Fieldrunners update 1.2v?? When is this update for Fieldrunners going to come out? Anyone got a release date? Didn't they say that it would come out a little bit after the 1.1 and 1.1.1, or what ever those updates were?
Beat me to it, new weapon at new unit at
Hmm, i never got into this, but the anti goo units should add alot i would think. Too bad i havent got the money....
Fieldrunners 1.2 update info... I don't know if this has been posted... but it's news to me. I didn't know they were adding new maps for 1.2!
+1 me too. I've recently been hooked on better games imo, but Fieldrunners was one of the first things I bought from the appstore and maybe this nice update will keep me entertained with it for awhile again. On a sidenote, does anyone know if Subatomic Studios have any more games planned or is Fieldrunners going to be their one hit wonder?
Yea this should get me back into Fieldrunners too. The game is great and all, but after awhile lost its replayability, but this update should hopefully change things.
Fieldrunners was the first game I bought that actually seemed like a real game. There are quite a few gems out now but it was amazing in it's time. And it does it's update the right way. Big content , real substance. That is how I like my updates. Keep em coming