Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Keitch83

    Keitch83 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    I had heard they'd kept true to all the tactics used in the original games. Nice touch.
  2. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    My party is looking stronger all the time since I'm focusing on dailies instead if events. The hard missions are powering up my abilities nicely.

    I'd recommend farming orbs instead of going all-out on day 1 of events. I got dark Cecil and then stopped today... And proceeded to upgrade my double cuts and the like.
  3. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    I guess you’re right if you are not leveled enough or the event is more interesting (gold and exp IMO)
  4. ictoanen

    ictoanen Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Just finished the new event. Looks like the last stage is quicker for farming summoning orbs than the last stage of the previous event where you have to beat Rufus. It's 11 stamina less to clear the stage.

    I'm having trouble with my inventory. It's always at max capacity even after upgrading double items and combing them. I've already expanded it twice to 110 slots but that didn't help much.

    How do you know what to sell? It's not like you can buy it back as there is no item store. If I sell ask the 1 star gear than how will I upgrade and combine?

    All tips are welcome!
  5. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Indeed it is! Time to farm this event instead :- )

    With regards to inventory... I have not had that problem yet. I don't keep any 1 star equipment... and most 2 star equipment I also get rid of. A couple I combined up to 4 star... but not many. So I'm no where near close to filling up my inventory with 3+ star equipment. I'll throw some mythril at more slots whenever I do.
    But that'd be my strategy/advice for item management.

    Oh... I should mention that is specifically for equipment. I have kept all accessories. I might start trimming those down at some point (this latest event gave a lot of them!)... but for now I'm keeping them all.

    Pffft.... logic. That actually is good advice :- ) But I'm still farming summoning orbs... muhahahaha. None of the dungeons/events are giving me trouble... and I'm in no rush to complete all the elite stages yet. I'll slowly build up L3 abilities but want to take full advantage of the summoning orbs while I can. I fully acknowledge your path is the more efficient one though for overall progress!
  6. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    I use all 1* equipment for leveling up 3-5 star items, they are worthless otherwise. I wouldnt spend mythril on expanding inventory, the most important thing in the game is relic pulls and getting high star gear.
  7. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    I just sell them, just use the weapon/armor material, you'll save a ton of money
  8. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Inventory management depends on how much time you want to spend dealing with it. Personally, with a game meant to be "played" for a few minutes every 2 hours, I don't think its worth keeping 1-2 star equipment around for stage synergy. You need absurd amounts of inventory space to play the synergy game with all the stages.

    I find the game less taxing to just log in, grind out the hard dailies, and enjoy the events semi-casually. Most games I min/max inventory and stats more but I don't think this game is suited to it (largely because the interface/UI is so bad, and it's hard to quantify synergy value)

    For the record, my guys are ~40, and easily auto through hard dailies for master rank since I focus on those. I've gotten mostly junk pulls with mythril and dailies, but it's still enough to manage the content. I'll wait to farm elites for their better 2-3 stars before doing the synergy game that'll help with harder elite stages down the road.

    Just depends on what's fun for you. I'd rather manage all the content and rush to 50 then get some early summons. I have a bunch of level 2-3 2* abilities and some 3* ones, and I'll have a bunch more after orbs on Friday. But just a preference!
  9. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Protip: don't do even autobattle kinda stuff while attempting to bathe babies.

    Sooner or later it'll end in a party who died a horrible, horrible, slow death.

    Pretty sure at one point I heard my Tidus exclaim, "For the love of all that's holy, why aren't we DOING anything?! Can I attack please?? Must we sit here and slowly be killed off?! ... Wakka! Noooooo!!!"
  10. tpianca

    tpianca Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Erm... I'm kinda relieved that it was the party who died in this situation.
    Really, don't attempt to do anything else while bathing babies.
  11. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Honestly rushing for the summons does not hurt you rushing for 50. I am right around level 40 too and have no difficulty with dailies/events. Some of the dailies aren't even helpful as all my useful equipment is maxed out. I think farming summon orbs only comes at the expense of getting L3 orbs for other 3 star abilities (curaga etc).

    Still overall agree with all you said and am glad you are enjoying the journey! It is nice everyone can go about it their own way.

    And yeah I can't do anything else while bathing my 7 month old. That would end poorly....
  12. tpianca

    tpianca Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    I was keeping everything until I reach 100. Then, I sold or used in upgrade all 1*of sets currently not in the game! like XII, II, III. Upgraded and combined the rest, so now I have 3* for most sets, and some 4*. Over time, it fills of garbage again, so I do it once more. Now I also have some good III and II combined gear. But definitely not XII, I think this one will not show up for a while.
  13. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    So is the black cowl still the only farmable equipment that's worth it for now?
  14. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    That happened with me while I was watching a lecture XD
  15. Agarash

    Agarash Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Principal IT Specialist
    Looks like :( the only other one that I am considering is the beret (VI) from FF5 North Mountain, just to get the realm synergy boost to clear the FF6 elites
  16. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    My party dies once a day or so because I get distracted between entering a battle and hitting auto.

    Tonight was bathing babies. If you do bathing babies right, they enjoy it. like tonight, he wasn't really complaining when I was dunking his head under water so it seemed like a good time to get in some gaming, but then he stopped squirming so I figured it was time to pay more attention to him.

    Kidding. He splashes around on his back in less than an inch of water while I watch him. Sorry, not gonna feel guilty about picking up my phone for a few when he's happy playing right next to me.
  17. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    I think the elite stages should give better equipment (at least a rare chance of dropping a 3*).
  18. Cronk

    Cronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    This game won't have much staying power if there's only crappy rare drops to pursue.

    Elite rare drops should be a decent alternative to mythrio pulls, if you're willing to put in the time.
  19. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Hey. Every once n a while those elite dungeons give a powerful weapon. There's a rod and a staff and later there's a bow and I know there's one more but I can't remember what it is, all 4 star. On a happy note I did an 11 relic pull and got Cecil's uh 5 star shield!! Actually my pull was pretty decent, I got a 4 star axe which made me realize only two characters use axes, warrior and kain but I got a 4 star spear so ..warrior gets the axe. I also got a 4 star diamond armor which is sick and another 4 star rod, the gravity rod. I also pulled some decent 3 star, another some type of bangle that I had already so I was able to combine those and I got an 3 star ice helm which had a resist ice bonus, a 3 star demon armor, um a 3 star spear which sucks since I got the 4 star spear too. Oh and a 3 star robe but that's useless for now since I got a 4 star diamond bangle. I know non of these are actually useless because of synergy but for now I did get a couple things I don't need right now. I was just excited for the 5 star Cecil shield, haha. I wish I had gotten a sword or katana, I need something better than a dang 3 star Mage masher for sephiroth. 30 bucks well spent Id say, it's not gonna be a regular thing though I never spend money on games anymore I just was gifted iTunes credit so I treated myself. Also how did this dang forum turn into a mommy/daddy, me, and FFRK class in bathing and gaming?
  20. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    We're talking about rare drops from enemies (or bosses in this case). The clear bonus is nice but you can only get it once.

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