I've the same problem on the last boss, but Poison (with Venom Buster) + Sleep saved my bug, I did nothing but wait there
Need Josef's second RM - double hit for latest event. Farming at FFII classic dungeon doesn't seem drop anything, anyone got it and any tips to gram it? Thanks
Josef can be an annoying RM, because unlike the others, there's no cheap stamina way to go about it - every attempt is going to take six stamina. And there's no real way to improve your odds. Elite is no better than Classic (it's actually worse because of higher stamina costs). I think one of the dungeons has you fighting three enemies per section instead of two which MIGHT help, but no guarantee on that either. Some people have reported 2,000+ stamina (yes, over three hundred dungeon runs) with no success. Others get it within two or three tries. (Garnet's is even worse right now because you have to spend ELEVEN per try. In her case, though, you can wait for Eiko's event and make attempts at only three stamina per run. I don't think there's EVER been a FF2 event, even in the Japanese version, so we won't get that luxury with Josef.)
Thanks, currently I went classic by Josef himself, will that increase the chance to obtain it? OR it is no differnt with full team. coz' I don't want to waste exp
Schizo is annoying!! I always lost three medals, and can't master him.. Proud cloud is really easy though
I wish I knew. Those are the two questions I can't seem to find answers for: * Does having more enemies in a stage help get the Materia? * Does going through solo with that character improve your chances? I know it's not necessary for them to strike the killing blow: In one case, I earned a Materia at the end of a short stage - Fabul - even though it never dropped from either enemy. In another, I earned the Materia even though that character had ALREADY DIED earlier in the Dungeon run. I've had as much luck with full parties of five as I have with solo runs. But I'm just a "sample size" of one, and you can't get much data that way! ----------------------- Yeah, Schizo is/was obnoxious. I finally had to "read up" and learn what the actual medal restrictions are. You can find a Reddit post about that at http://tinyurl.com/FFRK-MedalLoss Basically, if you take 32 actions against a boss (including Roaming Warrior summons and Defend commands), you're going to lose a medal for actions. If you take 60% of your combined character's HP in damage (regardless of healing), you're going to lose TWO medals. So you either need to conserve actions or reduce damage. Winning in 32 actions is probably only possible with a lot of Double Cut on Retaliate-User shenanigans. (Each Schizo head has about 140K health, so you need to be doing about 10,000 damage per action!) If you can't win fast enough, you'll need Sentinel's Grimoire, Shellga and probably a honed Magic Breakdown to apply to both heads. (I tried Magic Break, but it wouldn't stop enough damage.) Then it's a matter of hoping he does more single attacks than Quakeras, and having your defenses up to weather the storm of both Dragon Fangs. In the end, it's more about bragging rights, since Mastery just gets you a Major Holy Orb (whee) and a 500,000 XP Major Growth Egg.
With the new update, people may be wondering how exactly "Soul Break Mastery" works. It seems to be the following: * After each stage, you'll get 10% of the XP you earned as Soul Break Mastery points. * These points are divided just like regular XP. 10,000 XP = 200 Mastery per person in a group of five. * The character needs to be in your party, still alive, equipped with the Relic that has the SB. * You get the same Realm Synergy boost (+50%) for your Mastery points that you do for XP. * If you have a single combined [5*+ / 6*] Relic, you get +50% Mastery points. * If you have a doubly combined [5*++ / 7*] Relic, you get +100% Mastery points. * You can't get Mastery points for Shared SBs, or by using someone else's SB weapon. * Once you get 10,000 Mastery Points, you can use the SB without the weapon equipped. TL;DR - Take people through the Heroic Sunday Dungeon for quick SB Mastery. Classic Vector's pretty good too, especially for FF6 characters with SBs.
I know a bunch on here have been hoarding for the lighting pulls. Hopefully you have better luck than me. I got one xiii item (healer staff) that I can combine. A 5star vi golden shield. The rest nothing special. I only did 8 pulls. I'll continue to pull as I get more mithril from the event.
Yeah i used 100 mythril and only got Sazh's Vega 42s. Not bad I guess, at least it will help me get through the event. Also, definitely enjoying the usability improvements with the latest update.
Yeah I did 29 pulls and only got kaiser knuckles. Good to have some FFXIII synergy but sad results none the less. Wasn't expecting to get Vega or Blazefire... but was expecting more 5 stars (I should average 3 of them with that many pulls). Oh well though! Time to save up again for the next banner I like :- ) And yeah loving the new updates changes. Very helpful.
The lack of ANY non-5* XIII gear is what will make the later stages the hardest. We've got what, the Healer's Stave, Power Glove and Silver Bangle? Along with the PSICOM Gun and Titanium Bangle you get for free from the event? Apart from Accessories, I think that's it.
This just got announced/data mine.... Starts first week of Sept: http://ffrk.kongbakpao.com/forbidden-treasure/ Looks pretty solid @Brett The odds of getting a specific relic on a banner is only 1%. So with 260 mythril that would be (5) 11 pulls and 2 single pulls. So.... 99%^57 = .5639 So you had 43.6% chance to get the blazefire saber with that much mythril. Less than 50/50 odds. If you expand this to include Vega (which is even better so you should be quite happy if you got it) then you get 98%^57 = .3161 Or a 68.4% chance to get one of the two. Still far from great odds... but hopefully this helps illustrate just how much RNG goes into relic pulls. I know how frustrating it is though and hope you got some other good stuff. On average you should have received (5) 5 star relics. The Keepsake knife is excellent, the hunters rod is good, the two bangles are also helpful. The only real troll 5 star is the Kaiser Knuckle (which is of course what I got) but even that is a rare FFXIII synergy weapon.
Yup got the kaiser. I have a lot of 5 star stuff. Clouds buster, tifa glove, yuna staff, reds pin, but I really wanted this. Don't see the point in spending real money to have a small chance to get it
If you only got the kaiser out of those pulls man that stinks. Sorry! I thought my luck was rough getting only the kaiser in 30 pulls. Still you just listed a bunch of good stuff. Over on the reddit they had a thread a month or so back where people listed their 5 star gear and lots of people didn't have ANY character specific relics. They are pretty tough to get and put things into perspective. I'd love to have red's pin, yunas staff, or the buster sword for example. Anyway I hope your luck improves moving forward! There's another banner in about a month that has both blazefire and sentinel grimoire on it that might be worth saving up for if you want the blazefire. I know that is likely my next myhtril spending banner And I agree 100% on not spending money on this game... waaaaay to much RNG. You're more often than not wasting money. I did (8) 100 gem pulls so far just to support the dev... and I think this game is worth $8. I might do a few more 100 gem pulls but they will be very spaced out (and if I'm still playing for each one they have likely given me well more than $1 more dollar of enjoyment).
Been enjoying this one since day one and loving it. Can someone tell me how to get the crystal for the Bard and the Ranger? Like i said play all the time but can't seem to find theirs.
The official site's usually pretty good on information for where to find stuff. Example: https://ffrkstrategy.gamematome.jp/game/951/wiki/Character_Core%20Classes_Bard The Bard's Crystal is obtained by Mastering Missile Base Elite (in FF VIII). Ranger's is found in Lhusu Mines Elite (FF XII). If you don't have access to those levels yet (I think they're both pretty deep in), keep clearing the ones you have access to until they're available.
Thanks a ton dude Yeah I've been playing since day one So I have those I'm aight up on all the dungeons but it's elite so maybe I haven't mastered them Thanks again I will go do that now Update: got them both thanks again It even showed up on the reward screen so I should've seen it