Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    craft spellswords for cloud. You have lit for rydia, so get fire/bliz for cloud.

    Double cut for Seph.

    I'd ditch Kain because he honestly just blows but that's just me. It's hard to get decent weapons for him... He just hits for so little.

    You COULD get retaliate for cloud and really go nuts, but up to you if you wanna break the game that bad. It's super cheesy, and honestly more exploit than anything.
  2. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    So how would I build a retaliate squad? I'd do Cloud/Seph definitely. (Cloud being the guy with retaliate) Seph got Double Cut, best Mage is Rydia? Just dunno what skills for her. And any suggestion on 2 other good characters?
  3. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Skip rydia honestly. At least for retaliate. Pally Cecil isn't bad, tyro of course.

    Personally I prefer rinoa, wakka, tyro, cloud. 5th is open, but ideally I'd go with someone who can double cut and fill a missing need (cure, boost, etc). I did pally Cecil to help with healing and rampart, but he doesn't build his gauge when he doublecuts cloud so...

    Advantage of the crowd I listed is they're fast and backrow, plus can use the proper abilities. Rinoa I used for debuff, but you could swap her out for someone else.
  4. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Anyone else have input to set this up? Or how this "strategy" works?

    Cloud - Retialiate
    Seph - Double Cut
    Tyro - Boost, Haste
    Rydia - Unsure (Shell, Regen, etc)
    Kain - Jump, Double Cut

    Anyone else suggest who to swap out or bring in to focus on being strong for the future? I know Kain can be replaced but just not sure with who yet, and only feel like my Cloud/Seph is strong so other 3 are replaceable I just want to start building the new squad now. (And farm up abilities)
  5. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    You'll want more healing than that. If you're having to use retaliate to clear content your guys are gonna get hurt.

    You'll also want faster characters unless you're ok with slapping your own dude in the third battle because retaliate wore off.

    Cloud 2nd ability is a heavy spellsword ability. Use it third battle if he runs out of retaliate, or save for boss. Kain jump is worthless since his dmg sucks. Consider replacing with tidus and 2x doublecut.
  6. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    What would the "optimal" line up be character wise? And skills to use? Not relying on retaliate solely but I want to build into it for harder content I may not be geared up for with everyone.
  7. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    #1147 Cronk, May 13, 2015
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    My Retaliate squad atm (likely will get tweaked a little more as time goes on) for standard dungeons. First four are staples, 5th I swap out as needed for bosses.

    1) Cloud - Retaliate + Spellsword (whichever one hurts the boss, if there is a weakness)
    2) Tidus - Dbl cut + Armor Break
    3) Wakka - Dbl cut + Boost
    4) Tyro/Aerith - Curaga + Conditional free slot (dbl cut, anti-boss spell, summon, etc)
    5) Caster - Rydia, P. Cecil, Aerith, etc - Area dmg spells + Powerful dmg spell OR Curaga

    Cloud is swapped for Seph or Cyan, depending on synergy and what weps you have. I prefer Cloud since he has better abilities and weapon pools. Tidus is ridiculously fast so he's a clear winner here. Wakka I prefer over Seph since he's backrow and can use boost. But if you just prefer Seph that much, give boost to Tyro. Tyro/Aerith is your healer, which you WILL need. Curaga isn't optional, and try to cast it often. 5th Caster slot is for boss needs... for non-boss stages just use Rydia and one summon/area effect ability + single target dmg spell.

    For your standard 3-wave elite map (and heroic dailies), use retaliate + boost on cloud, and land dbl cuts on cloud asap. If Rydia is up early, go ahead and dump your summons/AoE spells or at the least a dmg spell... the hope is that if you use them early you'll get a refresher potion thingie that gives you another charge of them. You can double cut cloud to the point that you should clear at least two waves, but the third wave retaliate wears off usually, at which point it makes more sense to just use clouds spellblade ability and Rydia's single-target ability. Try not to use Retaliate more than once per set of waves.

    Bosses: Retaliate, Boost, and Armor Break. Refresh Retaliate every other turn, Boost every 5 turns or so, and Armor Break every 3rd turn or so. Everyone else hits Cloud exclusively until you run out of Retaliates, unless you need to try and debuff a boss (ie blind on dino boss). Even if Rydia still has spells left to cast, I prefer to let her hit cloud if I start the boss fight with only a few retaliates, and use the spells later so she's not sitting around useless after a few turns.

