Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    That's even more of a reason to do the exp event. 40-50 is a long road.

    I'd say do new event early stages to get the mithril. At only 3 stamina a stage it's quick, but after a handful of them the cost ramps up. You will soon see that it will take a lot of time to complete. So I just did the cheap levels then back to exp.
  2. Vendince

    Vendince Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 17, 2013
    Very pleased, got my first character specific five star piece of equipment. Terra's sword, which made me quite pleased, since she is my favorite character from any Final Fantasy.
  3. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Yeah yesterday was the first time I passed on the EXP event as well... and for similar reasons. I'll be back there this week leveling up Terra and some generics though. At some point... with only a couple new characters a week... and being able to level 5 at once... the Sunday dungeon won't be mandatory.

    Since I am going well with (5) people at 50... and all the other named characters between 35-45... I decided to farm up more Aerith orbs. Already got a L2 Curaja out of it... and am about 4 runs away from a L2 Quake! Fun stuff :- )

    Congrats Vendince on the pull! I'd love to have that sword as Terra is one of my favs too. I'll be pulling on the Wakka/Rydia/Cloud/Kain event though since the odds are still better.
  4. Vendince

    Vendince Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 17, 2013
    Tried that too, but no luck yet.
  5. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
  6. NetBad

    NetBad Member

    Apr 27, 2015
    Designer for Construction
    I can's admire it anymore, cuz it is really awesome
  7. runningbird

    runningbird Member

    Apr 27, 2015
    As I am writing this comment I am downloading the game. This is my first FF game on mobile phone and hopefully it's will be dozens of hours of good time.:):)
  8. NetBad

    NetBad Member

    Apr 27, 2015
    Designer for Construction
    It is really good to play, I was waiting for it for a long time
  9. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    Yea 40 to 50 is a lot longer, I usually try to stop levelling them around 47-48 just so they won't waste XP when I use them, but I already have quite a few at 50.
  10. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    New event done within 12 hours.Some fairly decent accessories in there. May replay the Estuary as there's a good drop rate for Orbs.
    Hoping the next event is a bit more challenging though.
  11. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Looks like they're staying at 10%/25%/65% at least, although they DO seem bound and determined to make sure more people are carrying Danjuro than any other weapon ... :)

    That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. I'd love to have a few Danjuro lying around just so I'd know any character could have a decent weapon regardless of their class.
  12. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    run out of inventory space, what should I do?

    Q1) I try to keep items from 2* with different realm (for combination and realm bonus), now I almost run out of inventory space, should I buy more (5 spaces per upgrade) slots with Mythril or Gems? or start to sell 2* items?

    Q2) I only trained realm characters and leave core characters without any training except Tyro. it is because the realm boot system make the core characters kinda useless, and core characters' abilities are more limited than realm characters.

    any comment? thanks in advance
  13. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    #1074 eflin, Apr 28, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
    I am not too worried about this and am crafting 3 star summons anyway. They are quite useful. His points are valid... But by that logic no one should be doing rare relic draws since future events give you some 3 star equipment and all the current 5 star weapons are inferior to the second tier ones we will get in a few months. There is value in getting things now so you can keep progressing.

    1) I am doing the same for now... But will sell off my 2 star items before doing mythril for slots. You WILL need to do it eventually though so it's not a bad idea to do it now and enjoy the extra space.

    2) core characters are weaker in general. Their max stats are much weaker than named characters. Tyro is the only useful one in the long run and that is for his flexibility. I am slowly leveling them all just to get everyone to max... But only through growth eggs until all my named characters are maxed. Getting close though so i might be subbing some in soon for real leveling.
  14. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    I think the long-term logic is that a single-use summon is pretty useless. It's a one-shot "time bomb" that you're saving for a boss and using up a slot - meaning your caster might be useless in long dungeons, forcing you to keep skipping their turn to avoid getting a star penalty for using too many actions. ("Skip" isn't considered an action.)

    Having two one-shot Leviathans almost means you might as well just sell one. But if you wait for the reward summon, you can then use those resources towards honing it.

    I can definitely understand the logic behind not wanting to stay stuck at Elite fights you can't win just because you're trying to max-min your resources, though. :)
  15. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    All good points Laire.

    I just have not found a case (yet) where it has hurt my casters to have a summon... and numerous cases where it has helped significantly. I never give a character 2 summons at once... but one L2 summon... paired with a high level spell works wonders. I spam the spell during regular mobs as needed... and sometimes even use one instance of the summon if I get a bad combo of mobs/low action bars... and then I have the summon and usually a couple casts of my single spell left by the time I hit the boss.

    Against some bosses it absolutely wreaks them (either lots of parts to a boss... or one who is vulnerable to my summon) and the fail safe switch of the summon on regular mobs is great. The trick (IMO) is to pair one summon with a high level spell (so it has a lot of casts). This might not hold true as we get to harder dungeons... but I'll just adapt to that when the time comes.

    And as for getting them for rewards later on... not going to worry about that. Rewards are free and often duplicates of stuff I already have so this will be no different. Won't make me regret making Shiva earlier. As we get closer to those rewards showing up though... people should definitely keep it in mind. Me crafting L2 Shiva 2 weeks ago... vs someone crafting it 2 weeks before they could get it for free... are very different cases. I think we are a good ways away from getting Shiva as a reward though :- ) Anyone know when it showed up in JP?
  16. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Holy cow 5 star weapons are bonkers. Finally got to use Kain with his weapon (which I got a few days back). He is doing so much more damage than everyone else... wow... Looking forward to trying his SB...

    Makes me feel good about beating most of the elites without one of these things as they are craaaazy good.
  17. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    All things in balance imo. Creating one summon now to help with elites and bosses is well worth it. Same with 3-5* items. With a rate up like the one we had, it's worth it to try for 5*s since they make SUCH a difference. Just know when to stop.

    There's always going to be power creep in these games. The best way to manage that as a f2p player is to spend a reasonable amount of resources to be relevant now, and then hoard until the next major power push (not little jumps but meta-changing leaps), and even then not blowing your entire hoard. Avoid doing more than the very rare yolo pull for some new trinket you may want, since pulling during normal rates is pretty bad, and you'll largely be fine.
  18. sbirksy666

    sbirksy666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
    So I haven't had much luck with Mithril pulls and a couple of paid ones but this morning the daily pull netted me a four star thornlet
  19. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    In this case, it doesn't seem so much a power creep as a power shift when new worlds appear. Not so much with the characters (people still use Cloud and Sephiroth despite the fact they've rarely been the "optimal" world choice) but the equipment.

    There's only a smattering of 3* III equipment available, and I don't think there's ANYTHING for VIII or XIII yet. So when more dungeons come out in a few weeks, all that synergy-boosted attack and defense will go right out the window, inspiring people who have to have the "best" to spend MORE money.

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