Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    #1081 eflin, May 1, 2015
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
    Well now that the Aerith event ended I was able to focus on elite dungeons. Just cleared them and man is it nice to be sitting on a bunch of stamina... I also have 0 mythril :- P I've done straight relic pulls :- )

    Pretty much on par with (3) 5 star relics on 33 pulls (most were done under current 10% chance event). Now time to start hoarding mythril for future 50 pulls. Hopefully we get a new event soon otherwise I'll get bored of dailies after a bit.
  2. RampageDeluxe

    RampageDeluxe Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2013
    I'm envious. I've done almost as many Mithril relic pulls as you have, but have only gotten one 5*. Ever since then, it's been all 3* pulls. It's been deflating.That has been with me using Wakka, Cloud etc's relic realm.
  3. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Sorry to hear that. Nothing is worse (in this game) than junk on the rare relic machine. It definitely kills the motivation. On the plus side they are fairly generous with mythril in this game. Apparently you get about 50 a month between events, free rewards, etc. So stick with it and your luck will turn around :- )

    I'm currently just farming the mako reactor to upgrade all my 3 star junk I don't use... that way I can combine them if I get more of it... It also is a good way to level up my lower level dudes. Looking forward to Sunday when I can hopefully get the last of my named characters over L40... then on to the painful core characters leveling...
  4. RampageDeluxe

    RampageDeluxe Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2013
    Thanks for the optimistic outlook. The wind is picking up behind my sales.

    I've been doing the same with 3 star relics, but I'm far behind you on leveling characters. How do you find the time?
  5. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Have a 8 month old who still occasionally wakes us up in the middle of the night :- ) Whenever he does a quickly burn through the stamina. If you use (2) L40 characters and a couple noobs in the back row... you can auto a lot of the hard dailies... so it doesn't take much brain power. That and I use realm synergy whenever i can. extra exp! (and obviously... sundays is all day exp dungeon)

    I don't do any stamina resets with mythril or anything... so it's not too bad as long as you don't let you stamina sit at full too often (never at the expense of sleep though). I used to waste some while at work... but now I can do it before work... at lunch... and on the subway home... and not miss much at all. Hurray for 78 stamina!
  6. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    I'm in the same boat. I've done a ton of draws, even spent $30 in game, and haven't got anything 5 star besides two Genji Armour and a Regal Dress.

    So frustrating to hope for a good weapon and get 3 star pull after 3 star pull. Bleh.
  7. Waks

    Waks Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Pulled using 50 mithrils, got 1 buster sword and 1 regal dress. Not bad I guess :)

    Finished all elites already, time to catch up on some levels for the other characters.
  8. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Some good rewards in the new event but Celes is worthless.
  9. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Celes' only advantage is she's the only other character that can use Spellblade, but even in a FF6 world she'd be a poor substitute for Cloud. She can't use Combat or Support, and 2* in White and Black Magic is pointless.

    Really, though, whoever came up with this event should be fired.


    Since you can see each encounter before you start, you can keep selecting:

    Retreat With 0 Memories
    Magitek Research Facility: Hard
    Magitek Research Facility, Part I - Hard

    Until you get Flan (VI) as your first encounter.

    These rather easy fights give you 15,460 XP at a cost of 4 Stamina (3,865 XP per point). This is better than even the Hard Sunday Event Dungeon, and if you have FF6 members in your party this can increase to as high as 23,193 XP from the Synergy Bonus. They even drop the occasional 3* Orb (maybe just Wind Orbs), too. And you can retreat right afterwards and do it again every twelve minutes.

    It's completely possible to have ALL Level 50 Characters by event end at no risk. It'd just be incredibly tedious to wade through the interface to do it. And anyone that DOES do that will just get to look forward to being bored afterwards.


    And in terms of prizes, pretty much everything after Celes is worthless (and she's just for the sake of having all the characters).

    3 Growth Eggs at 10,000? Who needs 'em when you have the Flan?
    Another 60,000 Memories just to get three Greater Ice Orbs and three Greater Holy Orbs? You can farm for them normally just as easily.
    Another 30,000 Memories after that for a Hero's Ring? You've already got one, and it's just a Power Wrist with +8 Magic built in.
    Another 50,000 Memories after that for a Greater Growth Egg? See 10,000 Memories.
    Another 50,000 Memories after that for a Major Holy Orb? I'm not putting in that much effort for 1/22nd of the "Holy" spell that is apparently never used in the Japanese version anyway.
  10. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Spellblades are so powerful that you wouldnt want any other abilities imo. They're cheap ways to deal heavy elemental damage.

    Agreed this event is pretty underwhelming. Which I'm kinda ok with since Counter Scintillation is pretty horrible.
  11. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    #1091 ImLegend, May 3, 2015
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
    She is the ONLY character can user 5* Spellblade up to now, Cloud only can use maximum 4* Spellblade
  12. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Fair enough. But I'm not about to proritize a character just because they can use one skill (Flare Strike) that takes twenty-two 5* orbs to construct and all it does is heavy physical non-elemental damage to a single target.

    Isn't "heavy physical non-elemental damage" just a regular sword swing that does extra damage? :)
  13. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    this guy will blind you like crazy, so use strongest spell or physical atk to bring them down in one shot. If failed and got blind do save/load trick and try again. I use double cuts, summon spell (if Rydia) or Quake (if Terra).
  14. Septim

    Septim Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Excellent evaluation Laire. It's making me re-think the way I do the event. Originally was going to try to get as much rewards as possible but now might just go for the easy XP in case Record Materia comes over from Japan.


    Rydia with a dragon summon can wipe out all the Flans immediately, good if you want to level just one other character.
  15. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    #1095 ImLegend, May 4, 2015
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    or use Tyro with dragon summon

  16. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    The counter aoe blind nonsense shines a bright light on the major problem I have with this game

    Two ability slots is garbage. The game punishes you heavily with status effects and provides no reliable means to cure them.

    I wouldn't be tempted to cheat via the reset trick if a trash mob didn't have a counter attack that can effectively hamstring 4/5s of my party for the rest of that adventure. The DAMAGING 4/5s.

    It's a fun little game and i'll continue to play it, but the artificial difficulty rubs me the wrong way.
  17. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    A slot for passive abilities or two would be a nice thing they could have added. Lots of room for improvement on the great base idea of this game.
  18. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    I fully agree. The new content updates are great but there needs to be better rewards other than accessories we already have or Gil that can be farmed anywhere else for less effort!
    Why not throw in a 3rd ability slot for a character as a top prize or a high level spell rather than 1 x (place any pointless orb that is useless on its own here). Would certainly bring me back to replay the dungeons.
    For now I'll probably get to Celes as I don't want to miss a character and then avoid.
  19. Vendince

    Vendince Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 17, 2013
    Is Cloud that necessary anyway? I've been running with Cyan, Sepiroth, Aerith, Celes and Terra. (after I got Celes) And the character who got switched out for Celes was Tifa.

    I still mastered pretty much everything.

    But then again, I haven't played FF7, just 1-6, so of course I'm going to use characters I'm nostalgic for. (Yeah, I know, still using Sepiroth.) And that seems to work well enough.
  20. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    The AOE blind counter is easily countered by careful planning before heading into battle, which is also generally true in just about anywhere in FFRK. Having one single powerhouse with double strike, your strongest ff6 sword, and having only him/her attack to one-shot the magitek armor thingies, and there's no need for esuna or blindna. Skip other characters to avoid the counters.

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