Ouch! 8 gig? I only have a 16 gig iPad Air lol. Even if I delete all games aside from Crashlands I still don't have enough space. Apple really needs to allow the use of some kind of memory cards. Yet another game I won't be able to get due to space. Oh well, at least I can buy the the PSOne version for my Vita. Still, I'd much rather play it on the bigger iPad Air screen. What a bummer.
finally finish downloading gonna try it now, and be back with some imps. the app icon is really low res or is it just me?
THIS THIS THIS Adventures of Mana is alright, but I didn't buy it just because I knew this was coming soon. This is one of the greatest Final Fantasy games and even rivals FFVII. I've actually bypassed the MB restriction by turning in hotspot and connecting my iPad to download this now instead of waiting until I get home. Even asked my wife to make sure my MFi controller is charged, I hope it works so I can use my Apple TV for some good.
So it's kind of compatible with iPhone 4s and iPad 3rd gen? Has anyone tried it on these? Sadly, with two kids in day care, I can't afford to upgrade.
Yeah I'm suffering the same small memory problem! I'd be quite happy to delete a load of stuff but my phone is not showing it correctly anyway, I've got a 16gb phone, says I've used 11.3gb and have 363mb free. Now I know you never get the "full" amount, but I've just gone through all my apps (with a calculator because I'm sad) and everything on my phone only adds up to 5.8gb including music, photos, messages etc... my own fault for thinking 16gb would be big enough, but I honestly wasn't expecting game sizes to get this big so soon!
Why is it more than twice the size of the PSN version? Upscaling the 3D graphics shouldnt result in higher file sizes, unless they remade the characters and added more polygons to it, which I doubt. Did they rerendered the cut scenes and/or backgrounds in high resolution? Really curious about that. In comparison, FF7 looked really blurry to me due to its low res background images. How is this one?
Oh man, I would love if they gave FF8 the same treatment. Was my first dip into FF and my favourite to this day. Now my problem is, I can't wait to dip into this, but they just fixed Chaos Rings 3 the other day and I've been stuck into that. yyeargh...
Thank you. That's it. If nothing else...this is a "sale" price, whereas AOM will eventually go down a few $$, we can assume. And...for only a few dollars difference, I know that FFIX will be a good 3 times as long as AOM. So..math reasons.
I assume FF8 is somewhere in the pipeline for iOS release and yeah, welcome to iOS or as some call it Backlog Country!
Instabought worth every penny of 16.99 Bye bye free time and my life haha Long download in Progress had to delete some games but oh well worth it!
For 16.99 we might as well all be thieves this is a steal I have the ps original all 4 discs and it's worth more than that