Universal Feral Fury (by Skandivania Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by JoakimFF, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. JoakimFF

    JoakimFF Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Lead programmer at Skandivania Games
    Ok yet again we are sorry for the way the sale was handled, So to prove we are not some evil company trying to screw over our player base, we offer to pay you back the 1 $ difference over Paypal if you bought the game during black Friday until the price drop to .99 on Monday 28/11 if you mail your receipt and Paypal email to [email protected]
  2. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    #242 Shkrbby, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    The thing is people feel cheated because they saw the Black Friday sale and correctly assumed that, as it was a sale, that this was the lowest price point the devs could punt their game at. So it's not unusual for these Black Friday consumers to feel cheated when the price halves in a matter of days. Personally I bought the game at full price as I enjoy supporting hard working independent devs, but I can see the flip side of the coin. However that said, I'm not sure what legal recourse these disappointed consumers have to take against the devs to get their hard earned dollar back.
  3. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    #243 syntheticvoid, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    Personally, I've got no issues with the sale, I paid $4, and I've got more than my money's worth. The game has also received a pretty substantial update post-release, and I'd like to think that the reason they were able to add that content is because people supported them.

    Sales happen. Sales after sales happen. Black Friday isn't always the best time to buy things... It's always a good idea to ask yourself 'if his dropped down to free tomorrow, would I still feel good about paying for it today?' Before you purchase something, especially digitally as pricing can be changed with a couple of mouse clicks, on a whim, for absolutely no reason at all...

    Just that developers like this, who SERIOUSLY listen to the player base and update their games after release without adding IAP are few and far between and should be making you want to support them.

    Maybe I'm so touchy because I create and (try to) sell media myself... Maybe I've just reached the point where I like supporting developers I enjoy... I dunno...

    But seeing a developer who's been so active here on TA get crap from TA members because they took advantage of a regions AppStore feature to try and make a couple more sales before their app drops out of the charts in favor of new games is just... Sad.

    **end** sorry...

    And thank you devs, for the post release support and for tweaking the controls and everything else you've changed/tweaked/added...

    ***maybe it's too early and I shouldn't be posting online...
  4. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    #244 Duke12, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    Good post. Instabought it (admittedly I was betatesting so I knew what I was getting) and this is on my GOTY list so Im not complaining. Lets not turn this to another Apollo Justice thread kkplsthxbai.
  5. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Thanks but no way am I doing this!
  6. JimmyFF

    JimmyFF Active Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Here`s what happened: Feral Fury hasn't been featured by apple anywhere in the world since release. You might think that plenty of coverage from iOS gaming sites all over the world would help counter this, but no, no it doesn't. We`re so far from even breaking even that it`s not even funny. There is no financial gain in working on and adding stuff to this version at all. It`s all done out of love of this game and what we do.
    So, when the Chinese app store suddenly put us on the frontpage during black friday, we had more sales in 2 days then what we`ve had altogether since launch.
    As soon as the sale was over though, and the price increased, sales stopped. This is where we had to act quickly and adjust the price.

    We`re truly sorry if anyone feels cheated, but hope this helps explain what happened at least.
    And as Joakim said, we`re happy to repay you the dollar you lost.
  7. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    What I'm wondering is, why not just 'extend' the Black Friday pricing? You could have been like "Due to the release of our app in the Chinese App Store, we are extending our sale for X days" or whatever. From what you (JimmyFF) just said, you were getting tons of sales at $1.99, then no sales when it went back up to $3.99. Why not just drop it back to $1.99 which had been successful for you? Instead, you decide to drop it even lower. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad as I purchased at $0.99, but I feel like this is something that i'll remember for the future.
  8. JoakimFF

    JoakimFF Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Lead programmer at Skandivania Games
    Well in hindsight its apparent that is what we should have done... To answer your question, we did it because of lack of data. We wanted to see how the lower price range would affect sales. did it work in our favor sales wise? marginally yes, was it worth ticking of existing costumers definitely not.

