Heard someone mention about it playable on iphone 5, if it's not too lag in worldmap and runable, I really wish to purchase for a copy. Anyone playing it on iphone 5 currently and is it ok?
I'm sorry, but is it just me that's frustrated and a little aggravated when I see people complaining, or hear about people complaining (not just here on TA) about big games, AAA games, graphically intense games, or modern games made for, or optimized for, modern phones, that they don't play on old generation phones? "Will this play on my iPhone from 2 years ago?" The answer is probably no, or not well, or not as well as it would on a newer model phone. A friend of mine asked me if I thought this game would play on his iPhone 4S. I mean, really? C'mon, man.
Two amazing RPGs from SE in a week or two, and neither are Editor's Choice on iPhone App Store. But Apple does hand the Editor's Choice to RPGs like Zodiac. Does anyone at Apple actually play RPGs?!
was playing on my iPad 23 hours in going to qu marsh was level 30 and decided to save and upload it to the cloud so I could download and play later on my phone. well I accidentally press download from cloud so my progress got wiped and started me over from my last previous save which was 18 hours... fml
Oh bad luck I was always afraid of doing that with FF7. While on the subject, do you need to restart the app to get back to the iCloud screen like FF7?
No, I believe there is a "Quit to Title" option in the Config menu. But it's right above the boosts, so be careful you don't accidentally hit those!
oh yeah! it is here in Appstore!! I'm glad to have it on mobile - this FF9 is on of the best in series so far.
They just added Lightning returns to Japan App Store so now I have all three games in the xiii series plus this one to finish good problem to have I am cool with it
I think I must be doing something wrong or missing something, you are lvl30 and 23 hours to Qu Marsh!? I'm at Fossil Roo just after that and I'm about lvl17 and 12 hours in! Do you revisit it or am I missing something quite big!? Also did I just read in a comment above me that Final Fantasy XIII has released on Japan Appstore?
It's been out a couple months now they added the third lightning returns and so now whole series is on Japan App Store. Because of the huge size these games would be its played over a server so you need a very good wifi connection but it only takes up 18MB per game yes MB. For me I have a great wifi and unlimited data so also as long as I'm above 3G good to go too and I'm always above that. It's killer and it's a straight port with the on screen PS3 controls. It's the only way they could make it work because of size it's something square is experimenting with in Japan but dont expect it in the us any time soon. It does include the easy mode as well but it is all in Japanese with no English option so you need to know some Japanese or at least it sure helps.
By the way I still can't find the damn Chocobo lagoon and not sure why I can't pass through the gate to Burmecia
@Dailon80 FFRK still there~ hahaha.. Anyways, really falling in love in all of the OST, especially Melodies of Life~ I just notice that in the world map music there are Melodies of Life slipped in!!! Loving it
Always RK Why stop now I haven't missed a day since it came out! Love the character sprites and making sure I get all the characters haha