Are there any pros and cons between playing that game on either device? AFAIK, it's more or less the same difference being it's a universal app. My IpT5 is sort of dying (battery has been running on 2.5 years thus far), and even though if I were to get either an IpT6 (not likely as I've been pining for a 4.7" to 5.5" for a while now) or a used Iph6/+ and how app data usually transfers over to the next device (I guess I should double check on my iCloud), it's possible the device may die out before I finish the game. However, the nice thing here is it's pocketable. I can take out the mobile device almost anywhere, and game on. However, a game like this does have cutscenes and stuff that come up where I can't really turn it off right away. As for the Ipad Air, it does have alot more storage, so I won't have to worry about clearing out space unlike my IpT5. Even though there's a larger screen here, I checked out both of them side by side, and only a few things are "cut off" on the IpT screen. Of course, things are much larger on the Ipad, even if it's not "crisp" (there are jaggies, but I'm fine given it is a 16-bit era-ish game). This limits the game to only at home, which is probably what it should stay as anyways. Thoughts?