    I don't think there is much else we can say or do in this matter at the moment, we have tried to be as transparent in the matter as possible. And if that docent regain your trust hopefully our continued support for the game with upcoming expansions will.
  9. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    Great game! Picked it up on the Black Friday sale. Funny how some people get so upset over a measly .99 cents. Must be tough as a dev to deal with such bs on top of everything else when trying to make a living on iOS. Keep up the good work!
  10. wondroushippo

    wondroushippo 👎🏻carter👎🏻
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 4, 2010
    Ex-TA, now I do PR
    San Antonio, TX
    By the way, for anyone feeling cheated about this game going on sale for whatever price, you need some perspective. If this was $199 versus $99, sure, I'd absolutely understand, that's a lot of money. But being mad that you paid a dollar or three more than you would have because the developers put their game on sale in order to try and make some money off of it when they haven't is just poor behavior. Especially when the developers have spent by self-admission too much time updating this game and taking feedback from y'all on a title that hasn't been making a lot of money for them.

    Paid games are a rounding error on the App Store, and frankly any developer making one at this point is doing so for reasons beyond making money, and I'd love to see a little more respect from people toward developers – especially ones who participate in our community – who release paid games without IAP.

    And if you're a person who doesn't feel bummed out about not saving an extra dollar or two, and is happy to support developers making games, well, bravo. Thank you. And thank you to anyone who's spoke up in this thread in defense of reason.
  11. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    All these people complaining about the Black Friday sale, y'all make me sick. These dudes put this game together out of the love of gaming, which is why we are all here. What were you gonna do with that extra dollar? Buy yourself half a hot pocket? Large coke from McDonalds? Bet these are the same people that will shell out $60.00 to a company full of thousands of employees for the same game re-skinned every single year, but can't support an indie dev that is actually RESPONSIVE AND INVOLVED in the community.

    Y'all need to grow up. It's a dollar, get over yourselves.

    Feral Fury is awesome. So are the devs. Period.
  12. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Hear, hear. All this horsesh*t is Exhibit A as to why there will likely never be a Feral Fury 2.
  13. JoakimFF

    JoakimFF Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Lead programmer at Skandivania Games
    Your continued support is heart warming, we cant thank you guys enough.

    While our efforts right now goes to making the game the best it can be,
    I deem it highly unlikely this is the last you will see from the Feral Fury universe.
  14. Shkrbby

    Shkrbby Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Well I paid down the full price point and I personally have no beef with that, as I said I like to support the devs. But that said you have to remember that that lost one dollar is subjective to the individual purchaser. It could be a lot to them.

    Anyway, sweet game and many thanks to the devs.
  15. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    If a dollar means that much to someone, chances are they should probably not be wasting it on the App Store. I understand what you are saying tho, and that's a rational way to approach it, it just frustrates me that everyone wants to jump the devs bones just because of a dollar. I mean come on...
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    If your "too early" posts are like this, then by all means keep posting "too early" all the time! ;) Fantastic post. We go way back Voidster, and I'd totally buy you a 6-pack of beer for that post alone.
  17. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    Thanks a lot but no thanks, I'm not complaining about the price and didn't want anything in return but accept my apologizes and thanks a lot for your wonderful game.
  18. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    Just read me, I'm not an expert in english tongue (not my native) but I thought weird there was a sale for black friday then another one. I bought all my game from appstore the time I would like to play it and no complaining about it. I didn't refund ANY game since it's possible. I explained myself, surely not very clear but I explained and I didn't want any penny back from devs or whatever. This game is pure gem and we can close all that useless conversation. That's the laws of the Appstore and that's all.

    For the time and pleasure already spent on Feral Fury, I could spend 5 or 6 bucks it didn't annoy me.

    The only point I would like to show is that sales then another sales are not a good point but devs here explain their strategy and I apologize to make all this chaos about it. Let's talk about this fantastic game now. I wished I closed my mouth because devs and this game deserve success and my respect.

    Hail to The King of Dual Shooters : Feral Fury
  19. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    And also forgive my bad English
  20. forsakenxe

    forsakenxe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014

    I like to see all the passionate responses from people liking the game, because it shows that the dev did a very good job and it continues to show in that the dev offers to pay out the dollar to people like myself.

    Overall I reiterated my point above and to get so much anger over the simple fact that I disagree with their sale policy (keep in mind nobody knew about the feature in the App Store and thus the reasoning behind the deeper sale) is totally blowing my critic out of proportion. I appreciate the transparency and the refund option and will not take them up on their offer, it's just a dollar. But that still doesn't make my point invalid in any way. Please do not get so outrages over such a simple statement.

    Regards and very good job in communication devs!

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