I got 2 water guns(duplicate weapon) again like my last 11 relic drew (with 2 Fujin Chakrams + 2 Blitz Swords)... well better than 4* I think add me if you need water damage (QUny)
Yeah. I am very curious to see what it's stats are at max level. Seems like one of the better armors in the game!
Yea I have a dry spell now also.... Got the pin and red is great.... Look at my equip though. I think I'm quite lucky. Tifa has a combined max glove
Why can't I beat some heroic dungeons? How come I failed miserably at the materia keeper? I have great items. But I don't think my abilities are the best Also where can I find future release info and events? Is lightning coming soon?
use sentinel's grimoire RW, slowga, and intimidate him.. Lightning ETA is late this month or early August maybe
If the abilities in your image are your best setup then you are indeed lacking there... But I am guessing not. The attached image is not my best line up but I used it to clear the two heroics today http://imgur.com/nB0ZeUW ***Edit: note that sentinels grimoire is a must as your RW. It lets 2/3 of the stages be a cake walk... And the 1 stage you can't use the RW on just spam your best abilities to kill mobs as fast as possible.*** Based on JP Lightning should be a month or two out still. DeNa has mixed things up a bit though... so you never know!
Has anyone else got an announcement about new dungeons added last night and not seen any new ones? I have beat all dungeons up until now but the new one are not there like they claimed.
I took 2 weeks off from the game so I am still working on the last batch (spent yesterday finishing off seph event and boss rush). That said... People are definitely playing them (they even corrected a bug already in one dungeon). Maybe try restarting your device? Sorry I can't be more helpful!
I figured it out I had not completed all the dungeons from before like I thought almost done now. I got distracted by the events and finally being able to beat the Heroic dungeons in daily. Announcement says new dungeons every 2 weeks! The gift that keeps on giving!
Also... here is a list of the upcoming banners based on the JP server. DeNa has not followed this strictly... but it's a good way to estimate things http://bantha.org/~dscotton/ffrk.html So as you can see the Cecil event is likely next... as we already skipped it twice... followed by the Yuna event... and Lightning is a month or 2 months away ***EDIT: to add some more detail I gleaned from the reddit (and in the likely order we will get them): Cecils - Light Against the Darkness - Cecil Returns - Similar to the old Cecils event except it has an elite mode and an EX bosh rush now. JP got Firaja from this event but hopefully they swap that out for Blizzaja (since we just got a Firaja). Yuna - Marriage of Convenience - Into the Bevelle Palace - First event with a EX+ level which is a very hard single stage boss. JP got both Diara and Ixion as rewards from the event. Quistis/Selphie - A Planted SeeD - JP got armor breakdown here which will be very nice. This is also one of the better banners in the near future to pull for a Mages weapon (although Quistis is a whip which only she or Rydia could use). Edgar/Sabin - A Fateful Coin Toss - Aparently this is plit into two paths. Edgars and Sabins... but both paths are similar to the current event structure. Tifa - The Battle Arena - Another split path. One where you want physical attackers and one where you want mages. Both paths have their own boss rushes. Lightning and Sazh - Lightning Strikes. The banner for this event is insane. Two of the better SB weapons in the game. I'm saving my mythril for this one. ***
Does anyone still use retaliate on cloud? And double cut him? Is retaliate good by itself without double cut stacking?