Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Get a room, you two.
  2. Oscar Streaker

    Oscar Streaker Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    heheh... ##
  3. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Game of the week
    Nothing more needs to be said about whether it’s good or not :)
    I’m now 11 hours 24 mins in
  4. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    #104 Milotorou, Nov 5, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    Wow !

    Im only 5 and a half in ###

    Just finished Chapter 1 part 2.

    I can see why the story would be criticized, but Im actually enjoying it # I think you simply need to not expect a new FF6, take it with a grain of salt, character interactions are enjoyable #

    Doing all the subquest.... does make the game very easy. Honestly though, im not playing this for the challenge, just enjoying the gameplay and the time-killing the game gives me hehe

    Edit : Its also worth noting the UI is GREAT. Having your two last used abilities all the time in the first menu is great, its a simple thing but it makes the whole thing much smoother
  5. Phenomen

    Phenomen Member

    Jul 3, 2014
    Extremely boring gameplay with no depth. Watch cutscene, press Auto battle, repeat... Typical F2P RPG just without timers and IAPs. Do not recommend.
  6. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Dont mean to refute but the game wasnt exactly made to have depth.

    Its a light rpg made for short burst sessions, if you didnt want that you shouldnt have purchased, we mentionned what it was many times here on the forums and Shaun made it quite clear in his review as well #
  7. 61050

    61050 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    yeah, its simple, but overall im having fun with this. more fun than ive had with a lot of other games that have been released. i was hesitant on dropping $15 on this, but im glad i did.
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #108 L.Lawliet, Nov 6, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
    That's hilarious coming from you.

    "Yeah, pretty much you can. I would normally consider that cheating, but it’s not like you’re employing awesome AI to beat the game, it’s more like you’re simply automating the rote task of pressing one of 2 or 3 buttons that comprise the totality of your battle actions. Lol. Zzzz..."
    --> Wrong. 2-3 buttons / using auto battle will not get you through the game. Unless you're repeating the same 1 hour of game you played, which you NEVER refuted which makes your opinion weigh very little.

    "Stripped down to the chassis. If you’re looking for a real FF adventure, this ain’t it. The game is a shallow, brain-dead bore. Simplistic F2P loop minus currencies/timers ≠ full-featured RPG. F Squenix for this lazy money grab, and F me for buying it. "
    --> Opinion. Brain dead bore--> Opinion. Not full fledged RPG--> Opinion. Lazy money grab? SQE spent time and money to convert the game instead of saying goodbye to it like almost all f2p games on servers.

    The points you argue that "match" the article can go either way, for example a "full featured RPG" in your terms is an interpretation and Shaun never said it wasn't. He said it wasn't like a standard FF game which no one argued at all. I'm not even going to spend my time explaining to you how your explanations don't make sense when you compare them to the article. You're stretching it.

    Funny you say "can't take it" because you're the one that won't give up and won't stop bitching about it on the Internet like once someone disagrees with you, YOU can't handle it. Wheres's even your proof that I can't take it considering I'm the ONLY person who's willing to humor you with your responses, do you even know what you're writing? Seems like you're the one that can't take it when you got riled up from someone disagreeing with you. I'm merely responding to you attacking me.I'm the one that disagreed with you and you just non-stop wouldn't stop being rude and name calling so obviously you're not very good talking to people when someone disagrees :rolleyes:

    I think this sums up what I want to say so I'm done wasting my time with someone who can't handle another person disagreeing with them and just wants to act like a child about it.

    FYI: Shaun gave it 4/5 stars even though you claim the review matches your opinions of the game. You must secretly really like it. Also it got game of the week so I guess some people don't think it's "brain-dead bore." Why don't you try to argue that? Nice try though. ##
  9. Oscar Streaker

    Oscar Streaker Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011

    Lol... Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned

    I think the game is boring and overpriced for what it is. Deal with it.
  10. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    There is some depth if you DON’T USE AUTO BATTLE.

    Seriously, like I said before I can understand using it to get through grinding. But if you use it all the time what is the purpose of playing any JRPG? Might as well watch a movie.
  11. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    #111 curtisrshideler, Nov 6, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
    Does anyone know if they’ve released this soundtrack in Japan? It’s not on the US iTunes Store, and I can’t find it anywhere. Instead, I’ve just put someone’s playthrough on YouTube Red and turned my screen off so I can listen to the music. But since it is a lot of battling, I’m mainly listening to the battle theme. I’d love to put a few of the other tracks on repeat for a while.
    EDIT: Well, I found a few tunes on YouTube, but I have to go to youtuberepeat in order to repeat it. YouTube needs to add a repeat feature at least for its Red customers.
  12. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Did not expect the game to make me laugh that much #

    When you get there guys, Morrow's episode 3 (See-Through Magic) is HILARIOUS #
  13. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Close to 12 and a half hours in (had to work a lot last couple days) I am on Chapter 2-2 and now I have Jornee!
    I have been trying to find out how many chapters and I believe it is 7... means there is a lot of content here
  14. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Yeah i got the info for that, 7 chapters, starting from chapter 2 all chapters are divided in two parts.

    Are you playing with 2x speed in battle Dailon ? Or regular speed ?
  15. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Regular I didn’t know their was a 2x speed ha
  16. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    That might explain why im going through faster than you hahaha.

    Yeah in the settings you can choose between normal and fast speed, I dont really like the animations on normal speed (i find the characters to look like marionnettes) so I play on fast speed, I think it actually suits the animations better tbh.

    If you just want to see what it looks like in battle theres a toggle in battle as well, its the button left to Auto Battle.
  17. JohnnyClash

    JohnnyClash Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
    Wow.. loving the music. I can just close my eyes and listen until my screen goes black, lol..

    I won’t bother saying too much about this game, as I feel that’s already been done.

    For me though, I’m not well versed in the world of FF. I have FF1 for iOS and FF4.. but this one really strikes a chord with me and I am just loving it.

    Graphics are sort of on par with Brave Frontier from a few years ago. But all the sprites and monsters and stuff and really fun to look at. The art is very apealing.

    I’m 2 hours in so far, with and many more to follow. It’s like a good cheap comic book. Eat it up, spit it out, and enjoy every mouthful.
  18. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I will try it for sure or else it may take me 100 hours to beat it haha
  19. 61050

    61050 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    so im on chapter 4-1 and im getting my ass handed to me by the boss in the ‘mechanized corps’ scenario in the westa outskits. the one where you fight the bot that ‘is designed to take out entire bases’. its true man, this thing is brutal. it says its rated at level 41, but my team is level 47 and it is still laying the hurt on me badly. what do?
  20. Tiffanylove

    Tiffanylove Member

    Oct 27, 2017

    Anyone else having issues with cloud saves? In pretty sure I have cloud saving enabled but it's saying the cloud function is disabled. Check your cloud settings. Nothing in cloud settings seems wrong . Help please

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