Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Yeah that is some rough RNG. Sorry falcon... but kudos to you for storing up that much mythril! I am at 60 or so and thought I was doing well (I'm officially waiting for Cloud's second weapon... which is probably a month away).

    Eventually it will even out... but I know it's tough.

    And yeah character specific 5 stars are very rare. Even with the BOOSTED rates in events... you have a 1% chance to get one per pull. So you need to do on average 100 pulls from an event banner to get one.... ouch! And on average you will get 9 other generic 5 stars for each character one you get. I count myself lucky to have one in my 40ish pulls (2 (11) pulls and a healthy smattering of singles... no IAP). It is Kains... so not super... but man Barak yours is hilarious. He has to kill himself? hahahahaha.

    Note: If you pull on a multi-banner like the current Tyro one... with 4 boosted character weapons... the math works out a lot better for you. 4% chance with each pull and you will get character specific weapons about every other 5 star pull (40% of the time). Again this is all averages though. Specific players/cases will vary GREATLY.
  2. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Yeah, much as I'd prefer to have all 3* Orbs, it's just too much of a hassle to deal with the Elite Dungeon right now. I can send my "B-Team" through Hard on auto-pilot, getting a bit of XP along with the orbs.

    And let's face it, you can never have too many multi-honed Double Cuts for those long dungeons.
  3. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Ya I use plenty of lesser power orbs still. I'm sure at some point I'll be done honing with them, but certainly not yet.

    Man, sorry to hear about some of ya getting shafted by RNG. I have cloud and rydias weps and they're truly game changers. I think I'll hold on to mythril for some time now and wait for tier 2 5*s.

    I'd recommend sticking to the group of 4 banners. At least then you're looking at better than 50/50 for a character wep for an 11-pull and on average one 5*.
  4. Barak

    Barak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Portland, OR
    Yeah. Pretty funny. I guess when I finally create raise it may have limited uses, but meanwhile I use it on Snow instead since I like his stats better. The gloves stats are actually amazing, but 1. Its a glove and there aren't many monks. 2. Its for FFII which there isn't much content for RS. 3. It's SB causes suicide which is crappy for your own team AND the future friends system.

    I really wanted Tyro's shield. Oh well! Lol
  5. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    I want everyone ELSE to get Tyro's shield. So I can become friends with them. :)

    The Hero of the game gets reduced to something you just summon to get the Sentinel Grimoire benefits without needing to have him in your party.


    This latest draw is something I'll avoid like the plague, though. The Healing Staff has weaker overall stats than the Judgment Staff, I'm not even sure if you can use its Soul Break if someone's not dead, and every other "character 5*" is at 1-in-100,000 odds under that banner. No thanks.

    And let's not even talk about how tedious this latest event will be. It's very easy compared to recent content because it was released late, and the fodder enemies aren't even guaranteed to drop shards. I may try to create Bladeblitz for help in grinding, but I'm not going to kill myself over the Greater/Major orbs that are available.
  6. Barak

    Barak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Portland, OR
    Yeah, her relic is bad EXCEPT for me with that darn glove. Josef can suicide and then she can raise him back with full health. Not like I will ever get it but I could actually use it.

    The new event grind is bad (and the interface is worse), but I am glad to use it to complete a few abilities, like Protectga, which I almost have enough and just need a couple more orbs.
  7. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    See I love these type of events (although I agree the grind is a little tough). They let me hone in on what I need. I've already honed a bunch of abilities I was close to having... and am going to grab a bunch of the 4 star orbs (not the 5 star orbs though... way to many shards for it). I also am going to be making protectga using this event :- )

    But I do agree on the new relic banner. Not worth it at all.

    EDIT: besides... I don't have much better to grind right now... so might as well go for as many 4 star orbs as I can.
  8. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    I'll get the summon orbs and the cool stuff like the Hyper Wrist, but ya the drop rate is kinda low for crystals so it'll be hard to motivate myself to grind much more than that.
  9. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Did anyone notice that on hard if you get the gold orb drop... it is THREE 4 star orbs? That's pretty sweet. Only happened for me twice so far (been farming this since it released so a good number of times already) but definitely a nice boost/reward.

