(Feedback Wanted) BallRoll - Infinity Roller

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Multiple Codes, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. Multiple Codes

    Multiple Codes Active Member

    #1 Multiple Codes, Dec 1, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
    Hi TA,

    My team and I have been working on a simple but fun to play, and hard to master kind of "platformer". We are looking for people to help us test and provide feedback. If you are interested in simple to play but hard to master platformers, then help alongside us, to make a great one for us all to enjoy. If you would like to help out, Please comment here or PM with your Apple ID and I will send you a Testflight build.

    GamePlay Video

    See below game rules and gameplay rules.

    Game Rules
    Endless game with auto-generated content. Constant difficulty with high dynamic gameplay.
    Every session player starts with 3 lives. Game ends when player falls or crushes 3 times.
    Player collects coins (or any other currency) while playing. It appears with low frequency.
    Player can buy items or upgrades in the store by using in-game currency or making in-app purchases.

    Jump and accelerate to avoid obstacles;
    Player collects SC while playing;
    Tap to jump, simple obstacles: gaps, ramps, walls, etc.

    Thanks and help us make a great game by providing feedback-positive or negative haha.


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