Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Waks

    Waks Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Got Genji Armor as my first 5*. I haven't gotten any of the 5* weapons yet :(
  2. Retro Nug

    Retro Nug Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The Netherworld
    Nice! My only 5* is the Genji Helm lol
  3. Womble

    Womble Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    I finally got a 4* but no 5 yet!
  4. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Just got the Genji armor myself. Can finally auto champ the hard daily so should get a ton of exp for Sunday.
  5. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    I got the Pcecil shield. What really helps if you're not getting any decent weapon and armor drops/draws is to farm the weapon and armor dailies on hard. In the end I got a 4 star mythril helm, armor and shield and for the weapon I got a 4 star partisan spear. I didn't keep farming for weapons but I believe you can also farm some kind of sword and a third weapon which I can't remember lol.
  6. Womble

    Womble Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    Im really trying to get into this game, but the constant 3* items is just so disheartening. It must be like 11 from 12 pulls now. (I did get one 4)

    It doesnt make me want to spend money, it just makes me want to quit.
  7. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    #867 ednan, Apr 12, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
    3-star is categorised as “rare,” so it makes sense the 4 and 5 stars to be quite hard to come by.
    Furthermore, 3-star are quite good, especially when you improve and if possible, combine them.

    If everyone could get the rarest category available with 10 pulls, the game would, in the sense you are talking, “want you to spend money,” but then you wouldn’t have what to get because everything would be easily attainable and it would be no fun. The complaint would be “there’s nothing else to pull! it seems the game doesn’t want my money!” ;)
  8. Magnum0ik

    Magnum0ik Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Insurance Broker
    Portsmouth, England
    I got this helm too.
  9. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    My only 5 star is the regal gown but it is great.

    My main party is now in the mid 40s so I took a break from summoning orb farming to start leveling up a 2nd squad. Mid 20s on all of them but rapidly leveling up in the hard exp dungeon today :- ). Tomorrow it is back to my main though and farming up those orbs.

    With regards to the next event it is likely Aeriths event... But you never know since they are not directly following the JP server history. I will post some links etc tomorrow for the Aeriths event so people can prepare.
  10. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    If anyone knows where the BEST place to farm greater wind and greater power orbs it would be awesome if you could help me out :/
  11. tpianca

    tpianca Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    That would make it another VII event! It is possible, but I wish they would make a different game this time. VI would be so good, but I think that X is possible too, since we already have 2 chars from this one. Perhaps we don't have chars from V and VI to keep those elite dungeons inaccessible.
    If they are concerned with equality, we had a thunder and a fire based event, so this could give ice orbs and have monsters weak to ice.
  12. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Here is where I get most of my info.


    Apparently the next 2 events are likely Aerith and Terra. They switched the first two (compared to JP) so maybe they'll do it again! Personally I'd love a better white mage and the Aerith event sounds like a good change of pace... so I'm hoping for that!
  13. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    Like the sound of the Aerith event. Be good to have a different structure and the token idea sounds good. Just hope there's enough time to farm the better items!
  14. tpianca

    tpianca Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    What a nice site! This Aerith event really looks cool. I will hopefully be able to beat it using synnergies.
  15. Waks

    Waks Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I'd like the terra event more to give us synergies for FFVI - to help with the elite dungeons.

    I placed my genji armor on tyro - such a badass healer now :)
  16. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    As promised here is my info on the potential Aerith event. (again mostly based on this site http://ffrk.kongbakpao.com/aeries-aerith/ )

    You're going to want to get atleast the following:
    5 mythril
    Jewel Ring or Bangles of peace (getting both is unlikely this first time around)

    For a total of 14,650 carrots. If you are going on the hard difficulty you will average about 6 carrots per stamina... and get 2,330 carrots in first clear and master rewards... which means you will need to spend 2054 stamina to get just the items listed above... or almost 300 stamina a day if it is only a week long event like it was in JP... that is going to be tough to pull off

    Even if you miss out on the ring/bangles though... there is plenty of good stuff to spend the carrots on so prepare yourselves so you can maximize it!

    Looks like pyshical skills are the way to go for this one... so pump those up!
  17. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    For Christ's sake, why more FFVII characters when we don't even have FFVII stages to use them. FF
    VI has a lot of stages, the Elites are impossible with proper character and we have 0 characters for it.
  18. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    I think they're trying to hit the popularity angle from both sides by putting characters out there early and reserving a lot of future FF7 content for higher difficulties. Also, part of it's my own luck, but Cloud is functionally the worst member of my active team right now. I think they want to spread the love around the series tactfully, hence the large number of unnamed job characters we get early on.
  19. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    This, +1... They are hinging the game on nostalgia and ffvii was probably tr biggest of the series in the western market
  20. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Agreed! Makes a lot of sense.

    And I just got Shiva to L2! Wahoo! Now to try and farm up orbs for ifrit L1! Got enough fire orbs and halfway with the summoning orbs! Should have it by tomorrow at the latest!

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