Universal Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (by DeNA Corp.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Monztamash, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Yerti1

    Yerti1 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 8, 2012
    I usually hate stamina in games. If I like to play the game let me play it. However I'm loving this. From the upgrade system, to the growth, to how abilities are made, daily dungeons and events. All of it works well together.

    All that being said, IM SO HAPPY!

    Attached Files:

  2. Agarash

    Agarash Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Principal IT Specialist
    Congrats, I just had enough Mythrils and did a pull but yet again it was a 3*. Still no 5* yet :(
  3. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    I’m crossing my fingers to not get that. I would hate to get a 5-star that I would not use :D
  4. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    #484 eflin, Apr 3, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
    At this point I'm holding all mythril for next week when masamune will be there (and hopefully with increased odds). Sitting on 15 mythril currently and hoping to get it to 20 before the event ends. Got to save it for best odds at good stuff after all if you're going F2P route.

    My luck has been average though I think. 7 pulls and I got

    (1) 5 star (regal gown... which at first was disappointing but is actually amazing)
    (1) 4 star (hayate's bow... proved to be quite nice for the two flying bosses)
    bunch of 3 star stuff (dancing dagger, falchion, javelin, flame shield, rune armlet)

    I also have received (2) 4 star weapons from elite dungeons (light rod and staff) and (2) 3 star (silver harp, black cowl) so far.
  5. ictoanen

    ictoanen Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    #485 ictoanen, Apr 3, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
    I got Sephiroth with my mid twenties team.

    I took Cloud and Tifa for the trash mobs. Was lucky enough to pull her gloves and now she hits for about 2k per hit.

    I took Tyro add Rydia each with a Cure and a Thundera. Equipping the Lighting Rod and Lightning Staff made all the difference in their lightning damage.

    Last but not least I took Wakka add that was the only one I had a ranged weapon for. All in all it was not ideal as I had no way to use my Thunder Strike.

    For the last boss I went with a melee team, the boss went down without much problems. Now I have all the event stages mastered except for the second to last stage, I only barely managed to defeat that boss.
  6. ictoanen

    ictoanen Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    What will be more helpful: Regen or Cura?
  7. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
  8. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I got Sephiroth now too, so... Partay!
  9. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    It's interesting seeing how different each persons experiences are (likely has a lot to do with strategy, relics pulled, etc). For me I mastered every stage in the tower on the first try... EXCEPT the last one. I plan on trying it again next week once I've leveled up more. (I did beat it... just only got expert)

    For now I'm shifting my focus to elite dungeons... as they are my only sources of mythril left (outside of the 2 free every 10 days... which is quite the wait) as I want a Masamune!

    I also need to level up my Sephiroth... to use said Masamune...

    Definitely enjoying this game... but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (not going to have much to do once I clear the elite stages... at least until the next event). I imagine the elite dungeons will take a good chunk of time though!

    I'm hoping the next event has a good white mage for once...
  10. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    What stages are the 2 flying bosses? Just trying to mentally prepare since I'm close and lacked a ranged character. (Still do) can I survive on 4x Thundara Tyro/Rydia? :/
  11. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    It's the last 3 sections. The first two are the fliers and the last one is the melee boss. Yes you can get through with 4 thundaras
  12. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    I'm at the Helicopter part, the other 2 are in succession? Rydia hits for about 1k and just lack ranged weps. :/
  13. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Thundara should be able to hit for a lot more than a thousand if you have a level 24ish Rydia. Do you have the 4 star wand from the elite dungeon? It's very doable if you are at the point you can get that high in the event.
  14. RoboWarrior

    RoboWarrior Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2012
    Apparently people at Reddit FFRK subreddit are having success completing the event with level 24~26 characters. I'm around level 21 so hopefully by Saturday I'll be able to finish the event.
  15. tpianca

    tpianca Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Same here. Rufus managed to KO Rydia as I was about to cure her :mad: I'm probably trying again with Seph in her place. And get that protect ring.
    Don't wait too much, I think the event will end tomorrow, isn't it?
  16. athros

    athros Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Nope. It ends on the 11th.
  17. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    #497 eflin, Apr 3, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
    Yup! I can confirm as I did it in mid 20's as well. Honestly... pretty much everything was done by a level 23 Rydia... My Tyro helped... but Rydia would have finished the job with another attack anyway. Each of her Thundara were doing like 2,500 damage or so. I had a L2 one so it had 4 total uses (only used 3)...

    Yup! It's a nice 2 week event so you still got time. This week should be the Tifa Gloves relic event... and next week should be the Sepiropth Masamune relic event.

    I got Seph after less than a week of playing the game... so you can still do it if you started today!
  18. blackbear219

    blackbear219 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    I beat the hundred gunner just now. As everyone has said, get your Rydia to 25 or so, give her a wand that beefs her magic up a bit and let her go ham with Thundara. Kain hit him a couple time with Jump/Double Jump but Rydia is your key to victory here.

    Much thanks to everyone that have posted their strategies. It was certainly a huge help to me and saved me a lot of time! I know some people like trial and erroring on their own, but with the stamina aspect and the limited time of the event I'd just like to get it done. Now on with the last two stages once my stamina recharges a bit!
  19. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    ^I actually finished it with Rydia only at lv19, armed with lv2 Thundara (4 charges) and a lv3 Thunder. Hundred Gunner and the flying one werent too difficult if you know how to deal the damage.
  20. Barak

    Barak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Portland, OR
    So far I have gotten 2 of the 5* relic pulls without spending any money, but neither are the "boosted" items for Cloud last week or Tifa this week. I got a staff and a shield. Not bad, but I wish I could get something with a new limit break =)

    So, I have now gotten gold on the whole event, went back to the second FFIV elite mission (Underground Waterway) and got a gold on it. Got cocky, tried the Antlion's Den and got owned, lol.

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