Don't know if I've even tried it, and I'm almost 60 hours in! I'll have to see if I can try that. Had to find the extra money to pick this up on PS4 during the sale. Can't wait to download and start it again before I've even beat it on iOS! Haha
Mug works it's just low damage lol guess used to the older mug attacks being higher. I'm 37 hours in and just loving it is the PS4 version similar to the steam version
Hi, it is on sale right now. Could anyone tell exactly how much of a free space does it need to instal? Is it 6gb or 8 gb or else?
It’s 4.3 GB once installed so may need about 5 GB of space to install then it will be 4.3when all is said and done Worth it if you have the space for it
Just a quick question before I buy this. FF 9 is my third favorite one in the series. I remember getting it in 2000 and spending hours upon hours on it. Now, I never played the console version of FF15 but there are some things I do know about the difference between the iOS version and the console version, one of the worst things they could have done to it, they did. Cut out most of what makes a classic type of FF so fun. Of course beyond the story and characters and that’s the enjoyment of exploration, mini games, side things that you can do to take a break from saving the world without actually leaving the world FF9 always had plenty of all of it. Did they do any cuts at all to this game or is it still all there? I knows there’s some “game enhancing” improvements which I surely won’t need nor want but I also don’t want to buy this classic and have my memory of it tarnished by getting a “white out filled carbon copy”
That doesnt entirely tell me much lol. I abandoned console gaming this gen. I stopped after the release of ps4, Xbox one, etc. but, since they dont port cut down versions of games to consoles then I should be ok.
This is the full console game. Yes, they have included optional enhancements and updated character models and filtered backgrounds. But as far as gameplay and content, this will be the game you played way back then... minus the incredibly long loading times!
It is the best discount ever. If you have not seen this great game yet, this is your chance. There is usually news after the big sale, what is it?
Well, I know that FF Awakening was in soft launch, so I bet that's on its way. But, I'm sure we'd all rather see FFVIII pop up on the App Store. Seriously, FFVIII and DQVII are two big ones that I wish we could finally get on iOS.