and disc sets I've picked up in more than two decades from them, but here's something I do know: every single title cost me more than $15.99, every single title was just a "damn port" of one variety or another, and while not every title lived up to all my expectations, I've not regretted the purchase of any of them to the degree of angst already displayed over a title that hasn't even officially launched for most of you. If you want to see more titles and/or franchises from developers who command considerably more money on other platforms, you're going to have to be willing to pay them prices more in line with what they usually make, simple, eh? In spite of their flaws, the FFTA titles on the GBA and DS rank among my favorite Square titles (any game that holds your attention for 70+ hours before it starts to wear thin and show developer kludges is an achievement in its own right). I've never played any version of the original FFT title (got scared off by the prices it was commanding in my Playstation days) and it's considered to be the best of them. So, while I'm not thrilled at the lack of true retina assets, I'll live because game play and design counts more than the sharpness of character portraits or even speech bubbles. I freaking loved the FFL titles on a monochromatic 160x144 pixel screen, and whatever whinging we may feel like tossing toward Square for not implementing true retina assets, it's still more than triple the resolution of the DS based FFT title that cost more than double this one. I'll be picking this up as soon as it hits the east cost of North America (snuck a $15 gift card in with my grocery shopping this week to hide the price tag from my wife though ).
I expected it to be bi-lingual considering they have the text for both languages. Hell, Final Fantasy III supports English, Chinese,French,German,Italian,Japanese, and Spanish. (And that is from the Japanese store.)
Hey everyone, I need some advice from someone who's played this game before. I have quite a bit of strategy game experience, both real-time and turn-based, but I never really played many RPGs (other than Zelda, if that counts) until a few years ago. Will I be able to do well without some sort of online guide or something, or can this game be enjoyed without knowing how everything works right away? I'm not the best at exploring all of the skill trees etc. in games like this until I'm pretty far into the game. Thanks for reading, and please let me know how hardcore this game gets for an inexperienced RPG-er like myself!
It looks like my earlier comment got deleted with all the others...does anyone have any experience playing this on an iPhone 3GS? I am curious why they recommend a 4, and what the performance is like.
The balance of this game makes it very playable from the get go without any sort of guide, although there certainly will be some frustrating battles (one series of battles in particular has been the bane of many players). That said, familiarity with the final fantasy jobs will help although most of them are ubiquitous in games enough by now that you should be fine. Save often and if you get your @$$ handed to you in a battle try changing up strategies as pretty much every job combination should be able to win every battle.