    I'm also digging all the 3 star holy orbs this event drops. Helped me hone my curaga to L4. Only one more to go for it!
  10. Barak

    Barak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Portland, OR
    Yeah! The drops are good, not even counting the Mythril.

    Also, they fixed the interface a bit today. If you are buying multiples, it no longer scrolls to the top automatically. Phew.
  11. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    #1211 Cronk, May 22, 2015
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Oh thank heavens.

    The constant scrolling was driving me bonkers, and half the reason I run out of stamina for this type of event.

    Was more effort to receive the reward than to grind initially.

    Edit: is there any reason to get the fire ring? I can't imagine 20% fire protection being worth anything.
  12. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Nope! (atleast IMO)
  13. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Agreed. I can't really see a point for it - they can't really make a fight or event that requires extreme elemental resistance and be fair to all players.

    Sure, they could make a special event of a one-on-one duel where you face True Rubicante who does a guaranteed 20,000 Fire Damage just before he dies. And Dark Knight Cecil wearing Flame Mail and the Fire Ring and under the effect of Tyro's Sentinel Grimoire (via friend action) could probably survive that hit.

    But DeNA's done enough mobile games to know that there's a limit to how far you can push your players and still get money from them. :) That situation would be impossible for over 99% of the player base, wouldn't make them profit, and would just piss everyone off.

    So I don't think we'll ever see a situation that forces you to waste an inventory slot holding on to a specific resist accessory.
  14. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Totally agreed on the fire ring. Dunno why they make such weak accessories the highest value objects (end of last event, highest cost of this one)

    I'm just grinding away on the new event. I'm actually semi-ok with this one vs the last... Orb drops seem better and the rare mob that drops 255 crystals compensates for crystals not being 100% drop imo. It's at least more interesting to grind in this model than the last.
  15. falcon815

    falcon815 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Anyone else having crashing issues? I'd never had the app crash until the Lenna event started. Now I'm not sure if it's the event or if it's the recent update that went along with it, but I've had the app crash at least twice a day the last couple days, as well as very frequently giving me connection errors when I finish a stage.

    Running an iPod Touch 5G with iOS 8.3, for reference.
  16. Pooter

    Pooter Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Try a complete reboot. Just power it down, not sleep mode.

    After updates my phone acts like that and a reboot fixes it. Hopefully it's the same for you.
  17. ictoanen

    ictoanen Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    I'm enjoying the new event. I'm using all chars from the last batch of records and Lenna. Been able to do the hard dungeon since they were around level 20. In guessing they'll be around mid thirties early forties by the time the event is over.
  18. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)

    This started as a personal project for myself - listing all the items I had, both with and without World Synergy bonuses (along with a few that I'd seen the non-synergy/synergy numbers for on-line).

    That way, I'd know at a glance if Synergy was worth it - should I use 3*+ Falchion Sword (VI) in a FF6 stage, or stick with the 5* Blitz Sword (VIII)? (In that case, the attack values actually end up identical, but the Blitz Sword wins out because of +6 Magic and +6 Accuracy.)

    I figured other people might find it useful as a reference, so I've added all the non-synergy numbers for the 4*++ / 5*++ equipment, taken off the official website. (I can't add the Synergy numbers because I don't know the exact values, and the percentage gain isn't consistent from item to item - I think the numbers are rounded.)

    I'll probably do the same with the 3*++ items eventually - but that's around 100 more items. :p
  19. ictoanen

    ictoanen Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Awesome work, thanks man!
  20. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    So good news bad news

    Good news:
    10 more mythril for all. Cool!

    Bad news:
    Next event is another farming type event... so we have two at once... not sure what to farm/focus on... I'm thinking I'll nab Vanille immediately... then farm Lennas event until it ends... hoping to get the major ice orb (eventually useful for all break) and then as many 4 star orbs as I can.... Then switch over to Vanille event and hopefully have enough time to farm up the free Thundaja from it. Maybe burn a couple mythril on stamina if I have to...

    What is everyone else's plan?

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