    *Skipping turns can be a judgment call, and takes a while getting used to. If retaliate is up, you're better off hitting cloud than you are skipping, since skipping wastes more time which means a better chance of taking ridiculous amounts of damage from OP enemies. Basically if you have to skip (besides turn 1 when you get retaliate up), you're kinda doing something wrong since you probably either need to cast curaga or hit cloud.
    *Use Rydia hard and often for non-boss maps. Wave 1 or 3 Summon on the first map is ideal. Cuts down on damage.
    *Tempo takes a while to get used to. Kinda hard to figure out when you need to refresh stuff, or when to stop hitting cloud. Wave 3 is usually the hardest since you have to juggle actions taken vs waiting for rydia/cloud to clean up the enemies if retaliate wore off.
    *Double-cut will carry over to the next wave if the first one kills the last enemy. Which is why Double cut helps so bloody much
    *Farm as many power orbs as you can. Wednesday daily is what I do, and I do nothing but Wednesday daily on Wednesday. You'll want retaliate at 6-8 uses minimum before long, boost at 8+, Dbl cuts at 4-6 (6+ ideally for bosses), etc. Power orbs are usually the bottleneck for honing what you really need to make this build happen.
    *Only Clouds attack power matters. Wakka/Tidus/Tyro don't matter, at all. So give Cloud the best you got.
    *Don't take certain characters for their Limit Breaks. They won't have them. The downside to Retaliate build is your OTHER characters aren't generating their limit breaks. Pally Cecil looks great on paper but he won't reliably have Rampart up by the time you get to the boss. I'm still experimenting with Aerith... she's more useful than Tyro if she can generate limit break via curing, and go into a boss fight with her limit (silence/stop) which if either of those work is pretty dang nifty.
  8. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Ok, a heads up for people trying to master this elite event: don't. It's literally impossible atm. I spent waaaaay too long getting passed those iguana stone-flamebreath things just to bump into Seifer, Destroyer of Souls.

    He has soooo much defense. There's just nothing you can do against him. I barely dent him, and even if I beat him Edea is right behind him.

    Read up on it some and they buffed these guys very heavily. And we aren't as far along as JP was when they had this event. You literally can't beat the final stage without spending a lot of mythril on gear to start, and then another handful of mythril on revives.

    Stop at the Dino. He's doable, even without retaliate. After him its just not worth it.

    Edit: as far as I can tell, there's only one guy in NA who beat it, and he has 7* gear and had to use cheesy tactics + 6 mythril for the revive buffs to get through seifers armor.
  9. Waks

    Waks Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Is the stage before seifer and edea doable? I haven't tried it though.
  10. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Feature request : teams. As in ability to set up groups with specific gear and abilities as pre sets for each final fantasy so I don't have to shuffle everything around every time I move from one ff to another or to a daily event .
  11. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Got an announcement that realms for III, VIII and XIII are coming soon, does anyone know the date or is it still tbd from the sounds of it very soon.
    this game gets better everyday and when I think I'm about to hit a point of not much to do here comes more!
  12. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    #1152 eflin, May 13, 2015
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    I don't think there has been official word... but typically those announcements come 24 hours in advance... so my guess is 5:00 PST tonight.

    EDIT: man the elite t-rex keeps wrecking me... I might have to use the S/L trick on this one because those angel wings are really good and it seems like it's all going to come down to getting the right status effects to land (and not getting one shot by those freaking skeletons or silenced etc)
  13. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    I beat them but I feel like I have no chance at the last one, 3 boss fights? no way
  14. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Yea same. Took me a lot of tries to beat the two iguanas. Then you fight them again in the trio of boss stages. Then Seifer who's literally broken. Then Edea.

    For the guy who asked: yes you can beat the stage before the last. The reward is crap tho so it's not worth the hours of frustration. Stop at Dino... Wings are last good reward anyways.
  15. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
  16. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Here it is attached.

    Attached Files:

  17. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    I'm encouraged by the constant stream of content, even as I'm discouraged by the ridiculousness of the RNG and how poor a job they did in checking to see if this content was even beatable.

    I've heard this company is absolutely horrid about putting in massive paywalls, and this event where they arbitrarily jacked up boss stats to flat-out force people to pay-to-win concerns me, to say the least.

    But on the flip, new content! I *HATE* that I can't beat all the content they put out, but at least it doesn't sit in my craw for too long before new content comes my way.
  18. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    I just meant they didn't announce WHEN it is going live which is what the person was asking.

    And I'm completely revamping my squad for the dino which is good thing. Beena bit too easy up to know! I'm farming up 3 star power orbs to hone blizarra strike... and tomorrow I'll be doing 2 star ones for blizzard strike. I'm going to have a fully decked out ice squad and hope for the best!
  19. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    The only x-factor with Dino is "did blind hit?"

    Honestly once blind hits you're golden. Make a dark buster with those power orbs before blizzara strike, if you don't have it. Give it to someone fast, like tidus.

    The fight is won or lost depending on whether blind hits. It's the unofficial but very real win condition.
  20. Pooter

    Pooter Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    The odds of blind hitting are pretty slim :( ... And it wears off :mad:

    What do angel wings do anyway? 1 time revival?

    I don't want to give up but this raptor is getting old with his critical tail wips :mad:

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